Old Omens: Journal Entry #015

Written: Monday. August 23, 2021.

I thought of an idea that may or may not be a very effective idea, unless I do it right, or a miracle happens. The idea is basically about starting a YouTube Channel that's focused on writing. Like the act of writing, vlogging the process of writing, talking about writing, talking about ideas for stories you'll be writing, etc. Imagine being a YouTuber, but instead of focusing on like the BookTube genre, you go and focus on creating content focused on your own writing. Make videos regarding brainstorming an idea for a certain story, and then also talk about certain inspirations when it comes to writing, or like talk about how you got into writing.

I might need to think about that idea more, since I literally just thought of it awhile ago. It's still a very fresh idea, but I see something in it that might be worth doing. Cause the thing is that there are a lot of BookTubers out there, but not a lot of Writer YouTubers. It would often be that you start out as a BookTuber, and then work your way up and create a following for yourself, and then start pitching in that you're starting your own novel, or whatever. That's a great strategy and all, but I feel like there's so many BookTubers out there already, that I don't really feel like entering that space right now is the best option. I feel like if I tried to do the reverse of what typically happens, then people would be interested with that, because it's such a new thing. It's very different from the usual way of getting to a point where you're a known writer.

And the focus of this particular idea is to start out as a writer towards the audience. You're establishing yourself as a writer first, and then a BookTuber second. You're not necessarily a self-help YouTuber like Thomas Frank for example, but you give tips on certain aspects regarding how to write, or how to get better with your writing style, etc.

And my intention with this idea is to break the norm when it comes to being a published writer. To be a published writer, you literally have to sell your book to a publisher. That's just how it goes if you want to be an established writer. I want to find a way to break that system apart. Or at least find a path that's not necessarily easier, but different enough, yet it still leads up to the end goal of having your books published and sold to the masses.

And being a WriterYouTuber—AuthorTuber? Whatever—gives you the opportunity to write stories, and share them to an audience that is interested in reading what you're capable of giving to them. You're gonna be writing stories for free, but since you're gonna post a whole bunch of YouTube videos regarding it, while writing it, then you have the chance to gain income from those videos. You might not get any income from the story itself, but you'll be getting paid for it via the videos regarding your stories. Because you're sort of like creating a companion book for a story, or a series, or whatever, in the form of your YouTube videos.

I think that's gonna be it for this conversation regarding this new idea of mine. I see that it's a great idea, but it's definitely gonna be difficult to execute.

I watched a lot of Kamen Rider awhile ago, and also read a chapter of a book. I played a lot of Final Fantasy 1 today. I've now unlocked the first crystal in the game, and I'm now in the process of getting the others. I'm starting to like the game. I've been looking for map guides on the internet, just so I don't have to worry about that particular aspect of the game as much. The maps of the dungeons for this game isn't really that cool. It isn't really that interesting to me. I just want to be able to finally complete this game's main story. That's it. So yeah. 1 crystal down, 3 to go.

I can't remember what I did yesterday. I probably didn't do anything. I know that I posted a new gaming video. But I think that's it. I didn't watch a new movie or whatever. I just did nothing. Like how most days go. I did get to watch Initial D last night. I decided to watch the Dubbed version of Initial D, because the voice acting is decent enough. It isn't cringe-y to hear. It's just the right kind of English voice acting. I tried watching the first episode with Subtitles, but it was just such a complicated thing for me. Also, I do wanna just settle for dub on this one, cause I get to do another thing while I watch it in the background. Like play Stardew Valley, which I'm still apparently playing after a couple of days. I go on and off on it, really. I just play it when I feel like it, is all.

I might actually do a gaming session after writing this shit out. I might play Digimon Battle Spirit 2 later after this. Cause I've been thinking about that game for a few days now. I don't know why. But I don't care. It's been a while since I've played the game, and I'm itching to play a fighting game.

I definitely would want to transition into doing Twitch streams, but I don't have the equipment to do that yet. I am just gonna have to settle for my second YouTube account for now. If it goes well, I'll be getting that channel monetized in a matter of 6 months. 12 months at most.

And if that happens, then I'm set for life. I'm finally gonna be able to live out the dream scenario, where I play games, and get paid doing that. That's the most honest goal in life for me.

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