Old Omens: Journal Entry #039

Written: Monday. September 20, 2021.

Technically, I started writing this entry at exactly 11:59 PM, so it still counts. Plus, I'll probably write another entry for Tuesday. I'm really late on this one right now because I got to busy finishing this 1BIT Pixel Art piece that I started like a month or so ago, but just didn't get to do so when our desktop computer's power supply died out. I was still doing that piece on the Photoshop on the desktop computer, and since I couldn't install a new one anymore for some God knows what reason, I finally moved the PSD file here, and finished the thing just mere minutes ago.

I wasn't planning on finishing it tonight, but I guess I ended up doing so anyway. I'm proud of myself either way. I'm proud of the effort I committed into the project, but I'm not necessarily proud of the finished piece. Maybe cause I didn't expect that it wasn't gonna look good in the style that I made it out to be in. Or maybe it's just a really bland looking piece.

To give more context, I had this idea of demaking the whole Legend of Zelda NES map into a 1BIT Pixel art Map, just to see what it looked like. I had done a similar thing with the Pallet Town from Pokemon Red & Blue, so I thought, why not? I did it, and I'm torn between being proud of my effort, and having mixed feelings about the final output.

If I were to take this idea up a notch, I might just fucking end up remaking the whole thing into the style of Minish Cap. I can literally just resize the piece so that the 16x16 sprites fit perfectly into it. The layout is there, I just need the terrain sprites necessary for the job. The only thing that is holding me back is the absence of a public sprite sheet dedicated to the Minish Cap game. Sprite Database and The Spriters Resource do not have the sprite sheets that I need. Or maybe I'm just not looking in the right places.

I exercised today, which was nice. I really need to work out more often, because I'm beginning to feel myself almost going out of breath just going up the stairs. I was reading out loud awhile ago, and I took a quick piss in the middle of it. When I got back up and started reading shit, I could feel myself not having the right amount of air that I need in order to speak shit out loud. It was scary.

I'm definitely gaining weight again. Just by measuring my belly with my hands, I could feel myself getting larger again. So if I want to live healthy until my fifties, I need to get my shit together. It's just that working out is so difficult when you're stuck inside of your house. Sure, you can do weight lifting, but running is also a better way for you to lose more weight. I haven't walked a mile in what seems like forever now. I can definitely do laps inside of the long garage that we have here, but I don't wanna do that, because we have neighbors again.

I fixed two chapters of The Omnivault today. I've gotten to the part that I'm not proud of writing. The ending was really just a pile of hot mess. I needed to find a way to end the story in such a strict situation, that I was afraid I'd exceed the chapter limit (which was 52 in total). So, I just did whatever that was in my head, and just went with it. Me saying this is invalid for now, but I'm betting that I was still able to at least have a decent ending to the overall story that I was able to write. I could at least remember that I gave the story a literal open-ending.

The story itself was designed to have an open-ending. I feel like I have great idea of a story in my possession right now. It's just that I wrote it in the wrong way. But that's also the point of the story. It's very meta. If I've talked about this before, fuck it. I'll talk about it again (which is just me being meta again). The point of re-writing this story is so that I could someday end up with the perfect version of the story.

What I'm planning in the second run is to sort of expand the world-building of the story. I already sort of did some world-building, but only for the alien races that are mentioned in the story. I wasn't able to elaborate enough when it came to the main characters' location. The places they grew up in, the school that they were going to, the classmates that they had, the names of their sections, etc.

I need to assess that part before I begin another run on it. I have this idea running in my head that I might actually split the story into a whole series. Four books is what I have in mind. Four books to represent each your of High-school. From freshmen year, to sophomore, to junior, to senior.

I'm also sort of thinking of whether to do a trilogy after that, where the main characters sort of delay the final battle, and get to grow up to experience college, but still have to deal with the final battle that'll destroy their whole planet or whatever. I dunno yet if that second season of the series will be a trilogy, or another quadrilogy, since college usually lasts 4 years (minimum) as well.

Although, I should really be thinking of that yet, since it's too early on to be assuming that there will be a chance to green-light a second season for this ideal series of mine. But if I want it to end up that way, then I should start right the fuck now.

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