New Frustrations: Journal Entry #11

Written: Wednesday. May 11, 2022.

In Doctor Strange: The Multiverse of Madness, Scarlet Witch is revealed to have been trying to find a way to traverse the multiverse—specifically to a universe, a reality, where she gets to live with her children. She dreams about them every morning, and wakes up, as she says in the movie, back in the same nightmare we perceive as reality.

Two days ago—May 9 to be exact—was the checkpoint of our reality branching off into a dystopic version of itself. Everybody who tuned in on the news that day, and on the following days, know what that means. I can't put into words how I'm feeling right now, because it's all jumbled up with the fear that I'm now having as well. I know that this journal entry probably won't see the light of day (be seen by millions of people). But still, I'm in fear of what is currently safe to write about anymore.

We lost. I guess that's a way to sum it all up. We lost to the constant flow of events that has repeated itself since time immemorial. We lost to the system that can be stopped—but as it appears, only for a certain amount of decades until it eventually finds a way to do it all over again. We lost a good chance to fight corruption, not because we didn't have enough votes, or that there are a lot of stupid people in the country (or in the world, for that matter), or that there were falsified information roaming around on the internet. We lost because we, as a people, the Filipino people, are doomed to destroy ourselves.

The voting machines were definitely tampered. The government is definitely filled with corrupt individuals. One-percenters definitely had a hand on the election results. Media is being fabricated, and being fed false information. Money is being distributed to the followers, the trolls, and unfortunately our own teachers as well—may it be forced or otherwise. All of these methods of manipulation were designed by a singular force. I was supposed to write down individual, but I won't place that much credit to that particular individual. He was brought up in the middle of the mess, and now he's really just picking the leftover pieces, trying (and unfortunately succeeding) to salvage these pieces of foundation his father left for him. No. That singular force is the whole family. It started with the father. The father died, and a few decades later, the son is now back to where his father left. And he's going to continue his father's crusade, whether we like it or not.

But I would never just blame the son. I blame the people. Specifically the people who followed the devil's mission to power. Those people are the real reason why we're in this mess. Those are the real sons of bitches that we have to blame for all of this. There is no exception.

That's not to say that all who have been influenced by the Devil's charm are all at fault...although that number is quite few compared to those who influenced them. I pity those who were robbed of a clear and sound thinking mind. I pity the folk who blindly followed. Because in those cases, in those very common cases, they didn't know what was right from wrong, simply because they couldn't know. They couldn't analyse it in their heads, simply because they lack the education for it.

And the lack of education is to be blamed on the system that provides it. If there's higher education, then there would simply be higher intellectual quotients to be seen in the masses. But no, because of lack of education, because of the lack of support for education, and because of the lack of care for education, we have ended up having more and more unfortunate people, who choose their leaders, simply because they're either good looking, or dance a lot, or have surnames that have been mythologized through time and forgetfulness.

Over the past few days, and probably in the upcoming months and probably 6 years, and probably more time after that, I've been spending and will be spending my time trying to figure out the best way to at least help put or reality back on its supposed course. Not saying that I'm aspiring to be a force for change, or be a beacon of hope, or like a model for heroism, or to be idolized, or to even enter politics. None of those things because they're too farfetched to even consider, given my current situation. I'll be lucky enough to write a book about these times, or something within that realm. I'll be lucky enough to have an ongoing teaching program for the new generation, teaching them not just about history, but also about other things in the world. I'll be luck enough to spread a tiny smidge of hope to a certain amount of people. But I'll never be able to pull off putting reality back in its place. To arrive at a point in time where all of the corrupt individuals have been put to jail, or have them all step down from their posts, or what-have-you.

I'll be lucky enough to survive these 6 years. Hard stop. I don't want to say lucky enough to tell this to my children and grandchildren, because at this point, I don't want to bring any new people in this kind of world. Until I'm certain that the new generation will have a bright future ahead of them (and Good God, this is coming from a 23 year old), I won't be adding count to that new generation. Because right now, I see no hope.

Now, as I look back on Scarlet Witch's situation...I get to understand why she was on that path.

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