Old Omens: Journal Entry #012

Written: Thursday. August 19, 2021.

Today has been wasted due to the fact that nothing happened except for me being totally in this sort of sick state caused by the vaccine that I took on the day prior. I slept through the whole day, having hallucination dreams that just repeated itself over and over again until I woke up feeling like shit.

I'm generally okay now. The fever is mostly gone, but I still feel weak.

The dreams that I had were basically centered on the idea that I could save state and load state my life so that I arrive at the perfect outcome of every situation that I'm in. The dreams took me back to a time when I was still playing Cardfight!! Vanguard, a trading card game that I used to play with a high-school friend of mine. There was an event back then where we would go to an Anime Convention, and within the convention, there was a tournament being hosted for Vanguard players. We had enlisted our team in the tournament just to try it out, not really expecting to get to the finals of the tournament.

Obviously, we didn't really get to play until semi-finals, I think. We were wiped out on the first or second round of matches. I remember being the only one from out team getting to win twice, before getting beaten on my third game. My team members had lost on their first round, I think.

Anyway, the dreams that I had centered on that event. What if back then, I could simply create a checkpoint before every match, and return to it whenever it came out that I lost the fight? It's a fever dream, but it's really something that I used to often think about back when I was still quite young and had wishful thinking. I rarely do it these days, because doing that never really amounts to anything in the real world. You sort of just do it if you want to, but it will never benefit you, cause it will never happen that way. You only do one take in each opportunity that presents itself. This is the reason why we love watching time-loop movies. Every single one of us wants to experience that.

I forgot to mention this yesterday, but I took it upon myself to install every single Final Fantasy mobile game from the mainline-titles, plus War of the Lions. I had to remove the League of Legends: Wild Rift app that I had on my phone in order to have more space. Now, my phone still has about 17 GB worth of free space, which is fair enough.

I think the reason why I did this was out of impulse, and also because the day prior, I was trying to figure out a way for my tablet to have more space for the game-play videos that I record in it. So I took out the Final Fantasy 7 app that I had installed on it to give it more space, and the rest followed suit.

I still definitely plan on finishing every single Final Fantasy game out there. The one that I really want to play is Final Fantasy 13, which apparently hasn't had a Nintendo Switch port yet, though, which sucks, because I think that was the game that introduced me to the franchise. My friend had a PS3 in his apartment near school at the time, and he opened it up and showed us Final Fantasy 13. I was blown away by it, not because of how graphically amazing it looked, but because when the battle scene finally happened, I noticed that it was actually turn-based, and not something like a Kingdom Hearts situation where you had to mash buttons and slash your way through enemies and some such. It was weird but also very fascinating to me. So I'm just here waiting for Nintendo and Square Enix to port the game on the Switch so that I could finally test it out.

They already have a port of 7, 8, 9, 10, and 12. 13 and 15 are the last remaining games in the franchise that need to be ported...or else I'm buying PS5 and will hunt down a copy of Final Fantasy 13. I probably won't do that, though. I'll probably just wait for a port to be made.

I watched Star Wars: A New Hope awhile ago...well, I watched half of it, and got stuck looking at my phone while the movie was playing in the background. I somehow feel like since I've experienced the movie in novelization format, I am able to appreciate that version more than actually watching the original source material. The novelizations give me a more in-depth look to each scene. It gives more detail in the dialogue, shows more scenes that were cut out in the movie, etc. Or, I'm just bored of watching the first movie in the franchise. It really has a slow pace, than the fast paced adrenaline rush you get when watching the sequel trilogy (more specifically 7 & 9, since those were directed by J.J. Abrams). Not that I hate slow pace movies. I actually love watching slow paced movies. It's just that I got distracted awhile ago as I was watching A New Hope.

I literally have nothing else to talk about right now. Again, didn't do shit today. Didn't get to read, didn't get to play that much, etc. I watched one episode of Clone Wars, and I'm planning on watching an episode of Kamen Rider after this, just cause I need to be doing that if I want to move on with that 98 episode series.

I don't know if I miss making videos for my YouTube Channel. I definitely haven't done a single new video in a while now, and I probably might not still do it in the weeks following. I need to think of a whole new strategy for the channel. What I've been doing in it recently is clearly not providing me with enough return of investment.

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