Old Omens: Journal Entry #003

Written: Monday. August 9, 2021.

Took a quick nap before starting this journal entry. I was sleepy an hour ago. Fortunately, I didn't go dozing off the whole way. Thank you, lofi hip hop, for being on while I took a power nap. I definitely got carried away with the supposed "quick resting of my eyes, while I lie in bed, and try not thinking about anything". It's really difficult these days to get through a whole day without taking a quick power nap, or something like that. I'm just a 23-year old at this point, and I'm already having these problems.

Anyway, I totally forgot to write an entry yesterday, because I got busy with a pixel art thing that I wanted to get done. It's one of those things where you've got an idea that you wanna make into a reality, so all else sort of fades into the background while you work on this one small idea. That's what happened to me last night.

Damn. Only two days into the new journal series, and I screw it up. I guess that's part of what's gonna be the recurring theme of this new series—entering the physical meaning to Adulthood.

I did a lot of stuff yesterday. I watched a bunch of Kamen Rider, played my video games, and sort of just went through the same shit that happens through the day. Nothing too interesting to mention on this journal entry. Although, now that I'm looking back at what I did yesterday, it's probably also not something that I'd want to share with anybody who's willing to read through all this crap that I produce. I don't even want my future self to know what I'm pertaining to, but he'll know for sure what it is. Or maybe he won't, which is much preferred, honestly. So, yeah.

I actually do want to make a separate journal series for those kinds of topics that I'm [not] pertaining to. I'm too hesitant to show off that other side of me in this journal series, but I'm down to write it all away in a secret and secluded series. It's just that, even though I know that people aren't probably gonna read these memoirs for years (maybe even after I'm dead), I still sort of have that feeling that, if somehow I start including the other stuff here, people might look at me different, or treat me different. And I don't want that to be an issue.

Today, I went on a reading marathon...sort of. I focused more on getting through my reading materials today, because Mondays are specific for books. But, I've also only read about two chapters in the book I'm currently dealing with. I did read one comic book in the Avatar series (Toph Beifong's Metalbending Academy), but other than that, I haven't read more yet.

It's really annoying, cause I'm dealing with the worst books in the Wheel of Time series right now. And I already didn't start to have a good time with the series once I reached book 4 or 5. I'm at book 9, currently, and I—honest to goodness—I have no clue what half of what I'm reading is about. I only just get interested about what's happening in the story whenever Robert Jordan decides to go back to the main cast of characters. But whenever he switches to groups of characters that are not part of that main cast, I'm like "who the fuck are these characters, and why am I suddenly spending a lot of my reading time trying to read what they're up about? What is their purpose in the grand scheme of this fucking fantasy series, and why didn't I get that the first time they were introduced?".

Like, seriously, I cannot understand why this series went on to have 15 fucking books. I can definitely understand how he did it. Robert Jordan is a prolific writer when it comes to his descriptions, but it gets to a point where it's just too much! It's too much character descriptions, too much internal monologue-ing of what characters are thinking or feeling in the moment. Too many sidetracks to the main story, too many fucking characters that have hard-to-pronounce names that don't contribute shit to the over-all plot. Too many fucking ridiculous scenes about who Rand wants to fuck the most out his three would-be wives...

...But I unfortunately know that I'll still be passively reading the hell out of these books, just to get to the books that Brandon Sanderson finished writing when Bob died before finishing his supposedly 12-book series, plus a prequel.

I'm not hating on Robert Jordan. I'm just annoyed with myself cause I can't absorb that much information as I go along with this series. This is the first epic fantasy series I'm experiencing. So it's really just me bitching about shit that I probably wouldn't be bitching about if I had read more fantasy book series prior. Damn my younger self for buying every single book in the franchise before starting to read it. He definitely didn't know better, and is now suffering for it.

I can't wait to be done reading The Wheel of Time, and get to start re-reading it remotely after, because the series adaptation's probably gonna be airing by that time, and I'm definitely gonna want to cash in on some Wheel of Time content for my YouTube Channel. I'm definitely gonna do it, even though I'm gonna hate every single minute of it. Or maybe not. We'll see what happens.

It has started to rain half-way through writing this journal entry. This is definitely a blessing, cause it's been hot for days. I even had a migraine the other day, I dunno if I've mentioned that in the previous entry. I probably did, but whatever.

I hope that I get to sleep well tonight. I've definitely been having problems with my sleeping schedule, lately. Can't get back to sleeping before or even at 12 am. It sucks, but I hope tonight's gonna be the night.

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