Gaming, Maybe? | The Modern Hidalgo

Or no. that works too…
Written: Tuesday. October 1, 2019.

Wow, oh Wow! Can’t believe I was able to get myself to a point where I could write another journal entry for The Modern Hidalgo the next day after having uploaded the last entry yesterday.

A success indeed. I fixed the previous posts before starting out this one. There were a lot of them that weren’t updated or edited yet, so seeing that made me want to just clear that out already, so that I don’t have to worry about it in the future. It’s kind of like if you keep on urinating on the toilet, but don’t flush. You’ll eventually see the yellow stains. And that’s just something you wanna clean up on instinct.

What am I gonna talk about today? Well, I was able to exercise again, after a very long absence from it. So my body’s still taking the hits. I felt myself getting tired and sleepy at just around 6 PM. I took a long nap. About an hour and a half. Maybe more, actually. I had set a 30 minute alarm, but we all know that doesn’t work 80% of the time. So why did I even bother doing it anyway? I dunno.

But yeah, that’s a start in it’s own right. I accomplished something for the day. And am continuing to accomplish something by writing this journal entry right now.

I have to re-watch that video Casey Neistat made with Jocko Willink to get into the vibe of productivity. Be back in a minute.

a few minutes of watching the Jocko Willink video later…

Alright, I’m back.

Man, I really love that video. I’ll link it here.

It’s kind of my all-time favorite video from Casey’s Channel. It gives you the Hows and the Whys to stay productive throughout your whole day. Casey gave his perspective of the matter, which were the Hows of getting up in bed early in the morning in order to do work. And Jocko explained the Whys of what it means to get up that early in the morning. It’s this mix of passion and purpose. A juxtaposition that provides you a sense of clear motivation for all the struggles you would face in your life, and how to manage defeating that struggle.

I haven’t watched it in a while, that video. And by re-watching it just now, I feel like my motivations are back to where they were. Or at least, it’s getting there. It’s been gone for a while. But I feel like it’s coming back to me.

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There’s this video that I watched a while ago. It was about how ants have had more wars all across the world compared to the human race.

I’ll link it right here.

It’s a video from Kursgesagt, a channel that provides these very well-done info-graphic videos that explain a lot about science and technology. Sometimes even Sci-Fi stuff. I could get a lot of sci-fi story ideas from this channel. You might get some too.

The video I watched a while ago reminded me of Ender’s Game actually. Cause the Buggers are kind of based on how Ant Colonies think and strategize. Other than that, it kind of also scared me, but made me interested in looking up the different ant species that can be found in the world. And sort of try to start observing these ants in order to see if which war was happening.

Is it the Argentine Ants fighting off the Fire Ants? Or are they just trying to win turfs from other species of insects? I dunno. The video kind of gives you a vague idea that Ants and their wars are much more complicated than our wars. They might even have better strategies than we do. It’s almost too scary to think about. A whole Ant War is happening all around us! Millions of Ant lives and generations are being killed as you’re reading this journal entry of mine. Whole different races of Ants are fighting off another race of Ants just to win some part of a country or jungle, or whatever.

It’s almost Cosmic Horror-Level, but in the miniature sense of the term.
As Above, So Below.
(had to look that up. cause I kept writing, “what is above, so would be below”. and it didn’t sound right, so i had to look it up.)

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Jesus Christ, what else can I talk about? I’ve already talked about a bunch of topics already on this entry alone. And I’m still not anywhere near the 1000 word-count mark.

Ah, yes. Maybe I can talk about this one idea that’s been surfacing in my mind recently.

I might be making a Youtube Channel strictly focused on Gaming. Retro Gaming, that is. Though I’m not gonna do that just yet. I need to find the proper time in order to make that happen. I’m still thinking of how it would stand out from the rest of the channels that already provide a gaming experience. Am I gonna go for video game essays? Or just post my own walk-through of the games I wanna play? Or provide guides, or trivia about gaming. Video Game History? I dunno.

The idea isn’t really fresh anymore. I’ve been thinking about making a separate Youtube Channel for gaming in general for a very long time now. I was almost near making that idea come to life when I made the Pokemon Mystery Dungeon Red Rescue Team walk-through on my Youtube Channel.

I can’t take those videos down, by the way, because that might end up damaging the channel. But then again, the channel is being damaged by the existence of those videos. I can’t wait to be able to remove them once I’m seeing that I could earn more revenue from my more personal videos, rather than that whole series.

But for now, I’m gonna let it make me some money. If it could actually do that.

Might as well make the Gaming Channel come to life right about now, huh?

God dammit, what am I saying? I’m gonna end up doing it anyway.

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