Old Omens: Journal Entry #042

Written: Thursday. September 23, 2021.

Today was different. A friend of mine back in college asked me if I could attend a webinar for basic film-making. I'm glad that I said yes, cause it led to a very fun time chatting with my other college friends that were also present in the webinar.

These kinds of things are the save us from the pandemic. I definitely realize the gravity of my choice to deprive myself from social interactions for this year. But it's also giving me a very good lesson on recognizing the value of having social interactions with people. I haven't spoken to a person regularly for a very long time now, so I've basically lost the touch of the general way of conversing with others.

I'm dedicating next year into doing the complete opposite of this year. I'll be interacting with people more, I'll be working out more, I'll try to have a healthier lifestyle than what I have now. That isn't to say that self-isolation, or the lack of social-interaction, is a bad thing. It definitely has its merits and reasons or purposes, but I honestly feel like it's giving more of a toxic effect on my existence as a whole.

Doing the opposite of that is gonna be a tough challenge. I've gotten so used to not having to talk to people for days, that it's gonna be hard for me to rekindle certain friendships or whatever that I used to have. It's gonna be hard, but that's the point. That's the process, I guess.

Moving forwards to another topic: I still haven't updated David yet on the status of my First Finished Novel. I finished writing it yesterday, but I still haven't shared that information to him, and to the others that I'll want to beta-read for me.

The reason is because I'm scared. I admit to being scared, because this is kind of like a baby that I'm introducing to the public. I want it to be treated very kindly, but also since it's not an actual baby, but a piece of shit story that I've written for the sake of saying that I've finished something, I also want it to be judged and mishandled like it was an abortion that failed to happen. A little bit dark on the analogies, but trust me, that's how I feel about this story of mine. It's a personal piece, but if taken seriously, it's a hot steaming pile of mess that I've created for myself.

Another thing that happened today is that I just watched a twitch stream from my streamer friend (StarLevi). He's a good friend of mine IRL, and I haven't watched one of his streams as of late. I'm actually currently watching him as I write this journal entry down, but the tab is on mute. I'll be joining it again, hopefully, once I finish writing this thing down as fast as I can.

I've wanted to do streams as well, but I just don't really have the charisma to do it. I can't be on for an hour or more trying to entertain a bunch of people with the things that I'm interested in doing. I just don't have the energy and personality for that. My friend does, and he's got this thing in the bag. I'm proud of the guy. He's gone a long way.

In other news, I still haven't worked out since the last time I mentioned that I've worked out. I'm such a stupid fucking idiot. I just can't find the time and energy to do a work out session. I've built this routine around my day that isn't even fucking productive.

Going back to the novel I wrote: I'm not really fine with calling it "The Omnia Codex: Prologue". It seems like it doesn't have anything to do with the story. And it probably doesn't. It's just a place holder. Doesn't mean anything at all. All it means is probably "there's this extraterrestrial artifact called the Omnia Codex that does...something...that is crucial to the main plot of the story." What is the main plot of the story? It's a coming of age story about a group of high-schoolers who find alien relics that arrived in their home town, that are being hunted down by alien conquerors set in terraforming the Earth...or something like that. I dunno.

I'm definitely gonna have to read it again while my beta-readers are also reading it with me. Speaking of reading, I haven't read a single chapter of the current book that I'm reading (Crossroads of Twilight) as of late. I've been too busy reading my own stuff that I've neglected to read other people's stuff.

One thing that came into mind recently is: How should I write the Second Iteration of the Omnia Codex? I've already thought of, and probably settled with, the 4-book series span (plus hopefully a second serial involving 3-4 books as well, if I'm lucky). But I've also considered the idea of it being a series of short stories that happening throughout the course of a year in high school.

Meaning, it could be written in such a way that the story isn't solely focused on a main cast. High School, or just school in general, has a large ensemble of characters. A single section already has about 4-5 sub groups of different kinds of students. I sort of wanna capture that in this story of mine.

Sure, I could just focus on polishing a specific set of characters. But I could also just focus on not doing that, and go the extreme...if I'm strong enough to do that.

By the way, lately I've been watching Patrick H. Willems's YouTube videos. I probably said that already in a previous journal entry, but who the fuck cares if I do. I'm living the same day everyday for the past few months or 2 years now. Nothing matters anymore. Nothing makes sense.

So it's completely fine for me to lose a little bit of my sanity, cause other people probably are as well.

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