Inner Machinations: Entry_007.

Written: Thursday. July 23, 2020.

Books I’m Currently Reading: The Shadow Rising by Robert Jordan & Moymoy Lulumboy 1 by Segundo Matias Jr.

I’m slow and steady on the Wheel of Time marathon (not really a marathon, more of a focused back-to-back reading of the whole series, added with a side-piece book to keep the sanity straight, cause this fucking series is massive). The Shadow Rising is interesting so far. But I’m really bad with detail, so when some name is mentioned, my brain has a hard time trying to remember which character it was, and why they’re relevant to the story. I mean, the Wheel of Time is 15 books in total…that we could actually read in real life, since the series even has its own books and lore inside of the world. So it’s mind-blowing to think about, but also exhausting at times. I still generally want to know what happens all-throughout the series, but man, it’s heavy work.

As for Moymoy Lulumboy, I think I’m falling short on it. I’m starting to hate that this story was written in Tagalog. If this was written in English, maybe a lot more people would give it a chance. I’m even considering not picking up the other books after this. I’m not done reading the first book, so my decision isn’t final yet.

And is this book really for kids? It could at least be for Young Adults, cause there are a lot of gore-factor scenes being described in the story. And the plot is especially gore-driven. So, again, this is already a series of 6 or 7 books (I dunno, too lazy to fact-check). I just don’t know where the story is gonna take me right now.

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Movies I watched Last Weekend: Things To Come & Gone Girl.

Things To Come is a black and white movie from the 1930s. The fucking 30s! It’s ridiculously freaky how some writers really had a premonition on where society, technology, and everything else, will go from where they were. These authors were predicting shit here and there. It’s not very accurate, but the gist was there. Things To Come were definitely the Things That Came, and some are still coming.

For Gone Girl, I wanted to watch a David Fincher movie that weekend (plus just hear the Trent Reznor and Atticus Ross soundtrack). And I did. He really like mystery and detective movies. It’s like his most defining genre to his film career. Seven, Zodiac, The Girl with the Dragon Tattoo, and then Gone Girl was his last. He’s got a new movie coming to Netflix, and MindHunter already has two seasons, I think. I haven’t really finished watching the series. Got a lot of shows that I’d honestly rather watch. Which brings me to…

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Shows I’m currently watching: Brooklyn Nine Nine & Voltes V.

I could add The Twilight Zone (Original Series) here, but since I haven’t really been consistent on re-watching it after just finishing watching the whole series at least once, I’m not gonna put it on the Bold Title thingy at the top of this descript-thingy.

Brooklyn Nine Nine is an amazing show. I can’t get enough of it. I’m already about to finish the third season. I probably watch like 6 episodes per day. I might finish the series this week. We’ll see how that fairs well.

I’m at the point of the series where Melissa Fumero is undoubtedly trying to hide her pregnancy. I read something about the writers writing her pregnancy in the series, but I didn’t want to read too much of it. I’ll know once I get to season 7. Is there gonna be a season 8? We’ll see.

As for Voltes V, I’m almost done watching it. (I literally realized that I forgot to download the other Daimos episodes I haven’t downloaded yet. Fuck. I’ll download one right now.) I think also the main reason as to why I stopped downloading the other episodes of Daimos was because of how fucking annoying the download was. It kept on stopping, cause of internet connection. Anyway,

Voltes V is honestly amazing. It’s got a good plot, I’m surprised. I can’t wait to finish watching it. I’ll give my thoughts on it next week, probably.

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I’m Getting Lazy; Today Wasn’t Productive.

I might’ve even forgot to do this entry if I didn’t check my Habitica app. So here’s the explanation: I think it’s because I’m not getting any exercise done. I haven’t lifted any weights since *looking through my year planner* the 8th of May. So it’s been 2 months and more. The only thing I’ve been lifting is my fat ass.

Other than that, I just don’t feel like I’ve been productive, especially today. Today’s Productivity Day, so I’m supposed to do a lot of productivity-related stuff. I’ll list down what I’ve done so far today:
  • Edit a video for my YouTube Channel.
  • Post a video on my Second Channel.
  • Read at least 2 chapters from Moymoy Lulumboy.
Those are the only productive-related things I’ve done today. It’s 8:52 PM.

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The Other Days Have Been Impressively Productive, Though.

On Monday, I recorded something for a new video. So that’s a hell of a productive thing that I’ve done. I’m sticking to a schedule this time around. A new video is posted every Tuesday and Friday. So this midnight, there’s a new video coming to my channel that people could watch. I’m also changing it up with the uploads. I think I’ve said it in the previous entry, but here’s me telling it to you again:

I post one META video, then one MONEY video. It’s simple enough to understand, no need to sugar coat it. The META videos are videos pertaining to my interests. The MONEY videos are videos pertaining to just interests in general. The result are not showing yet since I’ve only started on it. But maybe a few weeks or a month from now, I’ll be seeing a difference in the algorithm. I hope I get to see any difference.

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I Think My Weakest Performance Right Now Is My Writing Habit.

I’m literally only writing a journal entry per week this time around, and kinda wanna stick to that for at least a total of 50 entries. I’m only writing when I’m writing The Omnivault. And new ideas for stories come very rarely these days. But the good news is that my mind has been focused on coming up with new ideas for videos to post on my Youtube Channel. So it’s still a win.

I just want to balance it out. I wanna be able to write more and come up with more ideas…maybe I should go back to reading Philippine Mythology…

I did write down this one world-building thing for a potential fantasy story. It concerns the Ring of Fire, and I’m not gonna talk about it here. People might steal the idea :)

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