Old Omens: Journal Entry #024

Written: Thursday. September 2, 2021.

Welcome, and today we're going to be reading another journal entry from me. I'll be writing it down, obviously. And you, the reader, or just me in the future, will be the one who reads it.

Not much happened today. It's pretty much a repeat of yesterday. Or maybe a continuation? Either of the two works. I basically started fixing the formatting of each chapter in the novel I'm transcribing into a single word file. I look for the emboldened and italicized words from the original document, and do the same thing on the transferred document. It's really just tedious and mundane work that I need to go through. I don't really have to do it, but it's gonna make reading the damn thing easier for me. So I am doing it.

The same kind of thing happens when I transfer this journal entry onto whatever blog site I'm putting it in. The emboldened and italicized words lose their format when turned into a blog, and I'm too lazy to fix it. If you happen to see emboldened and italicized words anywhere, though, that only means that my future self suddenly got productive.

I literally don't know what to talk about for today. I haven't been doing much, since I've been focusing on that story of mine. I have been watching a lot of Initial D, lately. It's a really good anime. It was recommended to me by my good friend David. I'm ashamed of my self for not watching this way sooner. Before I started watching it, I always sort of thought that the merging of 2D animation and 3D animation was weird. But now that I've began to watch the series, I don't really get to notice it anymore, because the story is too good for me to get distracted.

This is what I love about anime. They can create stories out of the most mundane things, and have it feel like the most engaging experience of your life. The series focuses a lot on cars and street racing, which are things that I have zero interest on, until I started watching this anime. And that sort of thing also happened when I was watching Super Cub. It made me gain interest on motorcycles. When I watched Kuroko no Basuke, I suddenly gained interest in Basketball. When I watched Megalobox, I started working out more. There's really something about Japanese pop culture, or just Japanese culture in general, that I can't begin to describe. It's the campiness, I guess. Or how they take focus on every single minute detail of a particular thing.

In other news, I've been playing a lot of Breath of the Wild again. I'm close to finding all of the Korok seeds, thanks to the help of the interactive map available on the internet. Without it, I'd probably end up not finishing this game for more than a year. And to be fair, the true reason as to why I picked this game as my first Switch game was because I could just play it for years before ever being able to finish it. But alas, I've built up this craving for more games after the fact.

I wanna be able to play Fire Emblem: Three Houses, or a Super Mario game, or a Pokemon game, or a Paper Mario game, or a Final Fantasy game. The list only goes on, but the money isn't coming to me any time soon, unfortunately. My YouTube channel is running at a stagnant pace. At this point, I probably won't be able to rack up some cash until next year.

I might as well re-publicize the private videos on my channel, just to get me more potential views. I remember that the reason for me putting those videos on private was because I thought that I wouldn't need those videos in the coming months, because my Voltes V videos would keep me up. Boy, was that a complete mistake. Who would've known that a single corrupt corporation would be the cause of my downfall. I didn't lose any money or anything. I just lost my time, my effort, and my potential ad revenue.

Those Voltes V videos are still gaining views, but my channel isn't getting any fucking money for it. The money is probably going to those fucking Telesuccess blokes that copyright-claimed my fucking videos.

But to put this journal entry back into the right mood, I'll be focusing my time on re-publicizing my private videos after publishing this journal entry of mine. And I'll update the journal on the effects of that action, in a few days or so.

And the thing is that I have a lot of videos that have been made private. It's just sitting quietly in my channel, doing nothing but collecting virtual dust.

I found this Pixel art Demake of Gameboy Wars, and it looks hella dope. I might "copy" it one day. What I mean by that is I'm literally gonna try to replicate the art style, and give it my own sort of flavor. That sort of idea's been in the recesses of my brain, I just haven't gotten to doing anything about it cause, you know. Life, or whatever.

Gameboy Wars exists, but it doesn't really look good in terms of sprite design. The sprite design for Advance Wars is honestly one of the best sprite designs from the Game Boy Advance era.

Also, I came in contact with the 358/2 Days version of Dearly Beloved on YouTube. I wanted to hear it again, cause it's been a while since I've played the game. I might end up playing the game again one of these days. Probably not, cause of all of the games I'm currently playing right now. But who knows.

I'm definitely guilty of "not finishing a game, but starting a completely different one, and so on, and so on". It's an unfortunate phenomenon that happens whenever I get bored of playing any particular game I play. Except when I play Paper Mario 64.

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