Old Omens: Journal Entry #033

Written: Monday. September 13, 2021.

What up, man. How are you doing today? Anything good happening in the future? I wouldn't know. I could only hope and assume—and strive towards it—that where you are in life right now is a better one than where I am currently. Where I am currently is the same as the previous days, honestly.

Read a chapter of a book in the morning, went downstairs and used the PC to fix chapters on The Omnivault, as well as play and download 3DS games, and then I watched a movie called The Guilty (which turned out to be a remake of a foreign movie from 2018), and then I went back upstairs to sleep in the afternoon, and now I'm here, writing this journal entry.

I've unintentionally built this routine around my day, which is unfortunate for this journal. Cause that means I'll be talking about the same exact bullshit everyday. I don't have to write a journal entry everyday, but I want to, so I'm doing it anyway, regardless of if it's uninteresting as fuck.

How far could I go with this particular season of journal entries, do I think? How long before I completely run out of shit to say?

I haven't caught up today on watching the shows that I've recently been watching. That's something different about today. I'm too caught up in playing 3DS games. I've even gotten bored of playing my Nintendo Switch.

I can't really enjoy playing the 3DS game that I'm able to download off of the internet, because I'm not recording it as I'm playing the game. I wanna be able to record my play-throughs, but that's impossible to do, cause I'm only able to play those games on the Desktop computer. My tablet won't be able to run those games if I tried.

My tablet can run a lot of emulators, don't get me wrong. But when it comes to GameCube games, or PS2 games, or 3DS games, it can't run it smoothly.

That's why the games that I record on my tablet are strictly GBA related games. It's not a complaint, I'm just stating a fact. But it would be nice to have a better system to work with in the next couple of months.

Sure, I told myself before that this tablet was gonna be used for strictly productive business, but knowing my lazy ass, I for sure disregarded that. Now, I'm using it mainly for watching YouTube videos, or Shows, or playing video games. I've recently been using it for reading comics on the internet, but that's about as productive as it gets. Sure, you could say that recording games and uploading it with the tablet is somewhat productive, but unless I'm getting paid to do that every time I do it, then it's not a productive thing...yet.

This is a very timely topic to discuss, cause a while ago I had just watched a tech review about the new Huawei Matepad 11. What I'm using right now is the Matepad T8, which is the cheapest of the tablets that are available to buy. I can do most things with it, but in a very low-quality way. If I had enough energy, it could be my main video-editing device. If I had enough energy, it could be my main pixel art creation device. If I had enough skills, it could be a decent way to create digital art. If I had enough patience, it could be my main writing device, since I own a bluetooth controller.

But since doing all of those things require a lot of effort in order to get through...well, you know what's next. I know, I know. "Buying better equipment doesn't mean you'll get better at what you do". But it does make it easier. It solves the problems that you get to deal with when you're dealing with a lower-end device such as what I'm working with right now.

In theory, I'm just bitching about all of it, cause I don't have the energy and the patience required. But if only I could break that mindset, this Matepad T8 tablet could be just as good as a Matepad 11 Tablet. I just have to try.

Writing about it definitely feels like it's helping, but it isn't. That's a cycle that I need to break.

I sort of tried getting back into pixel art creation yesterday night. I opened up the old Aseprite app on my laptop, and attempted to make a piece. I didn't end up liking what I was able to do, but mainly because of the color palettes that are available in the app itself, plus also the palettes that I already use.

I just can't get the right palette for the piece that I was working on. Or maybe it's something else entirely. I've lingered on the idea that I might be focusing on doing pixel art for the month of October. So I hope I get to follow through on that one.

Right now, my focus is on finishing re-editing The Omnivault, as well as maintaining a good pace on recording video game sessions. So far, it doesn't look like my efforts are amounting to anything. But again, it hasn't been a month since I've started, so maybe it's still too early to assess that.

My laptop's been malfunctioning again today. It's getting annoying. I feel like I need to open it up everyday, cause the last time I didn't open it for a day, the following day that I decided to open it up, it took a while for me to get it back in its normal state.

Today, every five minutes, this laptop decides to just stop working. The lofi music that plays on the background keeps stopping, and Evernote keeps on crashing. The only thing I could do is swing the monitor back and forth, and hope that that solves the laptop's problem.

It does, but it also reminds me of that one Spongebob episode, where Patrick tries fixing a computer, by hitting it caveman style.

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