Inner Machinations: Entry_003.

Written: Thursday. June 25, 2020.

I’m taking a different method with this journal entry, and maybe for the following as well. I’m going to read the last entry before tackling another one, just to avoid repeating topics.

The last few entries within the first season of the journal (THE MODERN HIDALGO) had this problem: I kept on repeating the subject on “KJ Apa being my fan-cast to the character of Rand al’Thor”, and never noticed it, because I rarely looked back on previous entries, unless I needed to re-edit them and then fine-tune the grammar errors in it. So there’s that.

Also, I’ll be jotting down first what I usually say in the journal, like current books I’m reading, etc. just to give leeway for other topics that I wanna get written down. This is a journal, after all. The purpose is to find yourself in a different position as much as possible from where you were last on. So here are the things that need to get out of the way:

Books I’m currently reading: The Dragon Reborn by Robert Jordan & The War of the Worlds by H.G. Wells.

I’m not much for liking old-style prose, especially from sci-fi writers. And this is regardless of the quality of given ranking in their supposed genre-field of expertise. That being said, I’m reading The War of the Worlds with precaution. I don’t wanna fall in the same hole with this one. I hope I don’t.

I’ve caught up with Season 3 of Sword Art Online.

It had a good premise, but ultimately fell short when they decided to do that arc for the whole season. Season 1 had two arcs: SAO and ALO. Season 2 had 2 arcs as well: GGO and the side quests (which I didn’t bother watching cause it’s… a side quest). Season 3 was all about Alicization. And I feel like Season 3: Part II (yes, they went that route) is gonna be boring, cause Kirito is asleep or in a coma the whole season — cause his fluctlights were damaged due to the Turtle island being raided by members of the Laughing Coffin (I think). Plus, season 3 part 2 hasn’t fully been aired yet, so I’ll probably still end up watching it once they do air it.

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Things that are new/haven’t been talked about:
Watched Ruby Sparks last Saturday, and took days to fully get out of the movie’s blues.

I followed through with what I said last entry, about watching a movie every Saturday to finally start removing movies off of my laptop. The ending of the movie truly fixed and broke me at the same time. I can’t believe a movie like this exists, where the character’s actually live happily ever after in the end. That rarely happens nowadays.

Take “Her” for example. That movie doesn’t end well. It’s melancholy. Ruby Sparks, however, you’ll definitely feel good (but also still a bit down, I don’t know why. It’s just how you’ll be after watching this), cause when you search up the movie in Wikipedia (which you definitely will, I promise you), you’ll notice that *spoiler warning* Zoe Kazan, who played Ruby in the movie, actually wrote the script for Ruby Sparks. “But the movie is about a guy writing her into existence…?” That’s exactly what I’m trying to point out here!

In reality, Zoe was the one who wrote this story (screenplay). And she wrote it with both her and Paul Dano in mind for the script. Because lo and behold, THEY ARE MARRIED IN REAL LIFE, BABY!!!… Or at least have been in a relationship for a decade or so, and have a child together. In their wiki page, it says that they’ve “been in a relationship for…” but never the actual “have been married to…”, so that part’s a bit unclear. But damn. That’s peak COUPLE GOALS right there.

I finished reading Madness by Roald Dahl.

Wasn’t that solid of a short story compilation. I didn’t like the arrangement and also one or two of the short stories within the ten that are in this book. I suppose I liked “The Landlady”, “Pig”, and “The Sound Machine”. I’m definitely gonna buy the other compilations. At this point, it shouldn’t be a surprise that that’s what I’ll do. I can’t judge Dahl’s prose over one book. I have to read all of the other compilations before I give my final verdict on him.

The pixel art-making scenario of my day-to-day life is going smoothly.

Much like making Saturdays a day for writing a chapter in “The Omnivault”, and watching a movie, Fridays are when I get down to business and make pixel art. I successfully did that for last Friday, which resulted in me gaining about 800+ up-votes on Reddit, which is a milestone for me at this point in my career. I would’ve never guessed that that piece would get that many likes. But then again, viral videos are never planned. It’s just circumstantial.

I’ve actually been doing a lot of pixel art related stuff in the past few days, even if I didn’t task myself in doing so. I did a thing back in Tuesday, I think. And posted that one on my IG. Also did one yesterday, which I posted on my IG as well, which gained a lot of likes (more likes than usual), cause of this one Pixel Artist (toadinspace) on IG who follows me and likes the Pixel Mario artworks (Paper Mario demakes) that I make. I didn’t anticipate for people to be liking it and following my IG just because someone shared my stuff on their IG story. This was the first instance that that happened, so I dunno what to feel about it.

I also just have a hard time in general, when coping with things that are objectively positive, cause I’ve gotten so used to bad stuff happening in my life, that when the good stuff happens, I’m like “What is this?”, You know?

I’m watching Attack on Titan again.

It’s the natural next thing after watching Sword Art Online. I prefer watching dubbed anime, fight me. It’s not like I don’t watch subbed anime. I do, but I really favor watching anime with English dubbing cause it’s just easier. And some dubs are actually good. I get to feel the emotional impact a little bit more, than when trying to watch an anime while having to read subtitles. It’s a wasteful effort to defend myself here. But I just had to say my thoughts regarding that, cause a lot of people would just look the other way on these scenarios.

I haven’t caught up with Attack on Titan, too. Much like the situation with Sword Art Online. I only really got to watch the first seasons, and never bothered watching some more, cause I got busy doing other stuff. But now that I’m sort of getting my shit together (for real this time), I could finally allow myself to get back on track with watching anime. I used to watch a lot back in High-school. I just fell out of it cause maybe there was no one that I knew in college that appreciated watching anime. Or because there were so many at my college, that I kind of saw the weird-side of it, and decided, “nah…”. But right now, since I’ve ultimately isolated myself from having to deal with social interactions (also Covid), there’s nothing holding me back now. I can finally start watching a lot of anime in my spare time again.

Spare time”, lol. That’s a good one.

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