Ramblings Towards Stranger Things (specifically Season 3) | The Modern Hidalgo

Billie Eilish, Stranger Things, and all that stuff.
Written: Monday. July 8, 2019.

You know what? I’m gonna spice things up a bit for this entry. Instead of starting it out with the Word of the Day, I’m gonna save that for later. Cause right now. I’m listening to some Billie Eilish songs, and I have to say : I’m hooked on it, man. I was hesitant to look her up, cause I thought that she would just be another one of those annoying little child stars who grew up rich out of their parents’ wealth and has a bad attitude and would never be able to fix their personalities (let alone even know their true selves) because they've been brainwashed by media.

But no, Billie Eilish is a totally different story.

She’s a jewel in this world of plastic. A soul that needs to be protected.
You know those “A year later Interviews” she has lurking around Youtube? Yeah, those are diamond quality videos. The interviewers got to bring out who she was as a person. And they really did a good job on showing that she’s a very grounded person and very down-to-earth. We get to see the effects of fame taking a toll on her, with that one year later interview. It’s really sad. I didn't expect it to go that route, but wow. She’s a jewel in this world of plastic. A soul that needs to be protected. But she can stand on her own. That’s something that I saw in her, that got me hooked on her whole existence. She knows what she’s doing. She has her own moral compass. Though, sometimes, I guess the managers who are handling her are giving her all these projects, that it’s challenging her, psychologically.

All of that, and she’s only 17 years old right now. Yeah…that’s right.

There’s so much wisdom present with her. That’s amazing. And so much talent, of course.

So enough of that. Let’s talk Stranger Things.

*Warning: Spoilers Ahead*
I just finished binge-watching season 3 last night. It disrupted my daily routine, but that’s fine. I really don’t like that the whole season was just 8 episodes long. They could have done 10 episodes this time around, and I could justify why that is so.

They didn't tackle a lot in this season. I think by the end of the season, there were character story-lines that were not serviced in the right way.

I expected a good Will story-line in this season, but instead, we had to deal with a very annoying love quarrel from Joyce Byers and Jim Hopper. Don’t get me wrong: Jim’s sacrifice at the end, and his letter to Eleven got me tearing up. But it’s just that the Jopper relationship, or the lack of it, was getting a bit tiresome on some episodes.

It felt forced, sometimes. I feel like the writers wanted to see how characters from other groups would deal with each other if they suddenly head into this one path, that would ultimately get them all into the main campaign of the story.

So these are the pairings for this season:
  • Mike and Lucas — last season it was Lucas and Dustin fighting over Maxine. Now it’s Mike and Lucas trying to win their girlfriends back.
  • Eleven and Maxine — Eleven didn't like Maxine last season…why the hell did she go to her for help, other than her being the only other girl in the D&D group? Eleven disapproved of Max, the same way Mike was disapproving of Max joining the group back in Season 2. Max could have potentially been a good third party for Mike and El’s relationship. Maybe in a way that Max would start developing these feelings for Mike, as an effect of bickering with each other for illogical reasons, but she would keep it a secret or deny those feelings cause she’s with Lucas. But then Lucas would notice that something’s not quite right. And he’d have to fight Mike for the heart of Maxine, because Lucas likes her so much, and because Mike already has Eleven.
  • Steve and Robin — They shouldn't have even done the whole “whoops, I’m lesbian.” plot twist by the end. It doesn't make sense. I get that most TV series we watch right now try to “diversify” on their gender representations or race representations. But man, if it doesn't serve any purpose to the development of the story, then don’t fucking do it! Go the logical route, and make Steve get the right girl for once! I mean, they did hint around that Robin might be able to go Bi on season 4. But come on, the twist really made no sense.
  • Dustin and Lucas’ annoying sister — somebody should fire whoever cast that annoying little kid. And also, I expected Dustin to just do his Tiger mating growl while he was talking with his girlfriend, not some out-of-nowhere musical that made me look for any other song on Youtube just for the song to get out of my head.
  • Joyce and Hopper — as I said earlier, their lover’s quarrel felt forced.
  • Nancy and Jonathan — This pairing is actually the only consistent one. Yet, they didn't make it interesting, because nothing actually new happened. Nancy worked on a case, Jonathan drove her around town, they argued a little, but ended up okay in the end. Like, man…okay? I guess?
  • The Russian Translator (forgot his name) and Smirnoff — I actually have no problem with these guys, they’re the breath of fresh air for this season.
  • Billy and Mike’s mom — they should have left the cougar thing back in season 2. Plus, Mike’s mom had nothing else to do by the second half of the season, notice that? Didn't think so. Guess the writers just up and forgot her.
Overall, I expected more from this season. But it’s kind of becoming a pattern.

1st season, they had to deal with one Demogorgon. 2nd season, they dealt with multiple Demogorgons, and the Mindflayer. 3rd season, they bring back the Mindflayer, but they turn it into the movie “The Thing” instead of just smoke. Cause, I dunno, weird flex but ok, I guess.

By the 4th season, based on that mid-credits scene, they’ll be dealing with Russian Demogorgons…and the “American” inside the cell is probably gonna be Hopper. I mean, who else is it gonna be? His body wasn't found obliterated beside the Portal Device that looks like a rip off of the Portal Device from the 1st Avengers movie.

Come on, Duffer Brothers, you can do better than that. I feel like you didn't even listen to Tony Stark. Funny, cause you also did the same sign off for Hopper on the last episode, with that voice-over farewell speech for Eleven. You shouldn't, even for a second, think that we won’t see that resemblance.

Duffer Brothers: We want to be just like these old movies from the 80's.
Fans (or at least just me): I want you to be better.

If you’re nothing without good plot, then you shouldn't have it.
The word of the day is: Entrapment.
  • the act of entrapping someone or something or the condition of being entrapped
Why I picked that word will be discussed on a different day.
