Old Omens: Journal Entry #001

Written: Friday. August 6, 2021.

It's been a while since I've "type" written a journal series like this new series that you're seeing right now. It's been a couple of months. I assume that the last time I did one of these was way back in January of this year...? Maybe. Who knows.

I wanted to start another journal series because I've gotten tired of writing in the traditional sense. Specifically writing my thoughts with pen and paper. I just feel like it's such a task to do, that rarely do I get to actually get to write a whole lot of stuff that's been going on in my head. Mainly because my hand literally gets tired so easily, that I don't get to further write anything. And also maybe because the setting up part of that whole thing takes a lot of steps to get to the actual act of sitting down to write shit. It's just a lot of work, and it's time for a change of pacing, or however that phrase goes.

It's sort of poetic right now, cause I'm listening to lofi hip hop radio while I'm writing this entry down. That's what I did when I started the first series (The Modern Hidalgo). And now, I'm doing it again for this third series.

So about the weird title—it's basically just an anagram of my first and second name. Don Elmo = Old Omen. It's not necessarily meant to mean anything complex. I guess I just picked that one cause I can't think of anything else that would be fitting. So, you know, as always, just fuck it.

I've also been reading the first series again, actually. I read the second entry just awhile ago, and I would say that my writing prowess holds up. I definitely still have the same type of writing style that I had back then. One of the main reasons why I wanted to start this new journal series is because I've noticed that I haven't been writing as much lately anymore. Haven't been writing journals and stories altogether. I've mainly been focused on writing for scripts that I'd be VO-ing for a video on my YouTube Channel. And there's been nothing else, really, beyond just that.

Now, I'm gonna try to get back on track of things; on track of how things were back in the first series, I guess. Cause what I did there was that I started writing journal entries non-stop; literally wrote a one-thousand word count journal entry every—well not every single day—every day of the week, except for Sundays, because my mindset back then was that Sunday was God's rest day, and that I too had to do a day of rest on the same day...

That's no longer gonna be the case here. I'm gonna be writing the hell out of this journal series this time around. No more rest days. No more chill time. It's do or die. So I'm warning the people who'll be reading this specific series in the future: DON'T EXPECT EVERY ENTRY TO BE HIGH QUALITY JOURNAL ENTRIES. Just don't. Cause the focus of this series this time around is not to have good entries. It's to have a consistency. It's "writing for the sake of writing" mentality, which is kind of what I went for in the first series; not so much for the second series.

And honestly, I really need it right now, cause I've been doing nothing so far compared to the last 3 years of my life. Those three years—okay, let's maybe not include 2020, cause that year was the start of the pandemic and whatever—were the most productive I've ever been. I started falling out of it when the pandemic started last year, but even back then, I was pumping out journal entries for the second season once every week, and I still hadn't finished writing my first full-length novel back then, so I was also dealing with that back in 2020.

2021 really has just been a roller-coaster of a ride so far, and it's only August. From January to February, those months were really great for me, and for my YouTube Channel, cause those were the months when I was racking up a lot of views, subscribers, & money from all of the Voltes V Legacy videos that I was putting out at the time. By the time March came around, that month was a mixture of mental stress and the solidification of my success. I went through a lot of shit when I was dealing with the paperwork for getting the revenue that my Channel was gaining, but also once that was dealt with, I then rewarded myself with a new Tablet that I would use for productivity, and a Nintendo Switch Lite w/ Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild.

April, May, June, and July are months that I have no recollection of, and it's only the sixth of August. But yeah, within those four months, nothing really happened. I was stuck in this time-loop situation. And right now, I'm trying to get out of that. April, I basically wasted that month for playing my new Handheld. May and June, again, just racking my brain for specific events—I cannot think of anything that happened within those months. Maybe because these were the months where I was so upset that my Voltes V-related videos weren't getting revenue anymore because I got copyrighted by Telesuccess. July was sort of the month when I got back into making videos, or at least tried to find a replacement topic for the unfortunate Voltes V fad.

Right now, as I enter the month August, I'm still in the state of trying to find what topic to make videos out of. I actually do have a topic in mind, and that's Tokusatsu shows. I'm in the process of watching every single tokusatsu media out there. So maybe this series is gonna involve a lot of tokusatsu entries. Who knows?

I've just hit the one thousand word-count threshold, and right now, it feels like a good time to end this journal entry.

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