Inner Machinations: Entry_006.

Written: Thursday. July 16, 2020.

There’s not a lot of memorable stuff that happened this time around, but a lot of things have happened. Some new developments have been made, and I’m slowly getting more shit done within the week. But still feel like I could be doing more (and that’s a good thing).

Current Books Reading: The Shadow Rising by Robert Jordan & Moymoy Lulumboy 1 by Segundo Matias Jr.

Technically, I just finished reading The Dragon Reborn awhile ago, and literally only took out the 4th Wheel of Time book from the shelf in order to read after this. So I haven’t read anything from it yet. But soon, I will be. The third book was significantly a better read than the first two books. Though the story structure is somewhat still the same. The group divides itself into separate smaller groups. We get to read about alternating story-lines about these characters trying to get to one place and then another, but still ultimately finding themselves in the same place all together at the very end of the book. Rand kills the Dark One, but the war isn’t over. It has only begun. That’s been the structure to the first three books so far, as I’ve noticed. They are significantly similar. Significantly similar.

And why does the Dark One always only appear when the final battle is about to begin? Where was he the whole book? We don’t get to read about the points of view of the antagonists that much here in the Wheel of Time. But I guess that’s Jordan’s style. I like most of it, anyway. Still feel like it could be trimmed down to at least a tee.

Moymoy Lulumboy 1 is starting to really grow on me, both in good and bad ways. Good, because it’s got a good amount of world-building and lore that I really enjoy reading. Bad, because I think the “Tagalog” aspect of how it is written is rubbing on me. I don’t like it.

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Movies I watched last weekend: Hourglass Sanatorium and Year One.

Hourglass Sanatorium is probably the weirdest movie I’ve ever seen. It’s weirder than The Room. Thought technically, The Room was a comedy, so it came out as a funny movie. The Hourglass Sanatorium was like an Art-House movie that made no sense, but also felt like I understood every single detail about it. It’s just that my brain can’t think of words on how to properly explain what the movie is about. That’s how weird and random that movie was to me. It’s not an English movie, as well. It was in a different language. But even if this was an English movie, I don’t think it would’ve helped. It was a good movie. I just wish I knew what the fuck I just watched.

For Year One, it’s sort of just a fun and passable movie to watch. I kind of forgot if it was actually a good movie. Turned out to be mediocre at best. I wanted to watch it cause I vaguely remembered it to have a lot of sexy and inappropriate scenes in it — but no. It had like one or two, and I was disappointed after watching it. Could’ve watched something else.

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I cleaned up, backed up, and deleted, a lot of stuff.

This was all in preparation for getting back to the Youtube Game. I previously discussed that my Adsense account was now officially gonna be able to give me money once I reached the $100 quota. So,

I’m back to making videos on my Youtube Channel!

Yes, my friend. I’m back at it again. This time, I used both of my DSLR cameras instead of using the old Phone Camera for recording videos. It still feels difficult, cause I can’t see myself all the time when I’m recording. But I kind of just went with it this time. I also marathon-watched a bunch of my old videos, and that really got me back to making videos again. I noticed that the last five videos I shot were so shitty in quality, that it must’ve been the reason as to why I stopped for a while in the first place.

But the other older videos before the last five were actually quite good. You know why? Because I was actually using the DSLR’s built-in microphone for recording my audio. That’s right. I finally only realized that going the DSLR route really is just generally a better choice to make when making videos. Plus,

I can now edit videos on my Laptop, with ease this time.

I’m sort of on a roll with this new found strength of “just saying ‘fuck it’”, and it has really gotten me to just do stuff on the fly. I make better choices now. Or at least, less-worried choices, cause I don’t worry much on the results of my actions anymore. But not totally. There’s still that percent in me that wants to take a step back first and look at things at a distance. But also, pair that with the energy of just letting myself be at ease with what I do from here.

Take for example my new found interest on Pixel Art (it won’t be new-found once I reach like a year or a half of doing pixel art. But till then, it’s new-found). I allow myself to tackle stuff even if its challenging my comfort zone a little or a lot. And because I’ve been mostly prolific in producing new pixel art every other day, I am like slowly seeing the progress that I’m making. I’m seeing the fruits of my labor, through the tremendous increase of my IG followers.

Going back to the topic, I recently installed Adobe Premiere Pro CC 2017 on my laptop (which is what I’m using right now), and I sort of had a hard time with figuring out how to crack the 7-day trial bullshit from it. I’ve done so, but I still feel like it’s gonna bite me in the ass after the 7 day trial. Like there’s that unnerving feeling of uncertainty in me, thinking that I haven’t truly cracked the software, which I honestly guiltily pirated off from the internet… In other news:

SIAMES the Band liked my pixel art!

notice that these are three artworks, instead of two. That’s because I re-edited this entry a few later.

Yeah, just a quick story. I decided to make a pixel art version of each of the animated music videos from SIAMES. And I’ve done two so far. Gonna do the third one tomorrow to complete the package. But so far, the lead vocalist of the band literally liked both of my pixel fan art of their songs! That’s fucking amazing! I don’t get acknowledged that often. And to top it all off:

Brandon James Greer replied to my DM!

He’s the reason why I started making pixel art. He’s an idol. A lower god amongst men. And him replying to me made that slightly go away, but I still respect and idolize him through and through.

Anyway, I commented on one of his IG stories, about people basically copying his style. I noticed a lot of copy cats very early on, and decided that if I was to really get the hang of making pixel art, I should never try to copy Brandon’s style point-to-point. I’m definitely inspired, but not in such a way that I basically copy and paste his design or style.

I gave him a long message saying that it do be like that sometimes, and he replied, “You’re right, it just do be like that sometimes”. Made my day, honestly.
If you’re inspired by someone, don’t copy them.

Learn from them.
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