Old Omens: Journal Entry #019

Written: Friday. August 27, 2021.

Might not be able to do another playthrough session after writing this journal entry. It's currently 10:58 pm. So I might just end up watching the last four episodes of Kamen Rider tonight. It's been a while, but now I'm finally gonna finish watching the 98 episode series.

I did a lot today. I passively had a running thought in my head since this morning, which was to time my activities for the day. I didn't wake up early today, which was probably why my mind wanted to measure each chapter of my day today. Woke up at around 10 am, went down at around 10:40 am, opened up the computer, started my day. Actually, no. I read a chapter of a book before going downstairs, then I started my usual day.

My mind told me that from 12-2 pm, I was gonna spend that time just playing games on the computer. And that's what I did. I played a few rounds of Vanguard. I actually lost a few times today, which was reassuring that I'm still working with a not-so-strong enough deck. I kept facing players that had the same Royal Paladin Deck, which was weird. It might be some match-making shenanigan, but I dunno. Maybe it's just coincidence.

After playing Vangaurd, I proceeded to do gaming sessions for War of the Visions. I was able to record about 3 games today, which is fair. I had finished the first part of Chapter 1, and proceeded to continue playing the game without recording it. Cause what I did after the recording session was that I proceeded to level up my units. I might be having a hard time auto-battling the next part of Chapter 1, so I might as well train my units for the coming battles. Fortunately enough, the developers give you a lot of resources as gifts for trying the game out. I literally have 2 billion gold coins in my account already, and that's all from the gifts the devs gave me. I'm still gonna try to beat the game on auto-mode, but I'll be completing the star-quests for every mission either by auto or manual playthrough, depending on what the star-quests require.

I played Brawl Stars for a few minutes. There are so many quests to finish, but not enough time to do it. Plus, I keep getting defeated on the Solo missions, so that's quite frustrating. Nita is definitely a good character to play as, but I still keep on dying whenever I use her. It's probably my lack of skill, but Nita just has a very dumb attack range. It's delayed, and a bit short. Although maybe she's just really not that good when it comes to the Solo Battle Royale Arena.

I've been talking a lot about games recently, but that's only because these are the only things I get done in the day. It's hard to get into the habit of reading a lot during the day, especially if what you're reading is boring. So I tend to play more, because it just gives me more stimuli than what I would normally get from reading the book I'm currently reading. I can't wait to finish up on reading books 9 and 10 of the Wheel of Time, so that I could finally breeze through New Spring, and the four last books in the series. People on the internet keep on saying that 8-10 really is the slog of the series, and 11-14 are the most worth it books in the series. Which really only tells me that Robert Jordan wasn't a good enough entertainer in his writing, that when someone else took the reins on his world (Brandon Sanderson), it became far more satisfying to read... I know I can't say that about a dead man, but it might just be a fact that we can never admit to agreeing on.

I exercised today for the first time in a while. It was the next thing I did after playing games within the 12-2 pm time frame. I also got to watch the latest episode of Riverdale while I was working out. The modded Netflix app that I have really is a frustrating app to use, because it keeps on stopping every once in a while. Although I can't really complain, because it is just a modded app. I'm an unapologetic freeloader, and I take pride in that. It takes courage to say that about yourself. It's also maybe the simplest way of being practical in life. If I took it upon myself to not watch movies that are available for download on the internet, I would only know very few movies in my entire life. It isn't morally wrong to download stuff on the internet, as long as you do it for the sake of knowledge and wisdom.

My work out routine right now is the same as always, but with an added stretching routine. I really need to be able to stretch more, especially now that I'm entering the awkward young adult phase of my life. I'm 23 years old, not getting any younger. I need to be health-conscious, and also just conscious of what my body could potentially do. I want to be able to stretch down and reach my feet with my hands. Right now, I'm already struggling to keep my hands on the shin of my legs. But with enough practice sessions, I'll be able to reach them in no time.

My new year's resolution for 2022 is definitely Self-Care. I want to be able to turn my belly into a six-pack once next year is over. I'm gonna start working out again non-stop as early as now (and it's still a few days before the Ber-months come in), so that when 2022 finally arrives, I'll get to focus on researching how to build a six-pack. I also wanna be able to do more push-ups than what I normally could in a set. The maximum that I could do in each set is 10 push ups, which is ridiculous.

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