New Frustrations: Journal Entry #12

Written: Saturday. May 28, 2022.

Not gonna talk about that one small thing that happened today. I'm giving it that chance. What I do wanna talk about is the last few weeks since the last entry.

May 12, which was the day after I had written the last entry, I had started this series of screencaps of Legend of Zelda: Minish Cap styled mock ups for the previous Zelda games. One the first day, I was able to finish the first piece—not really thinking much of it in terms of it getting any buzz—and posted it on the r/Zelda reddit page. It blew up overnight, garnering about 8k+ upvotes and probably around 200+ comments.

It was a mock up of the very first scene you'll see when starting a fresh new game of Zelda 1 (NES), but recreated in the style of Minish Cap. I remember having the urge, or the idea of doing it, while I was looking at my previous playthroughs of Minish Cap, which was playing on my brother's computer, whilst Showtime was also playing on the tv screen, which was hooked up to the PC. Not important, but that was the setting of it.

As I was rewatching those videos of mine—and to put more context: I was playing a playlist I've made containing various videos of my channel and second channel, as well as my friend Kurt's videos—my mind developed this idea of creating mockups for the other Zelda games, in the style of Minish Cap. Really just to see what that would be like.

I didn't plan anything out, as I often do in everything that I do, and once those upvotes and appreciative comments came in, I just went at it and started on the next mock up.

The Zelda 2 and Link to the Past mock ups didn't really do well, but when I got to Link's Awakening and Ocarina of Time, that's when it really started to come into fruition. I was hesitant to make the Oracle games, because I've already seen a couple of attempts in the web of people recreating those games in the style of Minish Cap, much like what I was doing. But I did it anyway, and Oracle of Seasons got a lot of love. Ages didn't get much upvotes, but I think it's because of the weird thing that happens when you post two or more picture in one reddit post. Maybe people using their phones don't see the full picture (literally) when they see that post.

Then I made the Hall of Secrets mock up, then that was sort of it. I wanted to make a mock up of Majora's Mask, but ultimately didn't go for it because I didn't know which scene to best recreate in MC style. Plus, if I did, I'd have to actually make new sprites for the scene. These mockups came quickly and easily, mainly because I was only really rearranging existing assets found on the internet. I wasn't technically making pixel art, because there was never really anything new, fundamentally, to what I was producing with that project. But anyway.

All of a sudden, I had this weird idea of putting Pokemon and Minish Cap together, just to see what that would look like. And it totally fits. I called it the Tome of Hyrumon, and it would be a Zelda game where Link has to find and learn about all of the different species of monsters and races found in Hyrule. And also find 8 pieces of the Triforce, which is now being protected or manipulated by 8 different races under the spell of Ganon, who is asleep due to the energy he used up trying to break the Triforce. That kind of shindig.

As I got done with the Pokemon x Zelda crossover, I revisited Zelda 1, and made a mock up for the Ganon fight, as well as Link rescuing Princess Zelda. Also made mockup screen caps of Link visiting the Old Man in the cave who gives him a sword.

After that, I made two BOTW 2 screen caps in the style of MC. One was my attempt at remaking the Link falling scene from the second teaser trailer, in the style of MC. That one, I really liked, because it came out nicely. It's just simple, but it does the trick.

That was the kind of the last post I made that blew up, and after that, I remade the first Dungeon from the first game (Eagle Map) into the MC style, and it was okay. It didn't blow up, but that's understandable.

I stopped after that. But I really wanna do more. It's just that out of all of the progress I've made for that series, I'm only left with a tired mind and body, and no money to show for it. I need to find a way to monetize that project.

After that, I haven't touched on that series at all. I've mainly been playing video games and catching up on my reading again.

Still reading the Wheel of Time. I'm at Book 12, which is okay, I guess. I'm almost at the end.

Last Sunday, I went to church, and after that, went to SM San Lazaro. Ended up buying a book. After 2 years and a few months of not buying anything in a physical bookstore, I finally did it again. Bought Sacajawea by Anne Lee Waldo. What's weird is that it's a fiction book. It says so in the spine. Although, it contains a lot of information regarding the events that occurred while she was around.

I guess it's fiction because the writer was probably not born yet at the time of writing the story, and that she used extensive research to come up with a viable way of retelling the events that have unfolded. That's probably why it's categorized as a fiction novel. But hey, if it's close to the real thing, or even so, better, then what the heck?

Other things to talk about is that we're moving again. Don't know where yet, but we're definitely moving this time. It's still a chapter in development, so I'll update the journal once that's finished, I guess.

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