Old Omens: Journal Entry #043

Written: Friday. September 24, 2021.

I worked out today! I finally did it...but that's mostly what I've done throughout the day.

Other things that I did were things like play Stardew Valley on my phone, and read Conan the Barbarian on my Tablet. I'm still in the process of reading this short story, though. Robert E. Howard has an amazing way of writing stories, but I need to really focus if I wanna understand it all. He uses a lot of complicated words—words you wouldn't normally hear in a normal conversation. I wish that I could, but there's just so much for my brain to recall.

Today, I finally told some of my friends about my finished manuscript. It was intimidating at first, but once I got the ball rolling, it was smooth sailing from there. I opted to have a video chat amongst them so that I could clearly explain to them the story they were about to read. But since these people are young adults who have jobs and not a lot of free time like I have, a lot of them couldn't really make it on the weekends, which was when I set the video chat to take place.

I completely understand them. They're already doing me a big favor just by entertaining me. I can't blame them for not having enough time. That's just what it's like to live as an adult without a job, while your peers do have jobs, and are worried about making ends meet. I should worry more, is what I'm saying.

One thing I want to point out though about that whole shebang, was how quick I was to feeling anxious about the whole thing. I'm clearly still unable to handle stress in my life, that a simple conversation amongst my friends already gets me to clam up and whatnot. See, this is part of the reason why I want to flip everything 180 degrees next year. I wanna try to live as an extrovert in the year 2022. Or at least be more social than I am right now.

I wanna be able to conquer some of my fears, and one of those fears is the fear of a big crowd watching over me, or looking my way. It's completely ironic, since I have a YouTube channel that's close to having 5K subscribers. I SHOULDN'T BE AFRAID OF A BIG CROWD...but I just am.

Picked up my Nintendo Switch today in order to play Asphalt 9: Legends. It's the only game that I play these days on it, cause BOTW and AOC are on a break for now.

Now that I've sort of finished re-editing the manuscript that I've been working on for the past few weeks, I should probably go back to making videos. Or at least try to schedule up brain storming sessions regarding making a new video. I have no new video ideas yet, but rest assured I still have some just lingering inside my head, waiting to be written and shot.

I'm starting to think David didn't just randomly suggest Initial D to me. I feel like it was very intentional, and that he's trying to tell me something through it. The anime is centered on the idea that if you wanna excel on something, you gotta allot time for that specific something, and not have anything else bombard your thoughts, or your whole day. If that means having to cut ties with a friend, or end your relationship with a girl you've been dating, then so be it. At least, that's what I've been getting from watching Initial D.

Assuming that I'm correct, and not just paranoid (but I probably am), my friend is trying to tell me to focus up on what it is that I really want to do. Whether it be writing, pixel art, or making videos, I have to focus more, and be determined to get better at whatever it is that I do.

I'm sort of doing that, but I've also already been doing that since the past year and several months onward. I'm honestly at a point right now where I'm trying to be well balanced when it comes several of the things that I'm passionate about. I'm passionate about writing, so I'm sort of writing again. I'm passionate about Pixel art, so I'm prepping myself for it Next month. I'm passionate about games, that's why I'm also prepping for it on November, while also recording playthroughs on the side.

I've been passionate about reading, but honestly, I think my body clock is what's keeping me from reading more within the entire day, or at all, for that matter.

Recently, I've come to the conclusion that I should allot September as the month of making BookTube Content on my main channel. For next year, that is. It's the same month as when Manila International Book Fair happens, and I don't really have a better idea for the month of September, anyway.

So here are the current themes from each month:
  • January: none yet.
  • February: none yet.
  • March: none yet.
  • April: none yet.
  • May: none yet.
  • June: none yet.
  • July: none yet.
  • August: none yet.
  • September: BookTube.
  • October: Pixel Art + Halloween.
  • November: Gaming Videos.
  • December: Christmas Movies/TV shows.
I have four months down. The others, no clue so far. Maybe I'll think of something in the next few days. But that's what I've come up with so far. So far so good.

Clearly, I have nothing else that I could think of to say about today. I might watch an episode of Hyouka after this, because the series was mentioned on a conversation that I had with my friends recently. It's a really good series, but I'm just disappointed that there was never really any romance that happened in the whole series. We were just blue-balled the whole way through. It's still got a good story and whatnot, but man, did that love team never reach a consensus. At least the B-couple of the series got the service that it deserved.
