Inner Machinations: Entry_016.

Written: Monday. September 28, 2020.

I’m doing well these past few days. I’ve been reading a lot, and working on my Blogspot account. I’ve been exercising excessively (but just in the right enough amount). And I’ve got a new idea that I’m currently working on.

It came to me like an avalanche as I was taking a bath (which is where most of my ideas come from). It took a few hours to really get the idea to soak itself inside my head. I literally had to sleep on it (just a power nap), and once I woke up, I decided to record myself talking about the idea. Because at that point, the idea was really occupying my whole brain. I couldn’t get myself to think of anything else, so I had to get it out, even though it wasn’t entirely solid yet.

Right now, I’ve started the idea. It’s now a project that I’ll be working on for a month. Within a month, I have to come up with a solid game; a text-adventure game, per se. I’m in my element, and I’m gonna face this thing head-on.

I finished reading Shadow Rising by Robert Jordan, and am now reading The Fires of Heaven.

Oh, and David & I had another video call last night (Sunday). Not much to talk about from that conversation, really.

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Written: Tuesday. September 29, 2020.

I’m starting to doubt if I should pursue Not blogging in general. I’m definitely gonna pursue that. No, I’m talking about, the website. This is a free website, and it shows, cause you’re very much limited to a few options when it comes to customization.

When I search blogs from, I don’t get to. Because there are all these other blogging websites out there: Wix, Wordpress, Medium, etc.

I’m only pursuing this for now, because it’s only been like a month of me fidgeting around it. I’ve done two requests for being monetized, and I’ve been declined both times so far. I’m keeping my head up, cause I’ve got five months to improve on my blog. I read that one of the things you need to do in order for you blog to get monetized by Adsense is that the blog has to be 6 months old. Technically, my blog has existed since December of 2012. But also technically, I haven’t been active with that blog until only a few weeks ago.

So, I’m gonna remain in this lane for 5 more months. That’s September to March. Long way to go.

No big deal. There’s still a pandemic. I’m still gaining a few cents everyday on my YouTube channel. And I’ve still got a text-adventure game to finish. I also feel like this is still the right time to exercise my blogging muscles. So whether I still don’t get monetized after March, I would’ve at least gained experience, and will apply those experiences in the next website I use. I mean, I’m still using, but that website doesn’t allow me to profit off of my blogs/articles, cause I live in the Philippines, and they don’t support this country yet in their partnership program (or ever).

It’s weird to talk about updates on my text-adventure game here on the journal…so I won’t.

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Written: Thursday. October 1, 2020.

I’ve dismissed this journal in my head, so as to give room to the text-adventure game I’m working on.

It’s called Omnia I. There’s probably gonna be a II and a III in the future, depending on how the first one goes. I find that I’m starting to write shorter paragraphs. This is definitely caused by the game I’m writing. I have to avoid writing too long, cause that might make the player lose focus or bored.

I’m definitely less enthused with the game project right now, than I did five days ago. It’s a big project. It’s tedious work, but I’m also learning new stuff and feel like I’m improving in my writing as well (and I’m also actively trying to improve on it, cause the game sort of makes me lean towards having to write better paragraphs or narrations).

I’m definitely more focused than I ever have been before. The only thing I could think about is the game project, and maybe a few other mundane things, like watching shows or playing games on my phone.

I put a copy of Tekken 6 on my phone, and most of today was spent with me playing Tekken. It’s an addictive game, especially when I’m actually trying to get good at playing it. I’ve played the game before, but never to learn the combos or play the story-lines of each character. But I feel like right now, I’m gonna play the game in its entirety. It’s also a good way for me to remain sane, cause the game project is probably gonna make me explode as each day passes, if I only focus on that the whole day.

But there’s also this voice inside me saying that I should do more and write more and focus more on the game project so that once 30 days have passed, I’d have made a decent game that can be played multiple times.

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