The Nth Chapter: Journal Entry_006.

Written: Wednesday. December 21, 2022.

I haven't been writing as much journal entries as before, but I have been practicing my typewriting recently. There's this typing test website called Monkeytype, and it's a good website to practice your typing skills. I used to practice on a different website, but Monkeytype has been a better, more diverse typing test website to use. You can set the time of typing to either 15-100 seconds, depending on your mood, and you can change the difficulty in terms of adding punctuations, capitalizations, and numbers, to your type test sessions. It's a very convenient way to train your fingers when typing.

I don't know why I've recently been wanting to get better at typing. I'm definitely still getting a lot of mistypes and such while I'm writing this journal entry. But I would say that I've gotten a bit faster when it comes to typewriting in general. I used to reach 60 wpm on the old website I trained at, but when I switched to Monkeytype, my wpm reached 73-75 average. It's probably not something to be proud of if we're to compare it to the elites, but it's my personal best, and I'm fine with that. I think 60 wpm is the average according to statistics, so having a faster wpm than that is already something to be slightly proud about.

Plus, these test only really train your skills in typing. It doesn't truly train your brain when it comes to writing, in the sense that you're gonna write a story, or an essay, etc. These typing tests give you a set of words or paragraphs to write down, so you're really just doing half of the battle right there. I feel like if and when it comes to writing something like an essay, I would probably beat like half of the 100 people who're taking the hypothetical essay along with me. These typing tests might train your hands, but they don't train your mind and knowledge of bullshit to come up with on the fly.

Plus, I think I'm a certified Pantser—that's someone who would often be able to write a certain thing once they sit down in front of the laptop or computer, and just start writing off the seat of their pants (hence the term), as opposed to an architect writer, who spends time building the world of the story, before actually settling down to write the actual story.

Both types of writers are genuinely well balanced and have equal quality compared to one another, but I do wish that I could somehow emulate the architect writer's ritual. Although, to counter that thought, I do wanna say that I have written down a few world-building notes for some fantasy story or whatnot, but in terms of writing an actual story for those world-building notes...there's none to speak of. I've written more prose when it comes down to just finding the idea when the idea comes to me while I'm in the zone or headspace of writing a thing.

Where's this journal entry heading towards? That's the problem with this particular volume of entries. I don't know what to write about most of the time. I don't really want to make an anecdote of the things that have happened in the past few days or such, but that was the game back when I writing journal entries everyday. It's amazing that I was able to come up with a thousand words per day, six days a week. Like, what were the things that I came up with, and how was I able to come up with writing that kind of bullshit at the time? I miss it. I miss that headspace.

It would be impossible to get into that headspace right now, especially in the two recent years, due to the pandemic, where nothing ever really happened in life, and we were stuck inside the four walls of our houses. I hope that for next year, I would take the time to go out more, now that the pandemic is basically being disregarded by most people. The virus still exists. It's just that people tend not to care anymore. So hopefully, I really do get to come back into that headspace of mine.

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