Old Omens: Journal Entry #035

Written: Wednesday. September 15, 2021.

Finally recorded a pixel art session last night. It took me until like 2:30 to finish using the laptop computer. Mainly because I had to re-export the timelapse video that I made for the pixel art that I got done last night. The actual time it took to finish the pixel art was roughly at about 50 mins or 1 hour. I used Aseprite so that OBS could actually record my art session. Photoshop is a joke, or at least, my Windows 8 Laptop is the bigger joke in this situation.

I basically just spent today downloading 3DS games again. I was able to download a lot of them. I'm almost done with the common 3DS games that I want to play. I feel as though there's more, but I'll probably download those games at a later time instead. Citra isn't a perfect 3DS emulator...yet. It's the best one out there, don't get me wrong. But it's far from perfection. It's still got a lot of problems to solve. For example, when I tried playing Tri-Force Heroes a while ago, the game stopped moving in one part, and I ultimately had to stop Citra, and delete Tri-Force Heroes. I know that I won't be able to play the game if it doesn't work in the general settings (i.e: without tampering the default settings of the emulator). If I have to tweak some things in order to fix a problem that shouldn't have been there for the consumer to solve, then there's something wrong with the product. It's not a consumer's problem. At least, that's my mindset on that situation.

Plus, I have enough games that work anyway. But still, it would've been nice to get to play that game.

Nintendo's Switch Software had a slightly major update today. The system now allows the user to attach a bluetooth audio device while they play. No more dongles or whatever. Never had one anyway, so consider me lucky. I would've loved it if they'd also considered adding a feature/option to connect a bluetooth controller that isn't made by Nintendo themselves. Like, say, an iPega controller. A lot of people (mainly, those who are probably poor) use iPega controllers. But seeing as Nintendo has that premium mindset with their line of products, I can understand why they don't allow that to happen so easily. Respect.

I was only able to fix two chapters of The Omnivault today. The habit sort of left me, cause I no longer have to do it on the PC. I can now do it whenever I want, which resulted in the opposite of how I thought it would turn out. I guess I'm still readjusting myself to that idea. Maybe I'll get to do more tomorrow. We'll see how it goes.

Given that today is Idea Day, I'd like to share random ideas that have crossed my mind recently:

I should start talking more about video games on my main channel. I'm starting to think that this Tokusatsu thing isn't gonna work at all. It's such a demanding genre (and also quite repetitive), that I just don't know how to make it interesting for potential viewers of my channel. I don't even know if I'm all that passionate about Tokusatsu right now. But maybe that's just because of Himitsu Sentai Gorenger being completely uninteresting in its plot, or even for its style.

I should try talking about video games, and how much I love playing them, or how much I've learned about it through the years. I'm thinking that it could be like a podcast series, or something, that's dedicated to talking about video games. Although, I don't really work well with unscripted shit. I really need to stick to a script if I don't wanna bore my audience. Even scripted videos seem to bore me sometimes. But that's mainly because I haven't honed my voice-acting skill or whatever.

I should probably try something that's similar to what I did with the Disney's Magical Quest trilogy games, or somewhere along that line of style. I'm sick of my channel being this one-topic thing. I was sort of doing something good when I was fresh from getting back into making videos after the Voltes V copyright issue video happened. I made a video about Age of Calamity, which was followed by a Twilight Zone-related video, and then a news update video about certain things that I found interesting within the week, and then it sort of went back to being this one-topic thing, cause I tried to get back into making Mecha Anime videos (as well as those Voltes V recap videos that ultimately failed, cause Telesuccess wouldn't let me have some of their fucking glory). And then when that didn't work, I turned to Tokusatsu. And now, here I am. Stuck again, trying to think of the next different thing that I could do.

Maybe that's what I should do? I shouldn't stick to one topic in general? I shouldn't stick to one type of video in general? Shift from doing Anime videos, to maybe Tokusatsu, and then video games, and then some random show that I'm watching, or then suddenly make a vlog? In theory, it would make sense, cause my mind sort of works that way (where I can't stick to one specific thing for too long). But how would that do well for the algorithm? The stupid algorithm...

I guess I won't know until I try. But hey, I feel like there's some supporting evidence that could be seen in the channel today. My Folktale video is still doing well after 4 years of being uploaded. And my vlogs are still sort of interesting to watch every now and then. Maybe there is a chance for this kind of idea to work. Who knows?

I didn't read shit today. Didn't even read a few pages of a comic, or whatever. I might do that tonight. Or I might not. It's all up to me, really.

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