Old Omens: Journal Entry #044

Written: Saturday. September 25, 2021.

There're five days left in the month of September. This month sort of became dedicated to fixing the story that I wrote two years back, and I guess I'm going to keep that train rolling until October kicks in. I've finished fixing the story itself, and even wrote an introduction for it cause the video chat I wanted to conduct with my friends wasn't able to happen. The only thing left that I need to do is create the survey that the beta-readers are gonna have to answer, as well as do a once-over on the novel, just to see if I missed anything, as well as take notes whilst reviewing it.

Today was the same. The only thing that wasn't was the fact that my brother woke up earlier than I did, and actually got to our desktop computer earlier than I did. I woke up thinking that he was still completely asleep on top of the bunk bed, so I was bewildered (hyperbole) when I saw him downstairs playing his FPS game (Valorant). He logged out soon enough, though. And I was able to use the computer afterwards.

I worked on including the introduction to the PDF file of my story, and also changed minor things about the ending of the story. I gave a more slow and/silent feel to it. Like an eerie or mellow moment where Toby (the main character) looks back at his friends one last time, before entering the void of a new world.

This story really is turning out to be something bigger than it actually is. It's the worst thing I've ever written, don't get me wrong. But in the middle of all that chaos, there's still something there that I could pick up that could lead to something really exciting and fun. That whole experience of trying to write a full-length novel, and actually finishing that novel, is really something special. But I also have a very difficult road to face if I ever want to tackle it.

I eventually will, but I just don't know when. Who knows, it might just start tomorrow, or maybe in a few months after now. But definitely not never...I know that's sort of grammatically incorrect, but let me have this one.

In other news, I've really been back to watching Brooklyn Nine Nine again. I think this is the sitcom that I'll be rewatching for more than ten times within my whole lifetime. I really enjoy watching it again. None of the episodes feel dull or boring. It's a hell of a good series. It's got good writing, too.

I've also been watching Patrick H. Willems movies, but I've said that before already. His dedication to each of his videos really is something that I wanna achieve someday.

Going back to the topics for each month, that I'll be dedicating my focus on, I thought of the idea that August should be around the time I focus up on making Tokusatsu content for the main channel. That's sort of what happened for this year's and last year's August, so I'll just continue that for the next year and more. Hopefully.

As for the other months, I really have no clue yet as to what would be cool to do. Maybe I should just focus on the latter half of 2022, and disregard the first half? If I do that, then that means I only have July's Topic to think of, left. Literally as I'm trying to write this journal entry, I was able to come up with an actual Idea. So, since September will be all about Books. Why not have July focus on books as well...but more specifically, local books?

September will be for International Book Titles, and August will be for Local Book Titles. That way, I'm contributing to my home country. There are a lot of local literature that I'm still yet to read and consume. This will be interesting.

So, here is the final list for the latter part of 2022:
  • July: Local Book Titles.
  • August: Tokusatsu Shows.
  • September: International Book Titles.
  • October: Pixel Art and Halloween.
  • November: Gaming.
  • December: Christmas Movies/TV Shows.
The early half of next year will be my pre-/-production months, and the latter half will be when it all goes public.

It's a weird strategy plan for next year, but I guess I'll only know if it works once I get there.

I'm listening to a curated album by Trent Reznor on Spotify. It contains some of his scores from different movies that it's been used, as well as other tracks that he's made. It sort of give you this downer feeling, but also kind of lets you focus on the work that you're doing. It's odd, and that's what I love about Trent Reznor's work. I'll probably listen to this playlist while I make pixel art next month.

Speaking of things to listen to while I'm making pixel art, I really don't have anything else that I know if that I could listen to. The usual things that I listen to are either movie scores, the Smoshcast, or lofi music. I should probably try listening to other podcasts or educational videos that I haven't watched yet. We'll see.

Lately, I've been watching my Twitch Streamer friend do his streams on his channel. Does twitch call it channel as well? Hmm. I have no idea. But I'm betting that you can feel that I'm literally stretching out this journal entry of mine right now. I literally have no idea what I should share anymore. Everything that can be has already been said. There's nothing more to say.

But I will say, going back to my Twitch Streamer friend, watching him again is sort of a soft version of spending time with him. Spending time with my old high-school friend. Speaking of which, his birthday is literally tomorrow. He's just a few hours away from turning 24 this year. Good for him.

Most of my friends are older than me cause I ended up not taking Nursery. Just a detail I wanted to share.

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