New Frustrations: Journal Entry #02

Written: Friday. December 3, 2021.

This'll be a practice entry for an actual script I wanna make for a youtube video. Last time, I talked about my Fire Emblem problem. Now, I'll be talking about my dilemma regarding the next game I wanna buy once I get money from my Axie shit.

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Super Mario Odyssey, Metroid Dread, Legend of Zelda: Links Awakening, Skyward Sword, Paper Mario: Origami King, Pokemon Mystery Dungeon DX, and Pokemon Brilliant Diamond & Shining Pearl. These are the final video game titles I've been contemplating for the last few weeks prior to the upload of this video.

You see, I am not a rich man. I am but a humble young adult who chooses to spend his time playing video games to relax and escape reality, even just for a few hours, on his Grey-Colored Nintendo Switch Lite. I am, at the time of this recording, in search of the next switch game to add to my growing collection. 

For background information regarding what games I currently have, I've already bought and played Breath of the Wild & Age of Calamity. A cousin of mine lent me three of his games back in late October: Fire Emblem Three Houses, Octopath Traveler, and Dragon Quest 6. These are borrowed video game titles, So I won't have these games forever, so in totality—I only really have two games.

The situation is that I can only choose one game to purchase for now, until the next paycheck, and I haven't decided yet between any of these 7 video game titles.

Super Mario Odyssey is an easy choice, but I've read that it isn't really worth replaying once you've finished your first campaign on it. There are a total of 880 Moons to collect within the many worlds, and playing this game will reawaken my Nostalgia because of playing Super Mario 64 a lot in my childhood years.

Metroid Dread is the latest addition to the Metroid video game franchise, and it's the first 2D Metroid game since Metroid Fusion. I don't have a lot of early memories when it comes to the Metroid series. My time playing Metroid Fusion has long been forgotten, and the other games never really reached out to me. The Prime games leave a sour taste in my mouth just trying to imagine a 3D Metroid Game. It just doesn't feel natural. By purchasing Metroid Dread, I could then take another chance to reassess my feelings towards the Metroid series.

Link's Awakening is a top-down Legend of Zelda Remake that I've never played before, even for the original counterpart. Since I've already satiated my yearning for a 3d Zelda game with Breath of the Wild, it'd be a good decision to test out the series's original top-down game-play. I've played titles like Minish Cap and a Link to the Past, and buying another Zelda game would make sense, since it would mean that I can focus on just one video game franchise throughout my Nintendo Switch experience.

Skyward Sword falls into that same category. If I buy this game, it'll be more worth it than Link's Awakening, since I could always just play the original version on an Emulator. But with Skyward Sword, emulators don't really cut it. I've never tried looking for Wii Emulators, but I could only think that it'd be a bad time for me. But then again, what would Skyward Sword feel like when I play it on my Switch Lite? I've read that it's a complicated process.

Paper Mario: Origami King is the cheapest game that I could buy on Lazada, so it's also the easiest to choose from the rest. My most favorite game to play is Paper Mario 64. I've probably played that game ten times already, and I'll probably play it again some time soon. I've played A Thousand Year Door, but never really got to finish it, cause it was just too long (not that I'm complaining. That's actually a good thing. I just happened to do other stuff that when it came to continuing the game, I had no idea what I needed to do anymore, so I stopped). 

Going back, Origami King is a good chance for me to experience a new Paper Mario Game in years. Though I have heard the many complaints about it NOT being an actual RPG. But to that, I say, "Go Fuck Yourselves". Cause it's all about whether or not I had a fun time at the end of the day playing that game. We'll see.

Pokemon Mystery Dungeon DX is probably the longest to complete from all of the games I've picked contemplating on. Even on the original GBA version, I've probably only finished the game once, and that's stretching it, cause I probably used the save state load state function on emulators in order to finish the game's full campaign. If I buy this game, I don't have to worry about trading.

Which leads me to Pokemon Brilliant Diamond & Shining Pearl. The only reason as to why I'm also considering these two games is because I've never experienced playing a new Pokemon game (legitimately) since Gen 3. I was never given the Nintendo DS, nor the 3DS. So I never got to play Gens 4,5,6 and 7. Is BDSP considered Gen 8? I don't even know at this point.

But choosing to go for one of these games means that I'll have to actually socialize with other people who have different versions of the game. I know one or two people who could already have a copy of one of the games, but it all just seems too complicated to me. I'd rather actually buy a Double Pack of the games and trade with myself. Just like the true introvert that I am.

"But Elmo, what about the three other games you've yet to play? Why not just play those while you save up your money in order to buy"—I don't wanna hear any of that bullshit.

In all honesty, if I don't have Fire Emblem Three Houses right now, it's probably gonna be the game that I bought with my money. But now that I've played the game, well, you know, the game is fine. I've just realized that I'm more into Action-Adventure games than turn based strategy. And no! Pokemon is an exception. Cause, come on! That's Pokemon we're talking about.

For now, this is the dilemma that I'm facing. It's dumb, I know. But I can't really help myself. The best I can do to fight this is to write this script down, and hopefully find a solution by the end of it.

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