New Frustrations: Journal Entry #03

Written: Friday. December 24, 2021.

So the last entry went well, if I do say so, myself. I was able to write a script for a video down, record the voice over for it, and turn it into a video to be posted on YouTube. Job well done. Haven't published it yet, though. That'll be for the first week of next year.

This time, I'll be making another script that centers around the struggle that I had this year regarding my reading habits. I wasn't much of a reader this year, to be honest. It's obviously because of the Nintendo Switch Lite that I bought for myself back in March, that caused my focus—my priorities—to change drastically. I still read a certain amount of literature this year, but not as much as back in 2018-2020.

So, this script will be about that whole, somewhat new, frustration that I have.

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Back in 2018, I bought a lot of books. And in that same year, I was able to read a lot of books—Obviously, because I was buying a lot of them, as well. So there was nothing to do BUT read and read, and read, and read some more. 

By the time 2019 arrived, I thought that that sort of itch that I had with buying brand new books, or more often second-hand books, would start to fade away in the new year. But I probably bought either the same amount of books, or spent the same amount of money in order to buy myself new books. Maybe even more.

And I was still reading a lot in that year. In 2018, I bought 27 books, and was able to read 10 books. In 2019, I bought 38 books, and was able to read about 19 books in total. In 2020, the year the earth stood still, I was only really able to read about 15 books. In 2021, last year, I was only able to finish reading 7 books. 

If you go through my Goodreads account, it says I've read probably 20 books, but more than half of those are the Avatar Graphic Novels, and I just put that there to sort of cheat the yearly reading challenge.

I'm making this video now as sort of a pledge for a new resolution this year. 2022 is going to be the year I go back to reading more books than I do playing video games on my Nintendo Switch Lite. Or at least, I get to equally balance out reading and gaming for this year.

My plan of attack is to actually start buying books again. I won't be going to malls or bookstore branches this time around. Although, I'd prefer it that way. But this way, I won't risk getting any sort of virus the new world has to offer these days. I'm also gonna try to buy more local book titles, just to balance out my book collection. I've already bought enough from foreign authors, that it's time to pay tribute to the homeland.

That's all I wanted to say, really. I don't wanna promise anything more than that, cause those promises will probably be broken anyway, so what would be the point.

Tune in next week for another one of these nonsensical videos I'm making lately. I'll be reviewing these two Foldabots Comics that I bought in Shoppee a few weeks ago.

Now get the hell outta here.

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