Old Omens: Journal Entry #025

Written: Friday. September 3, 2021.

At this point, I feel like 2-3 more journal entries going forward, including this one, will probably be boring to read through, because this has been a very consistent week of me focusing in on transcribing this novel that I wrote 2 years ago.

So, I dealt with it again awhile ago. I reformatted the emboldened and the italicized words again on the word file, and I decided to change the font style to something that is close to the font style that's commonly used on PDFs or even on actual physical books. I'm not entirely sure if I got the right font style though, but it's close enough for me to not care. I even forgot the name of the font style at this point of the day.

The Courier font just wasn't doing it for me anymore. Well, at least for the word file that I was working on. In my Evernote app on the PC, which is what I'm using to write this journal entry on, and also all of my other literary works, I actually use Courier New. Somehow it looks good here, but in Microsoft Word it looks like complete shit. Microsoft Word also really just looks like an abomination to me. I've never felt compelled to write in that shitty software, more than whenever I write in Evernote. Was that sentence grammatically correct? I dunno. I can't figure it out somehow. What I basically mean is that I've always preferred writing on Evernote, rather than Microsoft Word. Period.

The transcribing process is definitely taking longer than I anticipated. I thought I'd be done with it in about 2-3 days, but it'll probably take longer than that. I'm almost done with the formatting, and once I'm done with that, I'll focus on re-reading it to find grammatical errors. I won't necessarily change the plot of the story—just the grammar errors. And there's probably gonna be a lot, so that'll probably take up a lot of my days.

I thought of a neat idea while I was eating dinner awhile ago. It was about making a video with my parents, and I teach them how to play modern video games. But this idea would only work if I either have a normal Switch, or a Playstation console. Cause I don't think they'll be able to handle playing on a hand-held. The screen would be too small for their blurry vision.

It would be a cool idea for a video, and then after that I could also maybe make a video series wherein my parents teach me something that they do in return. Like some chore or something, or a game they used to play back in the day, or a movie they watched back then that they really like. That would be cool to do.

In other news, I've finally found all of the Korok seeds, except for one spot in particular that needs a bit of waiting in order for the apples to grow back into the trees. It's the kind of Korok puzzle that requires you to shoot the right arrows in order for three of the trees to look the same. A few days ago, I stumbled upon that puzzle, and the apples sort of fell off of them by accident, cause I had to deal with these Yiga Clan bitches that were in my way. It's been, I think, four or five actual days since that happened, and the apples just still hasn't grown back yet. It sucks.

After I get the Korok Turd from Hestu, I'll be focusing on finding the remaining items that I still need to take pictures of. And also the Side Quests that I still haven't found. And that last remaining Hinox that I need to kill in order to get the medal from Kilton. What else do I need to do? Probably just max out every single fucking item that I have on my inventory. I'll buy a bunch of Hylian Shields, because those are the toughest bastards ever, and also probably get a bunch of those golden Lynel weapons that have plus attack damage that gets up to 100.

I dunno if I'll ever find a way to max out the fairies, though. I've searched around the internet, and it basically says that you can never have more than 12 fairies, and that's the maximum anybody has ever collected in the game. Fairies somehow just don't appear in the game if you have more than 6 in your inventory. It sucks.

I wonder how long it will take for me to actually finish the game without having to use cheats and guides or whatever. I will never feel satisfied with myself until I've actually done that at least once.

Yesterday, I started downloading this cartoon series called Mighty Max. I haven't tried watching it yet, though. It was just something that Damien Haas from Smosh recommended while I was watching a podcast from the Smoshcast. It got me interested to watch it, because he said that the ending played out that the main character went back in time to the first episode, and sort of redid everything that happened in the series. It's pretty coincidental that I happen to re-watch that podcast, and hear that part of it, while I'm in the process of transcribing a story that's fairly similar to that.

I'm going to have to give that a try before attempting to do a retelling of the story that I'm fixing. I might get some cool ideas from the show that I could potentially steal and make it my own thing. Who knows?

I also need to watch more sci-fi movies. I know that I've watched a lot, but there's also a lot that I haven't watched yet, either.

I guess that's it for this journal entry. It's been raining for a couple of hours as I'm writing this one down. Just thought I'd share that detail to my future self. We might be experiencing another flood tomorrow morning. We'll see.

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