Old Omens: Journal Entry #004

Written: Tuesday. August 10, 2021.

Today was kind of a boring day, not gonna lie. It's Gaming day, and I did play a lot today than most days recently. But somehow I just wasn't really that stoked on playing anything today.

As I've said in the recent journal entries, I'm currently trying to play final fantasy 7 on my tablet (with a bluetooth controller). It's going fine, I guess. I'm not so excited to play the game at all. It's not the best game I've played. I definitely don't have that much interest when it comes to traditional RPG games. I lean more towards action adventures like Super Mario 64 or Breath of the Wild.

I've honestly gotten tired of playing the mainline Pokémon games, even. It's just not my cup of tea anymore. I'd rather play another round of Pokémon Red Rescue Team, and still not be tired of playing it. I've been thinking of playing the NDS Mystery Dungeon games, actually. I might do that after finishing Final Fantasy 7.

Anyway, this entire entry is being written on my Tablet (with the help of a Bluetooth keyboard). I really wanted to try this a few days ago, cause I don't think I've ever truly maximized the usage of this tablet of mine when it comes to writing stuff out. And maybe that's because of how tiny the keyboard that I'm using is.

I mean it's my fault for going for this tiny keyboard in the first place. I definitely should've bought myself a Logitech Keyboard instead of dealing with this cheap one. But then again, this thing does the work. I'm just really a lazy son of a bitch.

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Since we're here talking about games (not really, but whatever), I'd like to spend time just talking about recent thoughts in my head regarding potential video game ideas that people could make in the future.

What if Nintendo made a Mobile Mystery Dungeon game? Just imagine how fluid that game style would translate to mobile. Mystery Dungeon is rogue-like, and there already tons of rogue-like mobile games out there. It would be a smart move for Nintendo to develop a Mystery Dungeons game for mobile players.

Here's how that's gonna play out: in the beginning of the game, you answer questions regarding which Pokémon you'll end up using for your avatar. And then once you're done with that, instead of letting you choose who to partner up with, the gatcha system is introduced as a mechanic of the game. Whoever you end up with in that roll will be your partner for the entire story of the game.

The game's story is simple: Nintendo just has to copy-paste what they did with Fire Emblem's mobile game, and you've got yourself a great Mystery Dungeon Mobile where you basically jump from one game's story to the other.

It could even be that they bring in particular Pokémon characters as recruitable characters or villains that you'll encounter in the mobile game.

The roster definitely has to keep up with the current generation. Or, they start with the first gen, and then work their way up as the game grows.

Rescue missions are basically missions from online friends who weren't able to finish their run on whatever specific dungeon they were venturing in. There could even be Rescue Teams that you could create or join up in. And every Rescue Team could fight each other (I dunno how or why yet, but that shit's typical for mobile games anyway, so whatever. Let's just add that into the mix).

Nintendo, if you're reading this (they probably won't, who am I kidding), please make a Mystery Dungeon game. People will eat it up like Go or Masters EX.

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In other news, I decided to re-install Stardew Valley on my phone. I tried it for a little bit a few weeks ago, but I didn't feel like it was a good thing to do at the time. It's still honestly a bad time to do it, since I'm still in the process of playing FF7, but who cares.

I still really get bored with casual games like these. It's the fact that it doesn't have an end goal or a clear-cut route to story completion, is what gets me out of the game. Games like Minecraft, Harvest Moon, and even games like Hay Day or Clash of Clans, I don't really like playing them anymore.

There's no end to those games. You just start a run, and that's it for the rest of time, until the game decides to die silently.

Unlike games such as Breath of the Wild. You can choose to find every Korok seed before fighting Calamity Ganon. But you can also just head over to Hyrule Castle at the very start of escaping the Great Plateau, and defeat the game and watch the credits roll. You'll definitely have a hard time doing that if that's how you plan on finishing the game, but at least you have the option of finding an out to the game.

In the games I mentioned prior, you sort of get to decide for yourself what kind of game you want it to be. And that's just crazy to think about, for me. I don't want to play games that don't tell me what to do every once in a while. There has to be a sweet spot where it sort of holds your hand a few times as you progress through the game, but also let's you do you.

But again, that's just my opinion on things. I might honestly uninstall Stardew Valley again after writing this. And I'll probably re-install it again after a few months. That's how dumb my brain works.

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Another game idea that I've been thinking of recently is this: What if Nintendo makes a new Legend of Zelda game, but it's like Kingdom Hearts?

What I mean is that what if they made a new Zelda game that has the same story structure as Kingdom Hearts. Arguably, Zelda and KH already do share the common them of non-linear storytelling. But, Zelda games have never tried to implement the "multiple narrative" theme in any of their games yet.

Look towards Chain of Memories, or Birth by Sleep. In Chain of Memories, you start out as Sora, and you eventually unlock Riku's version of the story (both of which happen at the same time). In Birth by Sleep, you are then given the option of three characters, all of which basically start in the same situation, but end up going through different worlds and having different types of move-sets of play-styles.

What if Nintendo made a Zelda game that implemented something like this to the game? Like, if you look at Breath of the Wild 2, they show Zelda a lot in the trailers. Why not, instead of just showing us Zelda falling into an abyss and Link having to save her all throughout the game's story, we get to choose whether or not we should start as Link or Zelda!

Or, if they're not down for something like that, go with finishing Link's storyline first, and then find out that "you have now unlocked Zelda's route" or something like that.

That would literally be a game-changer! And a very welcomed one at that!

See you next time.

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