The Nth Chapter: Journal Entry_013.

Written: Wednesday. February 1, 2023.

In practicality, I'm living a stable lifestyle. Stable, in the tangible sense of the word. I'm earning a monthly salary of 18,000 pesos (which gets an additional 3K more or less because of overtime and such), and that's sort of an okay salary for someone who's not a graduate, nor even applied for the job and was just hired through great friend connection.

18K, in retrospect, is enough money for someone who's still living with their parents, who doesn't have a life partner yet or is in a relationship; it's enough for someone who only really buys games and books with their money, and the rest goes to transportation and food. I'm able to save a few thousands with that salary, but I still don't know where that money will go, so it's always something that's nagging me at the back of my head.

As an average person, I should be chill. I shouldn't be stressed or feel anxiety. I don't know if that's actually the emotions I'm feeling right now. I'm definitely not stress with work because I've allowed myself to be in a place where I'm basically untouchable because of how good an asset I am to our clients. Anxiety is something that I'm familiar with, and melancholy feeling isn't it, chief.

So is it something like a silent depressed feeling? Fatigue due to the repetitive scene in the work flow? Boredom because of how nonchalant the job feels? I work at home, so my only source of chaos that is the work space is whenever Kurt, Tin, and I get to play a few matches of Valorant during or after work to pass hours.

I spent the last 2 weeks hanging out at Kurt's house. I don't know if I've mentioned this on the last entry, but I bought myself a small luggage trolley to put my clothes in whenever I go on long trips, which is probably what's gonna happen a lot this year, I feel.

I'm going to go to Baguio at the last week of February, and there's been talks of a trip to La Union by March, though I'm not too sure of that. I'm also gonna be travelling a lot during the weekends, just to give a slice of randomness to the week.

I've definitely fulfilled my mission on travelling during the weekends so far this year. January was definitely filled with weeks where I'm either out doing an event shoot, or hanging out in another house, or just travelling to a mall within Metro Manila. It's crazy that I still have money despite having gone through so much travelling and buying new bargain books along the way.

I bought a new phone last month, but I've probably already told that on the last entry. The old Flare S7 Plus had to retire, and the Aqua S10 Pro 5G is doing its job well so far. I don't play emulator games on it anymore, like what I've done with the previous phones that I've had, since that would be redundant 'cause I have a Switch and a 2DS now.

I bought 3 books within the month of January. Dracula by Bram Stoker (Penguin Classics Edition), The Worthing Saga by Orson Scott Card, and Wizard's First Rule by Terry Goodkind. I'm willing to give Dracula another read, just because it's a Penguin Classics Edition this time around, and I liked reading Three Musketeers and Count of Monte Cristo by Penguin, so there's something going on with their publishing that makes it less intolerable to read, unlike Collins Classics...

Wizard's First Rule was something I bought because the opportunity presented itself to me. I'm willing to look over the bad reviews and reputation the author has with book readers, in order to discover the quality of the story for my own. If it turns out that I hate reading the book, then I can just put it down and never look back on it. But if I discover that it's actually a good story and I'd want to read the whole series because of it, then hell, that's a plus.

On top of all of these recent news, my right wrist hurts. It's the irregular kind of hurt feeling that I shouldn't be feeling. It started 2 weeks ago when I angrily carried a jug of water because nobody else in the house took the initiative. It didn't hurt that much a few weeks ago, but now that it's been 2 weeks of non-stop work, I haven't found the time to rest my right wrist. In fact, my wrist is starting to hurt again right now.

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