Old Omens: Journal Entry #013

Written: Friday. August 20, 2021.

There needs to be a way for the hundred thousands of people who took Astrazeneca to sue the people who made it, in the future, when all of the shit show has blown away. The other vaccines didn't have side effects. It makes the validity of this vaccine very questionable. What is the point of having this vaccine, if a variant virus is out there already? Our stupid president kept on buying this stupid vaccine, when he could have just bought more of the fine working vaccines that didn't have side effects.

My left shoulder, specifically around the part where I was injected, now has an awkward bump to it. It's not visible if I'm not flexing my left arm side ways. But if and when I do, you really do notice it. And there's still a nagging pain whenever I just move my arm up in any direction. It's been a couple of day, when will these side effects go away?Or am I just gonna have to live with it for the rest of my life? Bullshit.

I watched "I think you should leave with Tim Robinson" last night, and finished the series awhile ago. This series was a mixed bag for me. I didn't quite like most of the sketches they made, and I didn't quite understand the type of comedy Tim Robinson was going for. It was all just very random stuff that meant nothing most of the time. Comedy is the act of making a particular situation laughable or funny. And this series didn't quite catch that for me. Tim Robinson also isn't really a funny comedian. He relies heavily on the loudness of his voice, or at least the loudness of the delivery of his dialogue. Most of his dialogue isn't really that funny or even makes sense. But since he says it in a very loud tone, are we to assume that what he's saying is funny? Or does he think that when you speak louder, to the point of shouting, it makes you funny? I don't think it does, apparently. Rowan Atkinson as Mr. Bean has proven that you can make millions of people laugh without even uttering a single word. And that, to me, speaks volumes towards the validity of this series being a comedy show. It's a mixed bag, as I've said earlier.

I honestly just wanted to see the show because Shayne and Damien from Smosh kept referencing the show in their videos. When I finally got to watch it...well, you know the rest.

I also watched The Green Knight awhile ago. It's one of the best movies I've seen this year. It's a really multi-leveled film. Beautiful cinematography, great performance from Dev Patel as Sir Gawain, and top-notch storytelling that is as expected from Arthurian legend. I just have to say that I really didn't like Alicia Vikander being in this great film. It's not even her character at this point. It's just actually her as a person that I really don't like watching. I don't like her face. It's too nondescript. I've said all of these before, and I'll keep on saying it every time she's on the screen.

The lesson of the film is what really gets me, though. I love that Sir Gawain literally isn't like most knights in classic stories. He is, not necessarily the embodiment of failure, but the appearance of someone who lives their life in blind belief. He wants to become or prove himself to be a knight, but he knows not how. He yearns to be one of his fellow brave knights, yet when faced in the challenges that make one a knight, he cowers in fear or is unable to defend himself. He is given numerous temptations, and succumbs to them. In the end, he also cowers when facing his beheading by the Green Knight, runs away, and lives through his life with the protection of the green scarf charmed by his witch mother to shield him of death. He dies a worthless death, but wakes up from this long vision, given to him by the Green Knight (although that's up to interpretation), and finally finds his courage.

Gawain is the symbol of cowardice, and the Green Knight was there to give him the opportunity to see the effect of courage in one's actions; in one's life. I really like that.

This is the point when I don't have anything else to say anymore, again. I didn't do much today, other than the things I've talked about awhile ago. I actually considered not wanting to write a journal entry today, or at least not open up my laptop and write on my tablet instead. But since I won't be writing anything for tomorrow (since it's a Sunday) I settled on just writing today.

I'm slowly trying to progress my way through the first Final Fantasy game. I really don't like that it doesn't have an in-game map that I could look at whenever I'm lost in the over-world. The fact that what I'm playing is a remake of the original game is what makes this lack of a map very frustrating for me. Like, didn't the developers ever think that maybe that's what'll make the game experience much more likable? Come on!

I really don't have anything else to say anymore. I've expended all of my cards, and my hand is now empty. This era of my life really is the worst. It's not healthy for wanting to write any sort of story. In order for a writer to get better at writing, they need to constantly be experiencing things in their actual life, so that they could then turn these experiences into something that's potentially a story.

If I do the same things everyday, regardless of if I wanted to do that or not, I wouldn't be able to come up with a decently good story to tell. Because there are no exterior factors that would help that cause. No motivation, whatsoever.

Wow...my stupid ass thought it was Saturday...Today's Friday...

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