All for One, One for All | The Modern Hidalgo

Guess what I’m reading?
Written: Tuesday. July 9, 2019.

Ithink this is the second time since Entry_001 that I decided to write an entry on our main desktop computer.

I've usually been using my laptop, especially on entries 25, because it’s either I’m out of the house, or my brother’s using the desktop computer.

There’s also a reason why I dislike using the desktop. Apart from there being a lot of distractions, since it runs on a 16gb RAM, and has great INTERNET reception: the mouse and keyboard is always a mess to look at.

My brother sweats a lot around his hands (some weird condition he’s had since he was young), and every time I get to use the desktop computer, there are these remnants of dead skin (libag, in Tagalog) attached to every key, and around the mouse.

I literally had to clean it up with a sando laying around in the room, so that I don’t get grossed out on using the desktop.

Anyway, I started out the day pretty slowly today.

I haven’t fully gone back to my daily routine. I've been doing things in a very nonlinear way lately, where I exercise in the afternoon. Take a bath after lunch. Basically do everything in the afternoon. Cause my body clock has shifted to being more active at night, since I've been out of the house lately, and the routine from other households are quite different from my household. So, we get to do things more at night from that household, and in my household, night time means lights out. For me, at least.

I dunno. I guess I’ll try fixing my body clock by tomorrow.

And probably read a lot more than write stuff down. I think the amount of reading that I do is being trumped by the amount of writing that I do. And sometimes that’s a good thing…if you have a lot to write about.

But if I’m just forcing myself to write a thousand words a day, even if I have no good topic to talk about, or have not prepared to talk about a good topic (since I have a lot of good topics on my mind, but it’s disorganized, and I get disoriented on the hierarchy on which I should dedicate time to thinking on which topics to think about.), then my output would turn out to be just a shit-load of words on a screen.

I've been noticing it lately, and it’s been bugging me. And it’s not just with writing, it’s also happening with my videos.

I feel like I've been juicing myself of things to do on my videos, that I don’t have time to sit back and think about what I wanna do. Which ultimately puts me in a situation where I just DO things, and not a lot of amount of thinking about it is occurring.

I started reading The Three Musketeers, by the way.

it takes a bit of work to invest myself in the story.
So far, I haven’t adjusted myself to Dumas’ writing style. He has a lot of exposition and a wide vocabulary, which makes it hard for me to keep up with understanding what I’m reading, without looking up words in the dictionary every time I see a rare word being used.

Also, the era is very different. I’m reading something about a place and a time, and a type of people, a type of society, environment, country, culture, that’s been gone for hundreds of years. So it takes a bit of work to invest myself in the story. Cause I have to really imagine myself being in that year, in that time, in that place.

A part of me really wants to enjoy this book (The Three Musketeers, in case you forgot what I've been talking about).

I specifically bought this book because I heard from an interview of Brandon Sanderson and Christopher Paolini, that if they were to work on a book with some famous writer, who is dead right now, they would go for Alexandre Dumas. They said that his stories, and writing style was on point with the Fantasy genre.

Just add a few dragons and a magic system, and he’s good to go.” I think Brandon or Christopher said.

I mean, there are a lot more reasons why I would wanna read from Dumas. But that’s a rather different topic altogether. Which I’ll probably talk about in another entry.

I’m sort of at a loss of words right now. I've got lofi hip hop radio playing on the background. So why isn't that working for me? Am I getting tired of listening to this channel? I need something else to get me in the funk of writing.

If you guys have any suggestions as to what type of music gets you focused, let me know.

Okay, I’m switching to Billie Eilish for now. I hope it works.

My Word of the Day is Fastidious:
  • showing or demanding excessive delicacy or care
  • reflecting a meticulous, sensitive, or demanding attitude
  • having high and often capricious standards: difficult to please.
I think, in a lot of different ways, I’m a very fastidious person. If you wanna call a person “OCD”, even if they’re not diagnosed, don’t. Call them fastidious instead, because it’s more appropriate, and more accurate, cause OCD is a real mental condition, not an archetype you could easily use here and there.

I’m fastidious because I always set myself up to reach high standards. I’m difficult to please, when it comes to change, to ideals, even when it comes to food.

I guess it’s because of the way I was raised. I had to comply to a lot of orders, and a lot of compromises, that I grew up despising that, and now I want everything to be how I imagine it to be, or end up being.

I’m fastidious, and this is why.

Though that’s my word of the day, Merriam-Webster actually has its own WOTD.

And it’s Flair.
  • a skill or instinctive ability to appreciate or make good use of something : talent; also: inclination, tendency.
  • a uniquely attractive quality: style.
Wow, nice word of the day, Merriam-Webster.
