Old Omens: Journal Entry #040

Written: Tuesday. September 21, 2021.

Didn't do much today. As always. I fixed two chapters of The Omnivault, and then I sort of just did nothing afterwards. I tried using my bluetooth controller for the Citra 3DS Emulator on our desktop computer. It felt better than having to use the keyboard to play.

I tested the controller on Pokemon X, Super Mario 3D Land, and Captain Toad Treasure Tracker. The Captain Toad game is really growing on me. I really feel like if I had enough money, I would buy a copy of the game for the Nintendo Switch. It's such a good looking game. The mechanics of the game is interesting as well. It's a bit of a thinker, that one. You have to solve puzzles within these small maps that you move around to see every side and angle of it as you controller the non-jumping Super Mario character known as Captain Toad.

They should make an RPG game for Captain Toad. I could see how it would play out, honestly. Captain Toad has to find the female Toad character from the game, and he gets to meet an array of characters as the story progresses that could either help him on his journey, or get in his way. Kind of like Paper Mario, only it's Captain Toad. He can't jump. That's the main difference. It's a completely different gameplay, because you could have Captain Toad use these different treasures that he's found in his travels or whatever. Or they could develop another Toad character that specializes in gizmos and have them provide Captain Toad with special tools that he could use in his journey, like a pick-axe or a grappling hook or something. I think I've got something going on here. I'm making gems today.

But yeah, Captain Toad should at least get a sequel game or something. It's could honestly be a good strategy for the Super Mario Franchise. They already lost the ability to make more Mario & Luigi games, as well as make new characters for Paper Mario games. Why not focus on a character that's been around since the ancient text was written? Captain Toad (or at least just Toad) has been a prominent character in the Super Mario World. If he didn't exist in the series, it just wouldn't look and feel the same.

What else did I do today? Last night, I finished the Legend of Zelda NES 1BIT Map, which I apparently have already talked about in the previous entry. I sort of really hate that there isn't a good source for a tile set of every terrain used in the Minish Cap game. I'm gonna have a hard time doing the supposed idea that I talked about regarding making a whole remake of the NES map from the first Zelda game.

Although, I did think of an alternative to that idea. Minish cap has a mini-map in the game. The pixel art for the mini-map is available to download on the internet. So, I could just make a sort of Minish Cap Mini-map version of the NES Map, rather than create a completely remade Nes Map in the style of the Minish Cap Overworld. Plus, if and once I get to finish the Mini-map remake, I could probably make the Minish Cap version after that...if I'm passionate enough to do so.

I slept in the afternoon today. Which means that I'll be awake until probably 2-3 AM.

The highlight of today would probably be what happened this morning. I received an email from someone saying that my YouTube channel is the perfect place for their new game to be promoted. It was a game called Sea of Stars, and is being developed by Sabotage Studios. It's a legit game that will be released by 2022, but whoever sent the email was a scammer pretending that they worked for that gaming studio.

It was a good thing that GMail itself was able to detect whether or not it was a legit email or whatever. I would've been screwed if the conversation had lead to me giving out personal information or whatever. I can't say that I was skeptical at first, because my dumb ass truly believed that this was a real offer being given to me by some gaming studio because they found my channel on YouTube or something.

I've been working on my gaming channel for a while now, and I honestly thought that this might've been the first sign of having my hard work pay off or whatever. But if it weren't for the alert GMail sent me, I wouldn't have noticed. The email address itself was already a bit skeptic, to be honest. And the body of the mail wasn't also that...formal. Know what I mean? I dunno. But all of that sort of flew over my head cause I'm a gullible son of a bitch. How disappointing.

I was even hesitating to message them, because I was already thinking of what would happen if it was in fact a legit source, and that I'd have to play their game or whatever. I was thinking of: "How am I gonna play their game and also be able to commentate on it?". Something like that. Like, I was already thinking ahead, when I should've been more attentive to the smaller details.

I'm an amateur when it comes to identifying scams. I'm reminded of the time when I ordered two Hard Drives off of an Online Store. I didn't bother to check the reviews or cased the digital place or whatever, to see if it was indeed a legitimate seller. To be fair, at first glance, the items looked pretty legit. But I should already had my doubts when the location of the seller is from Mainland, China. Most things that come from there are scammers. And I'm obviously saying this from a place of first-hand experience.

I really gotta be careful when it comes to these things. Today was a testament to how I still failed on seeing the clues.

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