Hear me out: KJ Apa as Rand al’Thor | The Modern Hidalgo

he already looks the part, why not use him?
Written: Wednesday. May 6, 2020.

It’s been a while since I actually felt like writing an entry for this on-going journal of mine. I didn’t spin the wheel to see where it lands this time. I just want to type some shit out. I guess maybe I have a lot in my mind that needs flushing out right now, to gain some space.

I’m currently on a Riverdale binge-watching marathon. That’s the major thing that’s been happening these past few days… has it been more than a week? I dunno. I’m still currently in season 3. I never really watched season 2 onward. I kind of dismissed it. But watching it now, I’m regretting that decision, but also kind of happy, in a way. Cause I don’t get to wait for new episodes to come; they’re already at arms length.

I rarely do this — binge-watching. I used to do that a lot before, but I knew better as time went by. Right now, I’m dying to watch what happens next in season 3(I’m only at episode 4). And the only thing keeping me from fully binge-ing the series is either because my head is aching, or I’ve reached my fatigue for the day. I can’t really count how many episodes I watch per day for the past couple of days. Who does that anyway, am I right?

I don’t know what else to say, other than I really like this show. I liked it back when it was still only one season. I don’t really know why I quit. Maybe because I read/watched too much of the early criticisms for season 2. People saying that they don’t like the show anymore, or saying that the show’s jumped the shark already and has gone down hill from season 1; stuff like that, I would see or hear from all over the internet.

The reason why I wanted to go back to watching it is actually pretty random. I’m in the middle of reading the Wheel of Time. And the only actor I visualize in my head whenever I read Rand al’Thor’s character, I think of KJ Apa. And so that lead me to trying to re-watch season 1 all over again to hopefully see if KJ really is a good choice for Rand. And he fucking is, in my honest opinion. He’s got that determined, but also conflicted, energy in him… or at least the character Archie, but still.

I feel like I’ve said this before in a previous entry…

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Anyway, other than Riverdale, I’ve already finished reading Armada by Ernest Cline. It was a disappointing book to read. I had high expectations, but none were ever reached by how the story went. That’s all. Plain and simple.

I’m now reading Madness by Roald Dahl, on the side. Which reminds me to research him once I’m done with this entry of mine.

I haven’t also been reading as much, lately. Watching Riverdale is making me lose focus, and enjoyment, on reading the current books that I’m reading. Think of it like this: my brain is currently hardwired to think about anything Riverdale right now. So whenever I try to read a book — that has a different world and setting — it’s difficult to manage reading it and fully imagining what I’m reading, without Riverdale bombarding 80% of my thoughts.

And I already zone out a lot, anyway. So I dunno. Maybe once I’m done catching up on all of the Riverdale episodes would I finally be able to get back into the world of reading, one hundred percent.

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Besides Riverdale and reading books, I’ve been reading articles from The Aswang Project. I might have said this already, but here’s a recap: I’m reading a lot of Philippine Mythology right now, in order for me to have an amount of knowledge to it once I start making my Epic Fantasy story made in the framework of Philippine Mythology and everything else Pinoy.

I still don’t really know what kind of story I wanna write about, yet. I’m more focused right now on the information; resources. Once I feel like I have enough knowledge to work on, only then will I allow myself to start on the world-building. But if I were to give a bit of an idea as to what I wanna do as an epic fantasy story, I’m leaning towards stories that really resonated with me back in my childhood years. There are a number of stories that I really liked and really stuck with me even now as I’m becoming more of an adult.

I’ll say that these stories may or may not be either from books, cartoons, or even games. That’s up for the future readers to speculate on, once I’ve actually written the goddamn fantasy story.

I would like to say that I would be inspired by these stories. I have internal doubts brewing in my head as to where the line is between “inspired” and “stolen”. I’m definitely gonna set a story having the same framework as those of the ideal stories I’m talking about, but I’m also obviously gonna try my best to add a bit of originality into my work.

Still, you know what they say:
Great Artists Steal.
It may sound profound and taboo, but if you really understand its meaning, its true meaning, then you’d agree with me.

No current idea is an original idea. There are just original takes.

I still have a hundred words to go, but whatever. I’ll stop it here.

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