Old Omens: Journal Entry #041

Written: Wednesday. September 22, 2021.

Today, I finally finished re-editing the first novel I've ever finished writing. It's no longer called The Omnivault now. It's now called The Omnia Codex: Prologue. The "Omnivault" never really had a connection to the story that I ended up writing. I did mention "The Omnia Codex" somewhere in the story, so I guess I'll just call it that.

But yeah, I finished editing it, and I'll be showing it to my friends on Saturday. I'm excited about it, cause it's the next step that I need to take in order to come a little bit close to the goal of being a published writer. I need to experience having my story criticized by other people. I need to know if I'm a good writer or not. I can't just rely on myself with this. I have to hear what the readers will have to say about my story.

I didn't do much today beyond that, though. The only thing different about today was that I found a way to watch shows on my Netflix app, without having the video pause or go away, by simply playing the video on an external player on my phone or tablet. That way, it doesn't suddenly stop playing and make me have to look for a good link to use. I've been watching Brooklyn Nine Nine again from the very beginning, since I just recently finished watching that series.

The other thing that I did that was different from all the other days was watch an episode of What If? with my good friend David. We didn't get to watch the newest episode last week cause he was busy doing something that week, but we were able to do that today, which was nice.

I even told him that I was still in the process of fixing the story I was making a while ago. And after that video chat that we had, I went on to actually finish the thing completely. It's readable now. I'm still gonna have to convert it into a pdf, but nevertheless it's done. It's available for beta-reading, is what I mean.

I wasn't able to exercise today. I really do need to exercise. I'm literally feeling that out-of-breath feeling that I get whenever I walk up and down the stairs. It's getting kind of scary already.

I literally have nothing to talk about today. I slept in the afternoon, and I haven't been doing much at all. I stopped playing video games whilst recording them for my gaming channel. Well, I only stopped because I've been focused on fixing the novel I had written. But yeah, the only gaming that I've done lately is play a few hours of Stardew Valley. I haven't even touched my Nintendo Switch for days now. I might actually just do that after writing this journal entry out.

I posted the Legend of Zelda NES 1BIT Map that I made, onto Twitter. It got a few likes, but that's okay. I started making a version of it that was in the style of the mini map pixel art of Minish Cap. I realize that that's gonna be a very tough process to actually finish. The sprite work for the mini map isn't really easy to work with in regards to copying that certain style. I thought that I was gonna have an easy time on it, cause the layout was already there, I just had to put in the necessary art. But I was wrong. This is gonna take more brain power than that.

I've been thinking of, if I had the money to do so, getting myself a copy of Animal Crossing New Horizons. I'm not a big fan of cozy games. I'm not a big fan of games that let me do what I want to do. Sandbox games, I think is the term. Yeah, I'm just not a big fan of it. Mind you, I've played an insurmountable amount of it via games like Minecraft, Harvest Moon, and recently with Stardew Valley. But I wouldn't necessarily say that it's my favorite kind of game to play.

Hell, even Breath of the Wild felt like a cozy game where I could just do whatever I wanted inside of the game. I'm more into games that have a beginning and an end to it's play-through. Because I honestly want to experience that game's beginning again, and go through the story again. That's what I like about video games in general. It's got to have a beginning and an end.

This is kind of a stretch, but I would even go so far as to say that Tetris has a beginning and an end to it. You start out slowly building your stacks of tetrominos, and as the game becomes faster, you eventually end up losing, which is the placeholder for the "end" of the game. Tetris has a beginning and an end in that sense. Cozy games...not really. And I dislike the fact that that's "the point of the game". No! That's the game developers basically telling you that they don't know how to end what they started. They just know how to get you to spend their time in the game that they made.

And sure, other types of people like this kind of idea for a game. But not me, really...yet I do wanna change that about myself. I really wanna understand what gets people spending hours and hours on a game that will never give them a satisfying ending. It just goes, and goes, and goes on, until you've reached a point where you're basically tired or bored playing the game, that you put it on a shelf somewhere to collect dust as you put on a new game cartridge on your Nintendo Switch...

I guess I won't know for sure, until I try it out for myself.

This has been another attempt to produce a thousand words per day, everyday, except on Sundays. I really need to do more shit.

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