A Longing for Canon IXUS 185 | The Modern Hidalgo

Learning, Repetition, Ideas.
Written: Tuesday. December 3, 2019.

It’s December, the last month of the year, before we enter a new decade.

I felt like opening my laptop and writing a journal entry today. I feel like writing, I just don’t know what to write about, cause I haven’t been doing stuff anyway for the past days. Which is why I declined from writing anything for those days. Cause it would’ve just been me trying to write about whatever shit comes to my mind.

Like what I’m doing now. But I’m gonna let that slide. Only because I actually feel like I need to keep writing these journal entries, for the sake of writing. For the sake of practicing on writing freely. Because if I don’t, I see the effect it makes whenever Friday comes, which is when I write a chapter for “The Omnivault”, a week-by-week story that I’m currently writing.

If you’re interested on that, here you go.

I think I’ve said this before, in a previous journal entry, but I’m gonna say it again, just to emphasize the idea.

I think this journal is important — to me — not because of the quality of the journal entries(or lack thereof), but because we, as human beings, learn through repetition.

That doesn’t make sense when I wrote it down. But in my head, it’s like, “Whoa! Yeah! Totally!

Repetition is the basis to how we learn. The act of mimicry is seen in the earliest stages of infancy. From blinking your eyes because you saw your parents do it, to uttering sounds that you would hear around you like mama or dada, repeating something is everybody does, and has been doing, and will be doing, every day, every hour, every minute, of every second of their lives.

Which leads to my point. Sure, this journal is to take note of the things that happen in my life, or the ideas that I come up with, or whatever. But, also because I’m a writer, I need something that gives me a creative release. An immediacy of results. And this journal provides me that.

It provides me practice, progression, productivity, a memoir, a collection of ideas, a string of thought, all sorts of things. And once I’m done writing a thousand words on this thing, no matter how good or bad it is, I’ve still done something that’s worth…whatever it’s worth.

And I’m fine with that. It’s therapy. It’s meditation. It’s me reducing the things that occupy my brain, in order to maintain my sanity. Otherwise, I’d go insane.

* * *

What happened today? Nothing, really.

The two batteries that I ordered on Lazada for the Canon 500d that I have came. I tried it, and it worked. Not much to talk about there, really. Other than it works. Now I could use the damn camera, after like a few months of me not using it, because the battery that came with it(because this was passed on to me by an uncle of mine) wasn’t lasting long enough anymore.

I finally have two working DSLR Cameras…but both still don’t have flip monitors. God dammit.

The Photoline store in SM San Lazaro has a Canon IXUS 185 back in display. They got rid of it for a while, but recently it’s back inside the glass display where they put all the Canons and the Nikons and the Fujifilms on display.

I’ve been itching to buy one of those Digital Cameras for a while now. I could’ve saved up for one if I had reserved the money that I used for MIBF. But I’m an idiot, and decided on the latter. Bought books, instead of the IXUS 185.

And now that it’s back on display, every time I pass by that Photoline store, it’s like a mild torture that’s happening inside my head. But torture, nonetheless.

If this part of the journal entry doesn’t make sense: I’m just curious as to how good the Canon IXUS 185 would be when it comes to making the videos that I would normally do on my Youtube Channel.

Would it do well with Vlogs? I think it will, because of the weight of the damn thing. It’s so small and thin. I could definitely put it inside my pocket. And that’s the best advantage I could think of for the IXUS 185.

I’m not sure of the battery life, or how large video files take up on the 8GB SD card that comes with the IXUS 185 when you buy it. Or if the built-in microphone is good.

If all of those are in check, like if the batteries would last a day, which is honestly my only concern, then I really want to give the IXUS 185 a try. I wanna buy one. Regardless.

* * *

There’s this channel that I discovered, called Nomadic Ambience. It’s a channel that posts a bunch of videos that are 1-hour to 2-hours long, that’s just basically a person recording the sounds of the streets as they walk around.

And the videos gain a lot of views! Which got me thinking of wanting to do something like that. But like, maybe in a vlogging style.

The video would be of me walking, but instead of facing the camera towards where I’m headed and not talking the whole time, it would be of me talking to the camera, as if on an actual vlog video. And it would be a long-cut edit of about an hour or so. Until I get to my destination.

I’d probably try doing that once I’ve bought the Canon IXUS 185. Which is why I’m concerned with the battery life of that camera.

Cause we’re talking long takes here. The camera would probably not last long. Unless I just bring along another battery. Though I don’t know if there are available second-hand batteries, specifically for the IXUS 185, at Lazada.
