The Nth Chapter: Journal Entry_014.

Written: Thursday. February 9, 2023.

A Nintendo Direct happened this morning, and I watched it while I was taking a break from work. Advance Wars Reboot, Sea of Stars, and Fantasy Life caught my attention, and of course, Tears of the Kingdom as well. It was expected that Nintendo would drop a trailer for their most anticipated game in that Nintendo Direct, since it's less than 100 days before the release date (May 12, 2023).

I've been itching to play that game since November of 2022, but because the game was delayed due to things still being refined within the gameplay and probably story elements as well, they moved it to May of 2023, which is fine, in retrospect. Since I have job now, I have time to save up for the game before it arrives. The question in my head is "how am I gonna be able to pre-order the collector's edition?" Where am I even gonna find the right website to pre-order it? How much will it cost for me to pre-order the collector's edition? Am I still gonna buy an OLED Switch in order to experience this game the way it's intended? That's a little bit of an exaggeration, but I don't really want to play that kind of a game on a small Lite. It was okay back in Breath of the Wild, but I think that I'll want to buy an OLED for myself so that I could really get the full experience.

The only problem is that by the time I do buy an OLED and Tears of the Kingdom, I'll be quitting the job that I have in order to have all the time within the day to immerse myself in this game. Of course, there are other reasons why I'll be quitting my job, like being able to focus more on my personal projects again, mental health, etc. But Tears of the Kingdom is the top reason I want to quit my job by May...or maybe by June. Still haven't decided yet.

June seems pretty alright for me to quit, because it's my birth month, and I don't really want to be working on my birthday this year (it's a Friday). But May also feels like a good month to quit, because by that time, I've accumulated 6 months of work or more for this current job that I have.

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Speaking of new things that have been happening, I was finally able to buy the Lenovo Chromebook 11"6 N4020 that I mentioned a few journal entries ago. It was something that I was supposed to buy at the beginning of the year, but I made the wrong decision of cancelling my order because I thought that it was a sham by GamExtreme's Lazada shop. It had a price of probably 8,500 pesos more or less, and I purchased it a month later at the price of 9,395 pesos, which is just sad because I wanted to brag about this laptop being so cheap for the potential that it can bring to your productivity.

If I haven't explained the reason behind why I wanted to purchase this laptop, I'll reiterate: This was never something I sought out to buy. I didn't know chromebooks existed until it popped up in my Lazada recommendations at the eve of the new year. This particular Lenovo chromebook looked great by design alone. It's got a minimal approach to it, which is what I strive for in a laptop's exterior design. It's got 2 USB ports, which is generous enough for it's price. It's got an expandable storage via Micro SD card slot. It's got 2 USB C type ports (one on the left, and one on the right). I don't know what the extra USB C port is for, since you'll only be charging this thing from one port, right? Let me research it real quick...

*30 seconds of research later*

Turns out that the other is for HDMI output or whatever. Great information to know about, but I probably wouldn't be using this thing like a teacher presenting their powerpoints. I'll be using this thing mainly to get back into writing again. I haven't been as much enthusiastic about writing in spite of having my new ASUS TUF Gaming Laptop with me. That beast seems a little too much for me, because it can literally do too much as a tech device. It can play games, it can process video editing and graphics editing, it can be used to procrastinated because you can basically do a whole bunch of things. And when you can do a whole bunch of stuff, what tends to happen is that you end up doing nothing at all because that knowledge eventually overwhelms you. At least, for me, that's what happens all the time.

I miss the days when I had little to nothing to pass the time with. It's the rich man's cliche and the poor man's dream. A poor man thinks that money and material things will solve their problems, but once those problems get solved, new ones take their place. The rich man is able to buy and have the things that he desired back when he was poor, but will eventually learn that these things weren't really what was needed to achieve happiness. And how does one achieve happiness. Neither the poor or the rich man can find the answer, because it's this endless loop of insatiability that man has. You can have it all, but still feel like you've got nothing that brings you true joy. 

I seem like I'm complaining, and I am. I don't get why I wanted the things that I have right now, only for it to bring no joy to me once I've gotten to experience it. It satiates me for a time, but eventually I'll get bored with it and ask for more. It's man's fatal flaw.

But enough about all that for now. I bought this laptop with the sole intention of using it for one purpose. And that is to write with it. Write journals, write stories, write scripts for my YouTube videos, etc.

I should've bought this thing back in January, but my patience got tested because of Lazada's (or GamExtreme's) confusing actions. This chromebook was priced at around 8,500 pesos at the time, and I wanted to buy it because it was such a cheap price for such a good laptop. And somehow it felt too good to be true, escpecially when GamExtreme suddenly changed the price of the same laptop catalogged in their store for like 10,000 plus. So it confused me as to why they would change the price, plus mention in the order that it could be cancelled if they weren't able to pack and ship it in time. I thought that it was a scam by GamExtreme for customers to wait until the deadline of shipping, cancel the order, and have the customer re-order it at a higher price because of wanting to get more bang for their buck or whatever.

Turns out that I shouldn't have been impatient, and just waited out the days until it was packed and ready to ship. Silly me.

But nevertheless, this chromebook is here to stay, and I'm probably gonna need a few more days or weeks to truly have a comprehensive review on this thing.

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