Inner Machinations: Entry_002.

Written: Monday. June 15, 2020.

You’re writing this now, because you’ve finally figured out how to handle your life. Or at least, this is how you think your life can be solved. By writing it down. Writing down your life. It’s the poetic irony of your existence.

See, you’ve been writing down every single thing you want to get done in your life. This is your life’s work. The planning stage, that is. This is planning process. The excessive designing of blueprints. The countless efforts of putting out ideas. This isn’t entirely square one, but how else would you explain to your future self when you started this thing out?

There are 7 main things you’ve written down. 7 things that encapsulate what you truly want to get done once the time is up. It’s not that there are only 7 things you want to do. This is just the start. You might end up adding more to the list, but we’ll keep it at 7 for now. And the 7 doesn’t mean anything. It’s just a number. There are literally a hundred more things that you want to get done. It’s just that you were able to group them into 7. The lucky number 7. Good God, let thy be lucky.

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First Main Thing: Become an accomplished Writer.

Second Main Thing: Develop your own Game.

Third Main Thing: Be able to Direct an Awesome Movie.

Fourth Main Thing: Become and Artist and/or Animator.

Fifth Main Thing: Be able to create your own music.

Sixth Main Thing: To become famous on Youtube, in any way, shape, or form.

Seventh Main Thing: To Travel the World.

These are the 7 things. And it’s basic.
Generally, you wanna start with writing and making art. Film is a tangent to Writing. Game Development is a tangent to making art. Music can be optional, but having said that, should be a testament to how you underestimate the work that’s coming before you. Travel will happen eventually down the road. Youtube, well, you’re technically on hold for now, cause of the Adsense problem you’re in the middle of right now.

But, you will be organizing all of what you’ve plotted out in the next coming days. You’ll be making videos about it and posting it on your channel. But you’ll never publish it in public, until the day comes that your work is finished…or when you’ve reached a checkpoint that will allow you to publish what you’ve planned out.

What I suggest (urge and recommend) is that you don’t publicly post it at all, until the time limit has come and gone.

You literally have nothing else to say right now in this journal about the things you’ll be doing, cause you’ll be doing that separately later. For now, I’ll be returning to the usual stuff I write down in the journal…

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I’m still reading The Dragon Reborn by Robert Jordan. A little bit of Madness by Roald Dahl, if I decide to switch out on it — also to be reading two books at a time to get through the TBRs faster. I’ve been reading more than the previous time I did an entry. I haven’t really done any new pixel artworks yet. Yet. Emphasis on that, cause I’ll be sure to go back to it once I have everything processed out.

I think I might be taking notes on the previous daily schedule of yester-journal’s tactics. That means, I’ll be recognizing the Monday=Books, Tuesday=Games, etc. type of workflow for every week. But I might change it up a bit.

“Thursday = Productivity” will be a mix of “Workout”, “Writing a Journal Entry”, and anything else that falls into the category.

“Friday = Wild Card” will be Art Day. But still could be a little bit of anything that falls into that category.

“Saturday = Films” will be a day where I watch a movie that’s been waiting to be watched inside of the movie folder that I have collecting dust in my laptop’s storage. So…

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In terms of something new, outside of the 10-year time limit challenge thing that I’ve got myself into, I started reading Conan The Barbarian Comics. The Marvel one. It’s interesting so far. I sort of just let myself consume it as I go along. It doesn’t really take that much effort to understand what’s happening, and I think that’s what’s intended when reading about Conan stories. The way things happen in the story just go way out of proportion. But it’s so epic and awesome and legendary that I could care less what happens in the story. I just wanna see it unfold, is where my head’s at right now on it. And it’ll help with learning a thing or two that could guide me through writing fantasy.

I’ve been binge-watching Sword Art Online. I think I know where my heads at when it comes to what I truly fear. And that’s having to do with “Real Stakes”. I loved Battle Royale because you really feel a tremendous amount of weight to the deaths that occur within the story. The deaths matter. It’s a fictional story, but what happens in it is just the same as if it were actually real.

I cry my eyes out whenever I watch Rue’s death in the Hunger Games, and seeing her home-district start a riot after seeing her death being broadcast in the monitors. That’s too real, and we see it everyday hiding in plain sight. Hiding in our newspapers or whatever news channel you’re on.

I find myself broken whenever I see Ryan Gosling’s Neil Armstrong throw away his daughter Karen’s bracelet. It’s the sign of closure that’s pushed him to achieving the goal of fulfilling the American Dream, which is to fly to the moon and stick a flag in it and point middle fingers to the Russians for even trying to race. It’s more personal than that, though; Damien Chazelle’s First Man makes it so.

When the mortality rate is getting higher and being given more focus, that’s when you stop trying. It’s when you start doing. And do everything in your power to reach the finish line. You give it your all. That’s how you survive. That’s how you beat the game. That’s how you win.

All that can be said for Sword Art Online. All that can also be said for life.

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