The Nth Chapter: Journal Entry_003.

Written: Thursday. November 17, 2022.

It's 7:22 am. I'm still technically working, but since I've done all my tasks for the day, and am just waiting for the revisions to appear, I might as well get a journal entry down, since it's been a couple of days since the last one.

Last Saturday (November 12), I went to Kurt's 25th Birthday Party. A bunch of people attended the party at Cirma Food House, but not a lot. I arrived a bit late. The party started around 6pm, and I arrived at around 8:20pm-ish due to the traffic.

I had left the house that day at around 5:30 pm, and had to wait a while to catch a jeep from Severina. Had to wait an hour to get to Bicutan, then had to wait in line a bit at the Terminal behind SM Bicutan. Traffic was a bit light around Rotonda—or I guess it didn't really matter to me, because at that point, I knew that I was gonna be late already.

LRT ride from Edsa to Cubao, then I took an FX from Gateway to Bayan. Could've taken a Jeep, but since there were FXs lined up outside of Gateway again (cause they were gone for a while cause of the pandemic), I opted to take the FX so that I won't have to arrive at the party all sweaty and tired. I just arrived at the party tired.

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Sunday (November 13), I was supposed to leave Kurt's house so that by Monday I get to celebrate my Mom's Birthday. Instead, Kurt and Tin found a way to make me stay, and we went to Anytime Fitness Ayala Malls Marikina branch to work out. I can still feel a little bit of the DOMS I got from that workout, but it was definitely needed, since I haven't had the chance to workout in the past few weeks or so. Even now, but only because of the DOMS, I haven't worked out again after that Sunday afternoon.

After the workout, Kurt bought a new TV at the Ayala Mall, and then gave me his old TV Monitor, because I asked for it, and luckily its speakers were broken, so Kurt easily gave it to me.

By Monday (November 14), it was time to head on home. I carried a huge box containing the new(old) TV that Kurt gave me. Once I got home, I ate lunch, and installed the new monitor to my PC. I used to have this 5x4 aspect ratio Monitor. But now it's a 16x9...yet I still barely use my PC anymore, due to the fact that I own a faster Laptop now. I'm probably gonna use the monitor again once I've replaced the old PC with a new one that I'll buy in the future. Probably around June...hopefully sooner.

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This week has so far just been a montage of me downloading games onto my external hard drive. I've downloaded Megaman Zero/ZX Legacy, Hades, Stray, Eastward, Death's Door, etc. I downloaded a PS2 emulator and downloaded games like God of War, and GTA San Sandreas.

The problem right now is what to prioritize. This is always the dilemma that I have when met with too many possibilities, too many options, too many paths to take.

I've been watching these Minimalism Youtubers lately, and I've come to realize that their content is somewhat pretentious underneath (like way underneath the facade that makes them appear so calm and collected). They might not really realize it, or are too blind to even see it, but it's in them—that yearning to be, not necessarily out of control of their actions or daily tasks, but the ability to do all things that they wish to do, without being overwhelmed by all of it at the same time. Which is where the term Maximalism enters the table. It's the opposite of Minimalism, but if you look it up on YouTube, the result isn't translated yet as accurately.

How I define Maximalism is succumbing to the forces of chaos, and embracing the disorder that comes with having too much on your plate. A minimalist would have little to no trinkets or posters, paintings, in their bedroom or living room. A maximalist would be someone like Adam Savage's workshop, or a Carpenter's tool shed, or a Gunpla's work station and glass shelves filled with all of their Gundam models, or a Toy Collector with all their toys smooshed together in those same glass shelves.

That's how I would describe maximalists. And watching these minimalist YouTubers talk about minimalism made me, irony, think about Maximalism, and want to explore that area.

For the longest time, I've always tried to find a way to control the disorder of my mind; to figure out how to prioritize certain things over others—but what if that's not really how I should deal with the crazy? What if, instead of taming the dragon, I let it loose and go wild and free?

Food for thought, as I'm still in the middle of figuring out the answer to that question at this particular moment in time.

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