Rewatching The Good Old Arrowverse | The Modern Hidalgo

My Subconscious Distraction To Balance Out Exercise.
Written: Thursday. December 5, 2019.

Another day, another addition to “The Modern Hidalgo”, is what I would be saying if I was productive enough to keep up writing a journal entry every day. But sadly, I haven’t been doing that this week. I almost completed last week. But I think I missed the Thursday of that week. So it doesn’t count.

Today…nothing really cool happened. I didn’t read anything, cause I’ve forbidden myself from reading books other than Ordinary World. I need to be focusing up on that book. But, sike! I’m not actually doing that. Big surprise, right?

I didn’t even exercise today. My belly is growing exponentially, and I can’t control it anymore. I can’t lessen my food intake either, cause that’ll make me woozy. But I’m also uninspired to do some workout everyday. There used to be, before. But now, there’s nothing there that makes me motivated to workout my muscles in the morning. Or even walk a few miles so that I don’t feel my leg pains.

I’m returning back to my stupid self. My lazy boy days. Elmo, who’s days go by in a flash, without anything important or productive happening in his life.

* * *

I’ve been downloading the Arrowverse again. I’ve refrained from watching seasons 6–7 of Arrow, and everything else from the other shows(Flash, Supergirl, Legends, Batwoman?).

Why am I doing this? Future Elmo asks. I’m downloading it so that I have something to watch while I exercise. Ironic, since I was just talking about how I haven’t exercised in quite a while now.

I have to exercise tomorrow. I need to convince myself that I will do this by tomorrow.

So it has been written, so it shall be done.

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Me and my mom went out today, in order to visit our good, but very unreliable friend, Mr. PLDT. We’ve been wanting to find an alternative internet…source? for quite a while now.

Converge was the first choice. But that was a wrong choice, because it turns out that there have been a lot of complaints recently towards the company, and why their internet service is actually shit.

And then everything else in the market seemed to fall into the same category.

So there’s no other choice but to stick with our current Internet plan, PLDT. Son of a bitch.

* * *

And then, we went to Dapitan Arcade, which is a lie, cause it wasn’t any where near the term of “Arcade”.

It was a market, where people sell you stuff you don’t need, but would definitely buy, cause you’re part of the consumer chain-system-sheeple-society-thing, whatever.

I didn’t like going there, I was pretty bummed out about the whole thing from the minute I realized that it wasn’t an actual arcade.

So that’s that story.

* * *

Is this Journal Entry shitty so far? Yeah, I’ve noticed.

My days have been pretty shitty so far, as well. Can you believe? Woopteedoo!

I shouldn’t have even written anything today. ALTHOUGH! I did have an interesting dream today when I woke up in the morning. I wrote it down and everything, before it went away from the inner machinations of my mind.

I wasn’t able to recall everything that happened, though. I did the best that I could.

I’ll just put it here, I guess.

* * *

I can’t remember the start of the dream. But I do remember stuff right in the middle of it.

It was set in this town or village or city, that was near the ocean for some reason. Like a Suburban town or something like that, where a lot of families lived there. A lot of people that I know were also there.

Then there’s this warning of a flood that gonna happen, which was caused by this unknown entity living under the sea, to which the news suspects it to be extra terrestrials coming from the deepest abyss. Or it might’ve been just Cthulhu finally trying to take over the earth, specifically starting in the village that I was in.

So when heavy rain started to occur, families started to evacuate their houses, cause water from the ocean was starting to get to the streets.

Think of it like that scene from “Red Dawn”, the Chris Hemsworth version, where the Japanese started taking over from above.

But instead, there’s no Japanese, there’s just flood and rain, but the whole chaos of trying to find the right shelter in order to survive whatever was to come.

So the dream takes me, and a bunch of other people, into this sort of building that was way too fancy to be within the suburbs. The architecture was complicated. Everybody gathered in the first floor of the building. My Parents were there, other families were there, etc.

Me and a couple of other people who were in the same age as I was — early 20s — gathered together on a car and drove to the top of the building.

Again, the architecture of the building didn’t make sense. It seemed to have been built around a corner of a mountain. So there’s a road leading to the bottom of the building, but if you drive up that road, you could arrive at the top lobby of the building. It was sort of cool in the dream. But since we were dealing with the flood and the arrival of Cthulhu, we were panicking as well.

Or at least I was, because of the thought that my family was still at the bottom of the building, which is where the flood would reach them. So I think I was able to persuade the others to go back and get my family.

We drove down the road, but at this point, there was already a flood happening. So we had to move fast.

I can’t recall if we saved my family, though. Moving on.

There’s this random girl in the dream, too. Which I’m with throughout the whole dream. It seems she’s my love interest in this dream.

We sort of get separated in the middle of the dream. So I try to find her within the building. I do that, and the dream shifts to a few days later.

The flood has settled a few stories high. We were back at the top of the building. There were a lot of weird eel-looking creatures in the water. So it felt very much like a “disaster movie”.

The dream never really got to a point where we solve the flood problem.

But there was this last moment, where we find this part of the village that has a house with an incredibly large underground basement that’s shaped like a tombstone.

I think we were planning to enter it, cause it might’ve lead to a part of the abyss, where Cthulhu lived.

But the dream stopped there.

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