New things that I’ve done recently | The Modern Hidalgo

among other things.
Written: Monday. May 11, 2020.

I’m greeted by this urge to write today. So let’s take advantage of that.
I’ve developed a strong interest when it comes to Pixel Art. Other people would know it by the Retro art-style that many video games had in the past. The activity of creating an image with little squares, that when you look at it from afar, it looks like something. Pixel Art — I’m interested in it. I’ve been absorbing a lot of it. Getting a taste of its environment. Letting myself be exposed to that kind of art.
*I literally had to jog my head for the word expose. I keep forgetting that word when I need it most.*
That’s what I’ve been doing the past few days, primarily. My head can’t get enough of it. It’s like a virus latched itself into my brain, and it’s there to stay. And it’s hungry for pixels.

I believe that it started when I discovered this pixel artist named Brandon James Greer. But before discovering him, I was already curious with the art-form. I’ve been searching that specific category on instagram for quite some time. I guess it was only a few days ago when I discovered this guy’s pixel artworks, and thought, “damn, this dude’s got an impressive portfolio just on his ig account.

What really sold me to this guy was learning that he has a youtube channel, where he posts videos that are centered on creating pixel artworks, how to make decent pixel artworks, commentaries while showing timelapses of him making pixel art, etc.

I’ve been watching his videos a lot for the past days, and sometimes I’d even repeat a video I’ve already watched, cause I just can’t really wrap my head on it as easily as I should be. It’s like, I guess at this point of my age(21 going 22 in half a month), I’m learning things slower. It’s not natural anymore for me to learn a new skill.

Regardless of that, my determination of reaching some level of expertise in this area of knowledge is quite strong… for now, at least. Though I’m hoping it would stay for longer than usual.

The only lasting habits or interests that I have is both reading and writing… that says a lot that I don’t really have much going on. Not a lot of range when it comes to skill. Not saying that reading and writing is something to look down upon. What I’m saying is that, from my point of view, there comes a moment where you just step back from all of the things that are currently happening, look at yourself from afar, and see that you’re not accomplishing anything other than creating fictional worlds coming from your head… or reading about fictional worlds that came from other people’s heads. The point I wanna make here is that I’m not certainly satisfied with just reading and writing. There has to be a third hobby.

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I’ve caught up with all Riverdale episodes. I’ve spent too many days binge-watching this show. Now that I’m done with it, I can probably return to my usual routine. Sort of. The pixel art sessions will take up a large amount of my time, just in general. Time flies when you’re making art. Like, literally. I always don’t notice it, but a lot of hours seem to go by like minutes. It’s crazy.

About Riverdale, I really like the show as a whole. Each season feels equal; it feels balanced. Binge-watching episodes alone should be a clear sign that this kind of series really resonates with me. I like consuming it. I like living in these types of worlds. I like high-school dramas and cafeteria politics. I’m literally writing a story based on my own high school years, so that’s how much I like these kinds of stories.

Maybe cause of the John Hughes vibes it gives. The high-school, coming of age type of story. You get a lot from it. Nostalgia, thrill, mystery, suspense, whatever. I like eating it all up.

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I haven’t been reading as much. I read one chapter in the morning, and totally neglect trying to read another cause I’ll be busy watching another episode of Riverdale. But since I’ve finished watching all there is to watch, I could go back to working out, reading more, and researching about Philippine Mythology, which I’ve forgotten about in the past few days.

I dunno, I feel like my progress is turning out slow for the night sessions I have on researching Philippine Mythology. For one thing, I dunno what I’m trying to find. I’m caught in a loop. Sure, there’re a lot of mythology to read about when it comes to the Philippines, but there isn’t really a directory of sorts or an arrangement to these things, these information, that I don’t know what to look for. I don’t know what’s there to discover. I sort of have an idea as to where I wanna go (story-wise), but that’s supposed to be influenced by the amount of knowledge I actually have on Phil Myth. I can’t just create a setting and add the Phil Myth elements later as I discover them…

Or can I?

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I really don’t enjoy writing about The Omnivault anymore. I don’t find satisfaction in having to do one chapter every week on it. It’s a burden, at this point. I’ll probably put this story on hold for a long while once I’m fucking done with the damn thing. I just don’t want to quit on it, is all. I’ve always been quitting on stuff, like all the time. And it’s getting kind of irritating how I can’t commit to a fucking project and see it through to the end. That’s why this will be my vow to fucking finish The Omnivault at all cost.

If I fail to commit to finishing the damn thing, then I’m a fool. My biggest guess is that because of the way I’m going about doing this story — the style in which I chose in order to do it — is what’s causing me to become lazy with that story.

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