Old Omens: Journal Entry #045

Written: Monday. September 27, 2021.

In order to potentially have more time doing stuff in October, I'll be taking a pause on these journal entries. I'm ending this season out on September 30, which is just a few days from now. The reason for doing this is because I'm going to do two major things in the month of October. I'll be making pixel art timelapse videos, and then also record video game play-throughs that will be posted in the month of November. This way, I'll be able to spend the month of November watching Christmas movies that I'll do videos about, which will be posted by December.

I'm planning on doing things in advance, so that it all seems clean once it gets uploaded. Doing all of that, while still trying to write a journal entry each day, is going to be trouble for me. It's gonna lead to burnout, which is something that I don't want to happen right now.

I didn't exercise today, which is fine, cause I exercised yesterday (Sunday). I was also scheduled to take a bath today, so there's that. Back then, I was able to get some work out done in the early hours of the day, and have my body be ready for a bath hours afterward. Now that my life is basically that of a couch potato's, I'm waking up at around 12 pm, spend the afternoon in front of the computer, and ultimately lose more hours in the day because I'll end up sleeping in the latter half of the afternoon. Most of the productive shit that I do in a day happens at around 9:30-12:00 onward. This is not good. Not good at all.

Even though I've laid it out, I'm still not gonna be able to solve that problem. There's no way to change this way of living, because even if I do decide to wake up as early as 7-8 am, I'll still end up eating breakfast at exactly 12 pm, which is not good for me, because by then my body will want to go back to sleep to catch some Zs. If I slept in the afternoon, I would wake up in time to eat lunch, which is around 3-5 pm because that's when our mother finished cooking...

This isn't going anywhere. Let's move on to other topics that I can discuss.

Today, two of the friends that I assigned to beta-read my story messaged me, basically saying that they haven't read it yet, and are only starting today. Kaye was busy with work, which is totally fine. Claire's reasoning was because she couldn't read on the phone or tablet anymore. Probably because she's easily distracted by other apps that are available in the device, but that's perfectly reasonable, too. It does however mean that she might've already started reading the story on her devices, but simply couldn't continue because of her distractions or the dislike-ability to read on a digital screen, which is something that I completely understand.

If I am able to print out my work, I would do so in a split second. But since the story is 230 pages or more, doing that would make me lose ink supply that's so hard to come by these days. Don't want that, now do we?

Yesterday, I went and watched both Alice and Wonderland, and Alice Through the Looking Glass. I was initially just gonna watch the first movie, but I decided on watching the second one as well, because why the hell not. I haven't watched the second movie until yesterday, and I was surprised to find out that that movie involved time-travel in its plot. I did try to watch it back then, but somehow I guess it just didn't work for me because Johnny Depp's portrayal of the Mad Hatter felt too much of a caricature for me. Sort of like how he degraded in acting when it came to the fifth Pirates of the Caribbean movie. He's portrayal of Jack Sparrow there was too cringey at that point. I even slept in theaters when I watched it, but that's a completely long and different story all together.

As I watched Alice Through The Looking Glass, I can't help but think that the plot of that movie was unapologetically stolen by Avengers: Endgame. Both movies involved going back to certain points in time, and the villain of the story saying "I am Inevitable". I wonder if I had made the same connection back when I watch Endgame in theaters if I had actually watched Alice Through The Looking Glass...most probably.

Like how insane is it that these two movies are too much alike. Alice goes back to Wonderland and meets with her friends again, much like how Tony is reunited with his friends once he is brought back to Earth at the beginning of Endgame.

The main problem of these movies has something to do with changing the events of the past, or taking something from the past that will help affect the events of the present/future.
  • Alice has to go back in time to find the Hatter's lost/dead family.
  • The Avengers have to go back in time to find the Infinity Stones.

Both movies don't actually end up changing the past, and ultimately learns something from it instead.
  • Alice tries to change what happened to the Red Queen, but it ultimately backfires.
  • The Avengers try to take the Infinity Stones, but Thanos ultimately finds out and goes to the present/future to stop them.

The ending of both of these movies even feel the same.
  • When all hope is lost, Alice returns the chronosphere back to its rightful place.
  • When all hope is lost, Bruce Banner Snaps the infinity gauntlet, sends everybody back, and Tony does the same, in order to defeat Thanos.
I'm so disturbed by this realization, and I think I'll end up making a video for it in the future. Mark my words when I say that I can't be the only one who finds this connection.

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