Old Omens: Journal Entry #038

Written: Saturday. September 18, 2021.

Every Saturday, I have this train of thought on whether or not I should make another journal entry for the day. So far, I've always chosen to go with doing another one, but a while ago I was really considering it. Obviously, I still chose to do so, because in my head there are two voices fighting: The one that says not to do it cause you're tired and there's nothing interesting to talk about, and then the other voice that tells you to do it and you'll feel better afterwards, no matter what the case may be. And I'm glad that I listened to the latter voice.

I am sort of reminded by this quote one of my friends said to me back then, which they also coined from some other person who quoted it: "I'd rather regret doing it, than to regret not doing it". This situation is sort of like that. The reason why I wanted to start this third season of the journal was because I wanted to be able to get into the habit of writing again everyday. And breaking that routine, even for just one day (excluding Sundays), defeats the purpose of this whole operation.

But that isn't to say that this journal entry's gonna be different than the others. It's probably gonna contain the same boring stuff. But let's see what I can muster up today.

Lately, I've been prepping my mind for next month (October). The reason why is because next month, I'll be focusing entirely on making Pixel Art. I've said this before on previous entries, but what's different now is that I've also sort of been trying to figure out what to do on November. Like, figuring out what I should be focusing on within that month, you know? And I've stumbled upon the idea of focusing in on Gaming.

On last year's November, I literally spent the whole month just playing video games because I had just ordered a new bluetooth gaming controller that time. So I played a lot of Kingdom Hearts and God of War during that time, and it was the only thing that I got done, literally. I dropped working on my writing, working on journal entries such as this, working on a new YouTube video to put out. I dropped it all, in order to focus on playing video games. And it just felt like one of the best moments of last year for me.

What was not so great about it though, was that I didn't make anything of it. I made a wonderful memory out of it that I could relive in my head if I wanted, but there was no productivity involved. Well, obviously, if we're talking about gaming, then there's little to no productivity involved at all, right? What I want to do in this year's November is I want to do the exact same thing, but have it be a productive thing. I've already sort of started to do it recently, but my schedule for recording gameplays isn't that quite stable. There IS no schedule, to be exact. I just sort of do it when I feel like I have the time.

So what I should do on November is focus on playing games while recording playthroughs for it. That's what's going on in the back of my head recently. October will be for Pixel Art. November will be for Gaming. I don't know yet what December is gonna be focused on, though. But that's okay. It's only September. I'll figure something out along the way.

That reminds me of this other thing that I've been thinking of lately, as I take dumps within the day (which is where most of my ideas come from, anyway). I've been thinking of making videos that I'll be posting way far into the future. Like, I'll make several videos that I'll be posting a few months ahead. Let's say I wanted to post everyday for a month, within the month of March, next year. What I've been thinking of is that, why not make it during earlier months, so that once that specific month comes, I don't have to worry about that current months content! It's foolproof.

I'm considering this idea as well when it comes to the previous topic that I talked about. What if, on the October month of next year, I've already made videos for it as early as maybe even today or a few months after this, but ahead of October? It doesn't make sense when I try to explain it, but in my head, it's crystal clear. So just trust me on this one.

I've now spent all of the recent shit that I've been thinking about lately, and have reached the zero-thought threshold. I have no idea what else to talk about, again.

I watched a few episodes of Himitsu Sentai Gorenger, fixed two chapters of The Omnivault, and I also watched the two last episodes of Brooklyn Nine Nine. It was a very sad ending, and I wish I could've watched it alone in the bedroom, in front of my laptop, so that I wouldn't have had to worry about crying. I could've cried a lot in that scene where Holt has this heart-to-heart talk with Jake, telling him that he's proud of the man he's become. But since I watched it downstairs on the TV, I didn't.

I might download all of the seasons again one of these days, who knows.

Holy fuck, I suddenly just realized what I could do during December (of this year). I could just focus on watching a bunch of Christmas movies! And I could make reviews out of each one, and just post them on the next year's month of December. I'm a total genius for thinking of that! Good for me.

And I've got another fresh idea at the top of my head: I could watch Halloween movies during October, and then post the reviews next year! Incredible.

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