Inner Machinations: Entry_001.

Written: Wednesday. June 3, 2020.

I’m 22 years old now. A new year, new age, new world, even. My hair is 4 months long. The last time I went to a barber was back in January 30 or 31. My hair wasn’t even that long yet, but my friend insisted on having a hair cut with him before we ventured off to Batangas. Different story.

This is the first of another season of journal entries. The first one being titled “The Modern Hidalgo”. The reasoning for that was sort of because I had currently been obsessed and infatuated with the meaning of my last name, ‘Hidalgo’. For those that don’t know, quick background to the name is that Hidalgos were nobles. It was a french title given to those in the nobility class, which means one of the highest social classes during the olden times when titles were still relevant. I had this idea in my head of ‘what does it mean to be a hidalgo in this day and age?’. Hence the making of the self proclaimed “The Modern Hidalgo” title. What does it mean to be a Modern Hidalgo?

But the journal doesn’t really have anything connected to that preface. It’s just a journal of a person who happens to have the Hidalgo title, which was spelled fidalgo back then. I dunno why. F for French?

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My birthday was yesterday. Not a lot of people really greeted me. As expected, and planned. Facebook has an easy way of notifying you when a person’s birthday is. So whether you really know the people that you know in real life as close or just as a casual “I know this dude from another dude that I know”, then odds are, you greet people on their birthdays regardless of if you’re close to them; and also regardless of “if you didn’t see their birthdays shown of Facebook, would you still have remembered?”. That’s the purpose as to why I decided to level the playing field, and remove my birthday on my profile. So nobody really greeted me beyond my close circle of friends and relatives. That’s a simple way to know who the real people are in your life. And it gives you more satisfaction and self assurance to how you currently stand in other people’s lives.

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I recently discovered that Baron Munchausen is actually based off of a real person in the 1700s. Basically the same person, and also completely different from one another. The real Munchausen was a retired soldier who told tall tales to his contemporaries as similar to someone who would tell a story as if it actually occurred. His tales simply were an exaggerated level of what actually happened, and no one could really tell if he was bullshitting you or actually telling the truth cause he truly believes everything that comes out of his mouth. Either way, truth or fabrication, his tall tales make for good entertainment.

The fictional Baron Munchausen is on the same framework as the real Munchausen, only that his tales are to be taken in multi-layered levels of belief. His tales are more accustomed to supernatural occurrences, and someone who hears his tales would either treat it as fiction or treat it as something that really did happen, since the way and fashion of how Munchausen tells his tales is again, in a similar way as to how a normal person would tell something that happened to them in actuality. And so there appears this fine line between reality and fiction which makes his tales so entertaining to hear. Is he out of his mind, or did he truly travel to the moon? Does it even matter if you are completely entertained?

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A friend gave me a gift for my birthday yesterday, and I’ve failed to give her a gift on hers. Mainly because of the Covid situation. Yet she was able to find a way to still make that happen, and I’m dumb and didn’t even think of trying out e-books. I mean the reason to that is probably because I already had an actual book prepared to give to her, but again: Covid.

She gave me a copy of The Long Walk by Stephen King. My natural thought would be to tell her that I would’ve preferred Salem’s Lot, because that was next to Carrie, which I’ve recently just finished, but at the time, I didn’t even know why she was asking me if The Long Walk was any good. I really thought she was just asking for the sake of asking, and maybe because she was asking me about Stephen King cause I’ve read a few Stephen King books, and that she was probably wanting to read up on his work or whatever.

But damn, I was caught off guard with that surprise gift.

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I’m planning on making a game. Or an app. An educational-based application, using the power of pixel art or retro-gaming. I think it would be an effective way to balance out education with entertainment. I’ve always been fascinated with Gamification. I’ve been using Habitica for 2 years now, and my life moves to that flow ever since.

So if I could find a way to mesh these two facets together, I’ll be able to give young people the education they need, that most schools don’t even begin to think about. Plus, I can never play Jumpstart anymore, so why not make my own version of that?

The project’s still on its infancy, but I wanna get to a point where it’s like Kurzgesagt or Crash Course, or Vox or Verge. Informative videos, and/or Gamifiers…if that’s a word.

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This has been the first of another hundred journal entries. I don’t know what’s to come. I noticed that in the prior season of the journal, I would often say things so that I would hopefully get to do them. Or rather write it down to make it happen. Cause of the phrase ‘So it is written, so it shall be done’. I wanna do the complete opposite of that for now.

I won’t say, until I do.

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