Inner Machinations: Entry_009.

Written. Sunday. August 2, 2020.

Saturday: Surprisingly, I only watched one episode of Brooklyn Nine Nine. I’m currently at the sixth season already. There’s only two more seasons left to binge. I wanna watch ‘Friends’ afterwards. My friend David called me a ‘Contrarian’, which I don’t exactly know the meaning to the word. He says it’s because I contradict what other people…I basically just contradict people and what they’re currently doing. He says this because I have this habit of not following the current exciting thing. I don’t watch shows when their currently being watched by everyone. I just don’t like doing that. I have my own schedule of when I want to consume stuff, and also my own separate list of stuff that I wanna be consuming.

Speaking of my friend David, I had a video chat with him last night with a couple of people. It lasted until 2 AM, I think. Not sure. I had started to watch Palm Springs, when they decided to add me to the video chat. So I stopped watching it to join in on the video chat. When the chat ended, I didn’t feel sleepy, so I opened up my laptop again, and resumed watching Palm Springs.

Palm Springs is fucking great. It’s a fresh take on the ‘Groundhog Day’ formula, taking multiple characters inside of the time-loop instead of just one perspective character. There were three characters who were stuck in the time-loop, but I think — spoiler warning — the old lady who tells Nyles and Sarah how wonderful their speeches were, is also stuck in the time-loop. Only, my theory about that is she wants to be stuck inside of the loop, cause she’s old and will probably die the next day or so. So why not stay inside of a single day for the rest of your old life? It’s kind of a new level of retirement, to be honest. I haven’t even talked about the actual story yet. This is why Palm Springs is great. It’s a simple story, but also multi-layered. It reminds me of how Ruby Sparks was able to give a fresh take to the ‘characters from your writings becoming real’ story-setting. These are both amazing movies that people shouldn’t sleep on.

I watched A View To A Kill as well, but there’s not much to talk about with that shit. I just had to watch a Bond movie out of the challenge I set myself out to do (which is to watch all the Bond movies).

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Written: Tuesday. August 4, 2020.

Monday: I wasn’t able to read at least 3 chapters. Just two. But I was able to make a new video for the channel. It’s kind of a new thing I’m trying to do for the channel. I don’t know if it’ll work, but we’ll see once it’s been published.

I have a few movie ideas just running in my head, so how do I get that out? By turning it into a video. I’ve had this idea of Jordan Peele writing or directing a new Planet of the Apes movie. I want this to actually happen ’cause of the parallels it would have towards the original Planet of the Apes movie. Rod Serling was taken as a screenwriter for that film, and he is the host of the original Twilight Zone series. Jordan Peele is the new host of the Twilight Zone (2019). So having him for a writer or director of a new Planet of the Apes movie is just the next logical step to make.

And also, having Christian Bale as the lead actor would parallel to Charlton Heston being picked in the original Apes movie. He was chosen cause he was the top actor of his time, and played the role of Moses, a biblical character. Bale also played Moses, and is one the top actors of this generation. Here’s my question: would you instead pick The Rock to act in an Apes movie? Turn it into a comedy franchise? Is that what you want, ’cause he’s technically the top leading actor of this generation, and Bale’s far below in reality? No. You’d of course choose a more veteran actor like Christian Bale for a Planet of the Apes movie. It’s simple as fuck.

These are the kind of ideas that I have in my brain. Just simple ideas that I wanna see happening in real life. ’Cause can you imagine if anything you put your brain to could actually be done in real life, if you put your mind to it? Can you imagine?

I mean, I don’t really care if no one agrees with me on this movie pitch idea I have. It’s just an idea. It’s half-baked. It’s just something that I wanna see happen. I just want to imagine it (but also low-key want to create a buzz by making a video out of it, to get people’s attention).

I don’t have any new ideas yet, so far. I need to meditate to get it out.

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Written: Wednesday. August 5, 2020.

This new style on the journal tends to delay itself by one day. I dunno why, it just seems apparent that it’s been happening that way, and I felt like addressing that. Which is why I might not do this kind of style in the next entry…or maybe just do a variation of this style with the previous one. I dunno yet.

Tuesday: My dad’s package arrived. It was a SJCAM SJ6 Legend Action-camera (sort of an off-brand GOPRO), and I was able to do the honors of un-boxing it, and whilst doing that, recording it in the process with my over-head mount. I wanted to parody Gio San Pedro’s style in un-boxing…in the most low-quality way possible.

I’m no expert at all on anything. Sort of a certified Jack-of-all-trades kind of guy. But I do try to wear my downsides like an armor. It’s a tactful way to be confident on what you’re doing. Just own it.

Gio San Pedro is a master of the un-boxing craft. His channel is way more polished than mine will ever be…or I’ll ever let it become. His videos are fast, and don’t really pause for seconds so as to give you the meat of the content he wants to provide with his un-boxing. Check him out.

The SJCAM is great. It’s okay for an Action Camera, and is definitely a steal, considering how cheap it costs. The regular GOPRO is like 23–25,000 Pesos. The SJCAM that we bought was just 5,500 Pesos or so. Maybe less. So yeah, definitely a steal.

What really interests me with that one was the available wifi-connect system that it has, which allows you to get a live-feed from the action camera into your phone. It’s surreal.

Other things: I’m really starting to feel the depression stage of this whole Covid thing. Everyday that I wake up, it’s like the same day all over again. But maybe that’s just me after watching Palm Springs. Nevertheless, I feel sad and dull and bored out of my mind. There’s only so many things you could do in the confines of your home, before you breakdown and just lose your mind.

Also, one thing to update on: I’ve finished watching Voltes V (not sure if I’ve said it before in the journal, but there you go), and am now watching Daimos. I’m also trying to watch J.A.K.Q. Dengekitai, the second Super Sentai series to ever be made in/by Japan. The first one, Himitsu Sentai Gorenger, is nowhere to be found. I’ve looked everywhere (in the span of maybe 10–15 minutes), and have not found anything. I just tried looking for it again, just now…still nothing. Just a few videos of a girl on YouTube giving her reviews on the series.

Why am I suddenly interested in Super Sentai? I dunno. I’m bored.

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Written: Thursday. August 6, 2020.

I think I’m finally settled on not doing this type of style anymore on the next journal entry. It’s hard to keep track of adding a mini-entry per day within a week, and also to keep track of what I’ve written (since I’m lazy to back-read on my own words).

It’s been an interesting few weeks, but I’m going back to the previous style…or figure out a new interesting way to jot down the goings-on in my day-to-day life. Maybe I should do one-off sentences to highlight moments in my day. Or like a five-sentence paragraph each day, just to briefly say the stuff that I need.

Or, third option: use the same style as the previous format, but as an everyday-thing.

What happens in the previous format is this:
“Current Books: blah blah blah.

*paragraphs pertaining to the prompt*

Movies watched: blah blah blah.

*paragraphs pertaining to the prompt*

Shows watched: blah blah blah.

*paragraphs pertaining to the prompt*

New things that happened: blah blah blah

*paragraphs pertaining to the prompt*”
You get the point. But, on the next entry, I’ll be doing this format…but everyday, in one single entry.

That’d be a long ass entry…unless if I just focus on one topic per day, but still have it on just one entry as a whole.


Anyway, I just finished Moymoy Lulumboy 1. It’s bad. It wasn’t that good. The world-building was okay, but the story was bland and cliche. It’s like a Pinoy Teleserye (a TV series in the Philippines, if you’ve ever seen one). The Power-creep and Magic-system was the most irritating thing to deal with in this story. Moymoy seems to be over-powered even if this is literally just the first book in the series. He can do magic at ease. He literally conjures up a weapon of his choice for no apparent reason as to how he could do it. Sure, he’s got the blood of the gods in his veins, but that doesn’t always mean he has to be 10/10 powerful as fuck already. There should’ve been a lot more mistakes and failures in this first installment. The author literally wrote a main character who could do a whole lot of tricks and skills, on the very first book, and succeeds in every first try.

Aswangs in this story can change into anything they put there mind to, even the students. They could change at will, at rapid speed, no trouble at all. But that also means there’s no real tension or feeling of danger in every fight, cause you just know that Moymoy will win in every fight, unless if he cowers down cause his twin brother doesn’t want to be bros with him or whatever.

Take Naruto, for example. It took YEARS before he became Hokage. The writers literally wanted the story to progress at a normal speed as much as possible, so that the Power-creep feels natural! Moymoy Lulumboy can fucking do everything in the very first book! Fuck this story, I’m boycotting it. I won’t be reading the rest, cause the writer clearly doesn’t know how to make this interesting and natural.

The power-creep isn’t the only thing I hate about it. It’s the fucking curses and dialogue, and choice of narration that this fucking writer chooses to make. Who is this story supposed to be for, if you have t***a, p*****a, g**o, u**l in the dialogue? (that’s literally how it’s written in the book).

You think kids won’t know what that shit means? You think they don’t hear their parents or other adults say those words? What example is this writer trying to give for his readers? As much as possible, you should refrain from using these kinds of words, if you’re potential readers are kids, or even young adults! But no, Matias Jr. doesn’t get that part, unfortunately. And his narrations are gore-material as fuck for a kids book. What the fuck did the publishers think when they were looking at this book to publish?

I could go on, but man, it’s a waste of fucking time.

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