Inner Machinations: Entry_010.

Written: Friday. August 7, 2020.

The new keyboard has arrived. I ordered it like last week or so. And it finally came. It’s the same brand as our desktop computer’s keyboard, but with added controls on the F keys. Like volume switches and next/last buttons, pause/play button, stop button, home button, you get the gist. It’s an A4TECH brand keyboard, just to make that clear. It costed about 330 Pesos, from Lazada. Everything is bought online these days. Sad.

not an accurate depiction. the f buttons don’t have extra legends.

It’ll take time for me to get used to this style of typing, but it has to be done. Cause my laptop’s keyboard has probably reached its limit on usage. It somehow crashes the whole system whenever I rest the ball of my hand on it (since that’s what happens whenever I need to do Photoshop or Premiere).

This will also be a tough challenge, eye-sight wise. Not that I have a problem with vision. It’s just that I’m further away from the monitor, and everything is slightly smaller now.

Side note: I started playing Mario & Luigi — Partners in Time last night. I’ve got all these NDS games on my phone that I don’t really play at all. It’s just there, so I decided I’d try playing one yesterday night. That’s it so far.

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Written: Sunday. August 9, 2020.

I gotta stop it with all these unnecessary movie downloads. I just watched Andrei Rublev, which as an Andrei Tarkovsky film from the 60's…and I have no idea why I downloaded it. I don’t know Andrei Tarkovsky, I don’t know anything about Rublev either (nor even care, after watching this film). I might’ve downloaded it out of the blue for some reason. I sort of download stuff on YIFY just cause the movie cover looks cool or something. I have like 20+ more movies like this that are still waiting on me to watch them. I don’t know where I’ll find the time, or even find the strength to watch them all.

I’ve said it before: I’m not that much for movies anymore. Time is too fast, and sitting down to watch an entire 2 hour or 3 hour or 1 & a half hour movie feels like a lot of work (but it depends on the quality). But the quality also varies. They’re not all that great. I might watch a super bad-ass movie one day, and then the next one would be a totally bad movie. I never know what I get.

Fuck Andrei Tarkovsky for wasting my time. Anyway, I watched Dumbo (the live action movie) yesterday (Saturday), and that’s honestly better to watch than this black and white film. Although I do also have a lot of gripes with Dumbo.

The kids are way too serious and smart. Well, at least just the girl. Her younger brother doesn’t really do anything in the movie (he wasn’t needed at all, is what I’m saying). The girl could’ve had a good use to the story, but she was so stoic and had just one facial expression throughout the whole movie. Is she even in the original animated film? Or did they just add humans to this animal story?

Anything else is sort of just okay. Dumbo isn’t really the main focus in this movie, that’s what’s troubling me with this film. He’s not so much the center of the story (or at least that’s how I felt after watching it). I could honestly remember more from the human characters rather than the elephants themselves. Who was supposed to be the star of this story — sorry, this show? Dumbo! Of course!… so why didn’t it feel that way?

They bring in these big-named actors like Michael Keaton and that one old guy who doesn’t even seem to belong in the film at all once he enters it (I’m lazy to look him up, but it’s not Danny DeVito’s character. He was actually good in this movie. No, I’m talking about the other old dude who seems to only know how to act a certain style in everything he’s in).

I just really wanna stress that the only main problem with this movie were the Humans. They took center-stage, is what I felt. Dumbo was robed of his spotlight.

I think the only main takeaway of the film…is the song in ending credits. I’m talking about “Baby Mine” which was covered by Arcade Fire (but honestly sounded like a David Bowie song). Weirdly enough, this song is the reason why I wanted to watch Dumbo. I don’t know how YouTube brought me to that song, but when I heard it, I literally heard the melody in my dreams. So when I woke up after, I downloaded Dumbo, and watched it.

I’m proud to say that listening to the “Baby Mine” song was better than the whole movie.

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Written: Monday. August 10, 2020.

A lot has happened in the span of today. I was able to re-record a play-through session of me playing Pokemon Leaf Green. I think it was only yesterday when I came up with the idea of re-opening the gaming video sessions on my channel. Again, this is a version of me that cares little about choices anymore. I’m more free in my decisions, and I make each decision, knowing that whatever effect it may do afterwards is none of my concern for the moment.

Anyway, the other things I was able to do today: I re-installed PowerDirector on my phone, so that I could edit a vlog on my phone. I’m gonna vlog again. I’ve been doing videos recently, but those aren’t really vlogs. They’re just videos in general. Now, I’m also gonna make vlogs, but just out of the sheer boredom that I’m feeling these past whatever months of Covid Lockdown. This pandemic is not gonna go away anytime soon, so I’ve allowed myself to do anything I set my mind to. I can go crazy with the channel in these trying times, and I won’t be judged.

I’m gonna do a play-through session after writing on this entry. I think two sessions per day is productive enough to be able to finish a whole game within 30 days or so; give or take.

I also decided to publish every single pending video on my channel to this one night, including next morning (just cause there’re too many videos pending on the channel).

What also happened is that my laptop gave up on me all of a sudden. It happened last night, and when I woke up, the screen was still weird looking. So I took the monitor of my mom’s computer upstairs, and that’s what I’m currently using right now for a replacement monitor.

My laptop surprisingly feels faster than ever. It’s weird, I dunno why this is happening. It feels like the same speed as our desktop computer. It also really does feel like I’ve put the desktop computer in our room.

This new keyboard has almost the same feel to the keyboard downstairs, and the monitor looks just like the monitor from downstairs (cause both monitors are at a 5:4 ratio, which is exactly fine to work with). The only difference is that I’m on my bed. Not comfortable, though. It’s sort of a devil’s bargain.

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Written: Tuesday. August 11, 2020.

Started the day in the wrong side of the bed, but now that I’ve taken a nap and a bath, I could turn this day around. I woke up a little too early today, maybe it was my eagerness to keep the productivity going after yesterday’s super fast and sudden productivity level rising from out of nowhere. I was able to record another play-through last night, before going to bed, and will probably do another session later.

My brother’s still in the bedroom, so I’ll be watching another Godzilla movie once he’s outta here. I also did two videos for the Combattler V Slave Monster Showcase Series that I’m also currently making in the middle of it all. It’s sort of the balancing force that would hopefully gain views for the channel while I’m doing other stuff that people might not necessarily be interested in.

This is going somewhere. I have to promise myself that. The hard work that I’m doing for the Combattler V Series is gonna go somewhere. I just have to push on with it. The results come later. Much later.

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Written: Wednesday. August 12, 2020.

The goal with all of them BORED AF VLOGS that I’m currently making for my channel, is to make a Brian David Gilbert’s Unraveled Parody out of it. Unraveled is a series of videos hosted by Brian David Gilbert, and he’s literally a god whenever he does that series. Each episode is just so amazing to watch, that I honestly want to live up to that level of quality; that level of insanity that Brian gets whenever he’s tasked to explain stuff about pop culture.

His most recent video is him reading every single Halo novel, and then explaining his analysis of the franchise a year later. Think of reading about 20 plus novels within a year, and have to write and shoot a video about it all. That’s fucking insane! And I want something similar to that.

Anyway, I’m getting some exercise done, apparently. I worked out yesterday, and then today. The balancing act is still sort of rusty, but I’ll get there. I find that the best time to watch something other than the scheduled movie per day, is in the morning. I do everything I can in the morning, and then take a nap in the middle, and then the afternoon up to midnight is spent for watching a movie, and then recording a one hour play-through session on my phone. It’s intense, believe me. I’m waiting on the moment I’ll break.

But it hasn’t happened, so far.

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Written: Thursday. August 13, 2020.

Wasn’t able to exercise today. I’m feelings the DOMS happening. Apparently they were even more delayed, to the point where I felt it a day later.

The day’s been okay so far. I downloaded Minecraft on my phone last night, cause I’m deciding on doing a play-through session later tonight. The BORED AF VLOGS are still going strong. I had a little trouble when trying to find a good copy of King Kong vs. Godzilla, the movie I’ll be watching after Son of Kong (which is what I’ll be watching later). I also downloaded Mothra, the next movie to watch after King Kong vs. Godzilla. I’m liking this series that I’m making, cause it’s also some sort of excuse for me to watch movies everyday, while still being able to say that it’s productive (since I’m earning revenue for the videos). And I’m learning a lot about these movies; the Monsterverse movie franchise. I still have a long way to go, though.

A few hours have passed, and I:
  • watched Son of Kong (a good little movie).
  • recorded a play-through of Minecraft (currently uploading).
  • was able to back-up the video files that I have piled inside of my laptop, into an external hard drive.

And it’s only 10:11 pm, so there’s time to waste.

I really enjoyed watching Son of Kong. It’s not on par with King Kong or Godzilla, but it definitely brings a different flavor to the series. It’s just a mini-movie. A Gaiden, a short side-quest type of story setting. I like that about this movie. It isn’t trying to be huge or big, it’s just trying to tell this small and cute story of the son of King Kong (who apparently still dies in the end, but dies as a hero of the story).

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