Old Omens: Journal Entry #036

Written: Thursday. September 16, 2021.

Back at it again with another journal entry for the day. Today, I cleaned out my A4Tech Keyboard. I took out every single key on the board in order to sweep out the dust that had been collected by the board since I bought it last year. There was a lot of dust inside, and now it feels like my keyboard's brand new. It's a clean-ass keyboard, if I do say so myself.

I also cleaned the dust off of my desk, which was nice. I definitely should've done more, like dusted off my bookshelves or whatever, but since I've a limited amount of time during the day (due to waking up at around 9:30 and so on almost everyday, I'm basically just gonna do the other things tomorrow (hopefully).

Not a lot to talk about today. I've fixed three chapters on The Omnivault, and downloaded a few 3DS games off of the internet, much like how the past few days have been for me. I spent last night watching a bunch of my old YouTube videos, but instead of watching them on my tablet or on my phone, I watched them on my Nintendo Switch. We live in a very strange reality where it's possible to watch YouTube on a gaming device. And I love that.

I dunno if it'll affect my analytics. I hope it does, though. I hope that my revenue slightly increases because of my effort to watch my own videos off of a gaming device. If not, hey. At least I was able to revisit certain points of my life and got to somehow relive them in my head as I was watching it.

I definitely miss vlogging. It's too difficult to do that these, given that we're stuck in our houses because there's a pandemic happening all around the world. Still happening, apparently. Tragic.

But, yeah. I definitely do miss the process of vlogging. I wanna do it, but there's nothing to vlog about, honestly. My life's at its most uninteresting stage right now. There's nothing worth sharing, at all. Even this journal series is suffering because every day is just a repeat of yesterday, and the day before that, and the day before that. It's getting harder and harder each time to fill in a thousand words every single day.

In other news, I watched a movie starring James McAvoy and Claire Foy, titled My Son. I was interested in watching it because the trailer for it said that James McAvoy wasn't given a script for his role in this movie. So, watching the movie, the end result felt like I was watching a very cinematic video game being played out. It definitely felt like the director was just waiting on what James would do in each scene; how he would react, what kind of dialogue he'll be saying, and which route the story will be taking.

The scene where he drinks with his Ex-wife's Boyfriend—that immediately escalates to James beating the shit out of him due to thinking that he's got something to do with his son's abduction—was just a clear sign that that part of the movie was an error on James's choice of action for the story. Sure, you can write it off (and the director bloody well did) as James's character being too paranoid about everything that's happening. But then you have the case of the Bald Dude in this movie.

I can't even remember his name, but basically, he was there to give James's character some information as to what was going on. He was the exposition device. So him exiting the movie, saying that James is "on his own", is literally the Bald Dude saying that he's gonna be on his own from now on. James, at this point, doesn't have someone to go to anymore to find the answers he's looking for. He has to do that actively, by himself. And that's sort of what happens in the following scene.

The phone of James's ex-wife's boyfriend is left with him "accidentally" by the police, because apparently they mistook it for his phone when they brought him back his stuff to him after being detained. James proceeds to try to unlock the phone by pressing random number codes on it. And after a few tries, he finally gets the right one (which is probably bullshit, cause the director might've just cut the scene and told him off camera what the password was, cause he might've locked the phone permanently due to excessive password tries or whatever).

James goes through pictures and videos that are inside of the phone. This is nice way of giving him more information that he could look through in order to get a sense of the situation, but the fact that I (as a viewer) noticed it at all, means that this wasn't as natural as it seemed for the story, but I'll give it a pass.

So James goes through the videos, and sort of just tries to find some clue as to what the fuck is happening in this story. He eventually finds one, but it's so random at this point of the story. He points out a truck that can be seen in two videos, and sort of just assumes that the adults in the video are "probably" a part of this whole equation, because they somehow look like shady characters. I'm giving that a pass, but I also need to point out that there just wasn't enough breadcrumbs in the earlier scenes to lead up to this revelation.

Turns out, a random group of people are abducting children. They disguise themselves as a camping group or whatever, which gives them the opportunity to grab one or two of the kids in the camp, and do whatever shit they want with them, I don't fucking care.

James apparently finds where they're hiding, because apparently Claire Foy's Character's Brother knows how to get that kind of information "illegally", and he goes to that location. He interrogates this guy, and eventually goes to a second location—the final location. The kidnapping group is there, and his son is also there...his son is the only one that's there. There are no other kids around, it's just him, apparently.

Claire Foy sort of felt like a player actor in the second half of this movie. She suddenly follows James's trail and eventually sees the guy he interrogated, as well as a random kid that was sleeping inside of his truck (which the movie never explains afterwards, by the way).

It was a great attempt for a movie. I dunno if this is the future of cinema, but it's definitely a hard process to make. Or at least it felt like it, because the director probably had to think long and hard in order to make James's actions make sense in the overall narrative...of this FUCKING REMAKE OF A MOVIE THAT WAS ALREADY MADE WAY BACK IN 2017!!!

Knowing that this was a remake sort of makes me wonder whether or not James McAvoy already saw the original movie, and just copied his actions from there. Probably not, but it sort of just takes away the spirit of this movie for me. I dunno why. And I don't care that much, anyway. 6/10.

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