Old Omens: Journal Entry #016

Written: Tuesday. August 24, 2021.

It's really nice to be writing just anything that comes to mind everyday, but it's definitely taking up an hour of my day to do. It's okay though, because it's part of the process. I got myself into this, so I'm gonna live it up like a champ.

I played Digimon Battle Spirit 2 yesterday on my Tablet, and recorded the game-play while doing a little bit of commentary as I'm playing. I've finished that game once, I think, and that was way back when I was still playing it on my Gameboy Advance SP. I hadn't played the game and finished it ever since. Until now! Well, I haven't finished it yet, I've just finished playing as Agunimon so far. I'll probably play again in the coming days. I might even do another recording session later, but it might be for another game. I don't know which one yet.

I didn't read anything today, since today is Gaming Day. I actually re-installed Bluestacks on our desktop computer again, which was nice. I played a lot of Brawl Stars awhile ago, and tried to record my playthrough on OBS, which I was successful on doing.

I might start doing gaming sessions on Bluestacks for the next coming weeks. The possibilities are not endless, though. I found out that somehow Genshin Impact isn't available to be played on it, which sucks. I thought I was gonna be able to play the game by playing it on Bluestacks, but no. I tried playing Respawnables as well, but I didn't really like it as much. The controls just weren't possible to arrange.

I also tried carrying myself on 2v2 for Clash Royale awhile ago, using my Tablet and my phone at the same time. I failed, but I think that's because the other account had lower level cards than my main account. I also dropped to 5000 trophies on my main account, mainly because I intentionally did it, but also because I was using a different deck that couldn't keep up with the high level cards that I keep on facing in each game. That's the thing that I dislike about Clash Royale. I like the game, but I suck at creating a deck. I just don't know how to create new decks that work, honestly. Or it might just be because my cards are too low level for the Legendary Arena.

I thought of installing Clash of Clans on Bluestacks, but I didn't, because I kept on thinking that I don't really play the game that much. It's such a slow-paced kind of game, which is why I think Supercell created Clash Royale, so that the people who wanted to play a faster game would play that instead.

I might download a Rom Hack Pokemon game later. There's so many Rom hacks out there, that I don't know where to begin. I'll probably pick a random one just to see if I'll like playing it. I definitely still don't have the energy to keep on producing gameplays every day. That's why I'll see to it that I get to do another gaming session after this one. So that I get used to the idea of spending an hour or so of just playing games, but for the sake of gaining money for it via YouTube.

You know what I should do? I should just fuck it, and post my gaming videos on my main channel. Who the fuck cares anyway. It's my channel, and I'll do whatever the fuck I want with it. I need to make money, fast. I haven't been paid for months now.

A weird thing happened yesterday while I was uploading the Digimon playthrough that I did. The video didn't register as an HD video. It was only available at 360p, which was weird. So I decided to put it on PowerDirector and render it as a 1080p resolution, with 60 fps. When I uploaded that one to the channel, it finally processed as an HD game. That shit took me quite a while to get done. I literally had to watch like 3 episodes of Kamen Rider last night, while waiting for the rendering to finish. But, you know, that's still better than having to wait for my laptop to render a 4 minute video in about 4 hours or more. I wish I could've discovered the strength of my Tablet earlier. So many hours wasted on waiting for a video to be finished rendering, and most of them only got about less than a hundred views. Not worth the effort.

Right now, I've started to think about what game I should play that I'd show on my main channel. I'll probably settle for Mother 3, or something like that. I probably should've went with Advance Wars, but I've already started that bit on the second channel.

Here's what I could do: I could play different games in each channel. I could play Megaman Battle Network on the Main Channel, while on the second channel, I could be continuing my Advance Wars series. I'll be losing a lot of subscribers for that, but I guess it'll have to do in order for me to find a new way to make money.

I literally have nothing else to write anymore at this point in the journal entry. I'm just stretching this thing out so that it'll get to a thousand words. Not much has happened outside of my life. Manny Pacquiao lost his recent match, and people are giving him crap about it.

It's literally the toxic culture of most Filipinos. When you win, a lot of people cheer for you. When you lose, you're alone, and nobody is there with you. That's exactly what's happening with Manny Pacquiao right now. He lost, and now people are giving him a whole lot of shit. Sure, there are people who respect Manny, but there are also a lot of people who just want to bring up his questionable beliefs.

He's a homophobic, so a lot of LGBT members hate on him for that: Yes, I understand that he's homophobic, but I also understand why that is. He was brought up in such a masculine environment. He's a boxer, for crying out loud. He sees a bunch of other very masculine figures all around him while he's in the gym training for his next match. Of course he'd have the mindset of just having straight relationships; male and female are the only two genders for him, because that's what he grew up knowing. What the LGBT community could do is try to reach out to Manny, and educate him on the new standards when it comes to gender association. They shouldn't tackle it in a way that it's an offense against the gays and lesbians, rather they should see it as a case of misinformation on the Older generation. Our duty, as the younger generation, is to educate the older generation, because that's what they did for us when we were still learning about the world.

He supports the Death Penalty: I have no comment on this, because I haven't figured out my position in that particular field. Is it right to issue the death penalty towards high ranking criminals who have done numerous amounts of crimes that have hurt/killed hundreds of people? Maybe, if the criminal's mind is at a point of no return regardless of rehabilitation. Is it right to issue the death penalty towards low ranking criminals that are yet to be rehabilitated into being good-acting citizens again? Definitely not. We should allow them the chance to change their ways. If they go through rehabilitation, and still go back to doing crime, then you opt for another rehabilitation session, until you reach the point that they're either fixed, or broken beyond repair. Only then do you get to decide what's right for society.

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