Books with Teeth | The Modern Hidalgo

that’s the title.
Written: Wednesday. April 22, 2020.

So the spin-the-wheel app landed on “Journal Entry” once again, and now we’re here. It’s been a few days since my last journal entry. Can’t remember when that was, and I’m not in the spirit of checking out when.

I’m recording myself trying to type shit out on my laptop, with my camera, which is placed just beside my laptop. It’s getting me fidgety, and I can’t concentrate, cause I’m conscious of this odd thing pointing towards my hands and the keyboard of my laptop, and it’s watching my every move. Why am I doing this, you may be thinking?

I’ve been looking through a lot of these IG account that are purely focused on showing what their work-spaces look like, and the pictures look amazing. The videos are amazing as well. They record themselves, much like what I’m doing right now while I’m typing this journal, and edit it to make it look like a time-lapse of their whole session of just being productive and shit like that.

I wanna do that too, that’s why I’m recording myself. I’m getting repetitive.

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Today is a Wednesday. Which means it’s Idea Day.

I have an Idea for another story. It’s not an original idea that came from me. It was something that was suggested by my mother while we were watching a scene from Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban. It was the scene where there was this book that had a mouth and teeth, and Harry had to catch it. My mom thought of the idea “what if a book were to eat you?” or something like that. And then my brother, who was also there in the table at that time, asked me “Magpapakain ka ba sa libro?Are you gonna let yourself be eaten by a book? And then I immediately answered that it would depend on what would happen to me if I were to be eaten by a book.

If I were to be eaten whole, and just die, then I wouldn’t let that happen. Obviously. But, if I was eaten by a book, and the book somehow got me inside of whatever story it had inside of its pages, then I would for sure let that happen. I’d take “getting out of this world as much as possible” any time of day.

And then my mother said, “You should write a story about that.” She obviously said it in Tagalog, cause we’re Filipinos. But I’m too lazy to write in Tagalog here. I thought it was a good idea. My mother then would ask, “How would that story end?” And I immediately went on to say that the ending would probably be me finding another book that swallows people up, and let myself be swallowed into another world. So the story continues, basically speaking. It’d just be an endless adventure, and that’s fun to think about.

It’s like if Inception, but for books, not dreams. Enter a world within a world, kind of scenario.

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So yesterday, my father decided to clean our room, which I didn’t become a part of, cause I didn’t think or at least felt that the place was dirty. And now, we’re back to like the first year setup of our room. The bunk bed is now directly placed beside the windows. I can now read quite easily during the day, and now find it hard to read at night, cause I can’t place my night lamp anywhere anymore. But I think that’s a good balance. I like reading during the day, but not in the afternoon. This is the Philippines, where you can’t do shit normally on an afternoon. But at night & day, where the temperature is fine and survivable, you get to do anything you set your mind to.

Also, I could lay my feet on my bed while I’m busy watching a movie or tv show on my computer. But I’m not doing that now, cause I’m focused on writing this goddamned journal entry.

I’m listening to Harry Potter music again for this one. Kind of fits well with the previous story about the idea of the book swallowing people up and sending them to a world made inside of paper.


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I re-downloaded the remaining Avatar The Last Airbender episodes I still didn’t bother downloading back then. I dunno, something about the slow pace of downloads at the time, which made me stop downloading the rest of the series. To make it clear, I’ve watched Avatar like a hundred times already. And I’m dying to re-watch it again, cause it’s been so long. I think it’s almost been two years or so. I dunno.

I’ve been busy with other stuff, and honestly wanted to forget some of what happens in Avatar, so that I could hopefully get to enjoy watching it again… and then watching Legend of Korra afterwards.

I’ve also been downloading the graphic novels for Avatar. The extra scoop stories that’s been around for quite a while now, but I still haven’t tried to read. Now I’m doing that, but I’m just downloading all of the comics for now. What I mean by that is that I’m downloading the pages one by one to my computer, and putting them all together inside of a word file, then making it into a pdf file so that it’s easy to read.

blah, blah, blah.

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I watched Mortal Kombat Legends : Scorpions Revenge the other day. And it was hella awesome. But I don’t really wanna get into too much of it, cause if I do, I’d be itching to want to play the game, which I can’t cause I can’t afford a Switch, and I don’t wanna play it on a mobile device, cause that’s weak.

I might try reading the comics, cause I know there’re some of it around the interwebs.

Other than that, I’m still reading The Great Hunt and Armada. Now I’m done, the journal entry is finished.

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