Old Omens: Journal Entry #002

Written: Saturday. August 7, 2021.

Not gonna lie, there was a lot of big talk that happened on yesterday's journal entry. Just pointing it out there, because right now, my head's a bit fuzzy. Not because I've been drinking or whatever, but because I slept in the afternoon while the bedroom was fucking hot as hell. Now, I'm having a migraine. It's rough. But I'm still gonna try making a one thousand word count entry today. Hold me to it.

As I'm writing this shit down, I'm also on a video chat with my friends. They decided to watch Saving Private Ryan, and luckily I can just close my phone's camera option, and go hammock on this second journal entry.

Today is a Saturday, which, if you can remember the first series, today is all about Films. I've watched two movies so far today, and an episode from the first series of Daredevil. The one with Stick, or whatever the old man's name is that trained Matt Murdock. And now, I'm (kinda) watching a third movie. I honestly don't want to watch this now, because I don't feel like watching this specific movie, right now. I do want to, in another point in time, but right now, my brain is aching. I'll probably get to watch 3/4's of it once I'm done with this journal entry.

Can't believe I ended both of those previous paragraphs with "journal entry". Forgive me, future me, or whoever the fuck decided to read this shit once I'm dead and decaying underground. Why are you here? What are you expecting to see? Gems? Inspiration from the work of your now dead Idol whose earlier journals you just now discovered? Did I blow your mind by describing your exact situation right now? Or am I just thinking that someday, someone with that specific situation is gonna read this and get their minds blown by my genius prediction? Probably the latter, hopefully the former.

I wanted to watch movies today, for the rest of the day. But I guess my body just couldn't handle that much in one day. I easily doze off recently. Like it's becoming more frequent that I get sleepy whenever I'm reading a book or watching a show, or anything. It's a sign of aging, I think. I dunno.

I haven't written a new script for a new video on my channel for a few days now, nor have I even come up with a good idea for a video. If there is, I guess my mind's still not done brewing it into fruition.

I exercised today, which unfortunately only added to the migraine I'm having right now. It might even have caused it, since I wasn't really feeling a migraine before the workout session. Plus, I've had one happy session today, which probably also caused my migraine to only get worse.

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In other news, here are the things I'm dealing with right now:
  • Currently reading Winter's Heart by Robert Jordan.
  • Currently watching Kamen Rider (1971-73).
  • Also currently watching Mazinger Z (1972), but I've been on and off on it, since it has such a boring story each episode. Some episodes are okay, but most, nah.
  • Currently found 750 Korok seeds in Breath of the Wild, and that's with the help of an interactive map I found online. I'm gonna find the last 150 without help...hopefully.
  • Currently playing Final Fantasy 7 on my tablet. It's a good game, but it's definitely dated.
  • I recently put on rubber covers on the analogs of my Ipega gaming controller. The PlayStation-looking one, not the switch controller-looking one. I basically just used the spare covers that I still had from the set that I got bundled with my Nintendo Switch Lite. Now there's only the tall rubber covers left unused.
  • the feel of the rubber covers is great. I put them on cause the feel of the original analogs don't fit well with my taste.
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Those are the things I'm dealing with right now. I can't seem to settle on doing just a few things at a time. But I guess that's gonna change (a bit) by Monday. On Monday, I'll just be reading the book I'm reading now, and only that, for the rest of the day. No looking through YouTube, no watching a new episode of Kamen Rider. Nothing.

Just pure focus. And then on Tuesday, I'll be doing the same for Final Fantasy 7. And then on Wednesday, I'm gonna try writing a new short story. On Thursday, I'll be exercising, and probably work on a new video. On Friday, I'm probably still gonna deal with the new video I'm working on, and then on Saturday next week, I'll be watching a bunch of random movies again. On this Sunday, I'll be working out and shit. Maybe I'll meditate. Not sleep, but meditate. Hmm...maybe I will. We'll see.

I should honestly change the topic for Fridays. "Wild Card" is too vague and filled with numerous options. I don't like that.

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Personal Shit: A few days, or maybe a week or so ago, I found out that Claire now has a new boyfriend. Good for her, not so good for me. Listen, I don't wanna lie to myself here. I know that it's not my place to say anything, But I'm sad that she's got someone new in her life now. I can lie to everybody, but not to myself. At first, I did, and it just felt wrong. When I finally just flipped a switch in my head and decided to say to myself that I really am sad about that whole thing, it felt so good.

Remember, guys, NEVER LIE TO YOURSELF. You can say bullshit to your friends' faces all you want, but that's never a good thing when you're doing it to yourself.

I just felt like sharing this thought right now, to my future self. Never forget that you're worth more than how you feel right now in this particular moment in your past.

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