Old Omens: Journal Entry #034

Written: Tuesday. September 14, 2021.

I discovered something interesting today. The Microsoft Word on our Desktop Computer is acting up lately. It started showing notifications saying that the license that we have isn't authentic, and that we should grab a new legit license already. Obviously, we're never going to do that, because Microsoft Word should honestly be free for public use.

I know that Google provides a good alternative, but since I can't install a different font there, it's ultimately a useless tool to me (for this particular situation). Microsoft, since its an app on your desktop, automatically has the fonts that you've installed on your computer. Why can't Google do that one simple thing?

Anyway, I was starting to get worried a while ago, and decided to make a PDF file of the document I was working on, just to see if I'm still able to turn shit into PDF files or whatever. As the PDF file got created, it popped up on the Microsoft Edge browser, and I noticed that there was an option to read the file out loud or something. So I clicked on that, and I was met with an AI voice that started reading the first chapter of the story that I had written. Not only did it capture my interest, but as I looked through the settings, it turns out that there's an option for you to change the accent of the AI voice you'll be hearing. And there was one that actually had a Filipino accent! That's amazing!

I tried it out, and listened to 5 chapters of my story, before stopping myself, cause I could've sat there for hours on end.

After that, I proceeded to find a Microsoft Word app for Android. Turns out, there is one, so I installed it on my tablet, and it works fine. It doesn't allow for me to change the font to a custom one that I have, but it does retain the font style when I place the file back onto Microsoft Word. This will allow me to fix my story without having to sit on the desktop computer all the time. I can now fix it while I'm inside of the bedroom. That means I could fix it any time I want. Which means that I can get more down out of the day.

A while ago, before I went down to eat dinner, I had fixed two chapters of The Omnivault, using the Microsoft Word app on my Tablet. I had my trusty bluetooth keyboard with me to serve as a medium for editing out certain incorrect sentences on my story. I'll probably get more done tomorrow because of this revelation.

Other things I did today: Downloaded Dream Drop Distance and Captain Toad 3DS files onto the computer. The Captain Toad on the 3DS is basically a low-resolution version of the one in the Switch. I could just play the game there, and not have to spend money buying it for the Switch...but I also kinda want to play the game on High-resolution. It just looks better, obviously.

I hate the site that I'm downloading 3DS games from. It's got very slow download speed, and I know that out internet is not the problem. It's the goddamned website. It'll take me weeks to download every single 3DS game that I wanna play. I don't even need to do this now. I'm probably not gonna play these games correctly while I'm not able to record them and commentate on my play-through. I'm just downloading them now, so that when the time comes, I don't have to wait. The files will already be there.

I didn't play much today, despite it being Gaming Day. I actually worked out a while ago, which is good. I might just spend the remaining hours of the day watching shows after writing this journal entry down. I haven't watched a single Himitsu Sentai Gorenger episode for days now. I need to catch up on my Tokusatsu intake.

I watched a couple of Initial D Fourth Stage episodes while I was doing some exercise. I sort of realized what this series' biggest lesson was:
  • To have laser focus on what it is that you're trying to do.
  • You can't half-ass your way into victory.
  • You have to know what your opponent can do in order to win.
  • You have to hone your skills if you want to succeed.
  • Focus on the task at hand, and don't lose your cool.
Those are some of the lessons Initial D has to offer. And it's also just such a bad-ass anime that I wish I could've watched earlier in life.

This is something that I've been thinking off since yesterday, but since I didn't mention it on the journal, I'll talk about it now:

I'm thinking of writing a full-on series about what it would be like I was a time-god. Or a time-travelling master. Someone who can control time, but the limits are that I can't travel to a time that's before my birth. I can only travel through time, within the confines of my life. My mind is the only thing that travels with me. I can go back to when I was in grade school, or to when I was in high school. Doesn't matter. I'm a time-god in this series. And nobody will ever get to read, unless I've died and people discover my memoirs off of some blog site or whatever.

I wanna do this, cause maybe it's gonna help me hone in on my skills as a writer, but also it's just really for me to see. It's a fictional series that I wanna write out for myself. I'll be the only one who knows it, and it's completely for pleasure.

And, hey. It might come in handy for whenever I suddenly do become a time-god one of these days. You never know. It's completely impossible, but I like to silently think otherwise, cause that makes me sleep better in the night.
