Inner Machinations: Entry_011.

Written: Wednesday. August 19, 2020.

I have literally forgotten about this journal in the past few days. It’s Wednesday, so tomorrow’s already the day I post whatever I come up with in this entry.

A lot has happened, obviously. This is the second phase of the yearly writing challenge. I finished it last Saturday (August 15). Maybe that’s why I sort of forgot this as well. My mind is starting to shelve previous projects. And this journal is somewhat old already. It’s the second season of the journal, but it’s been around for a while, now. So it has that feeling of oldness to it. I dunno.

I’m currently still on the Kaiju-verse marathon. Still watching every single Godzilla, King Kong, Mothra, Ghidorah movie I could find, and making a “bored af vlog” about it. It’s not really going anywhere. It’s just something I thought of doing to pass the time and to make this lock-down feel a little faster than slow. And so far, that’s what’s happening. I don’t feel down as much anymore (exempting today, cause today started off differently than usual). I think the amount of stuff I’ve been doing lately has allowed my brain to focus on that stuff, rather than dwell on itself and think of dark things to think about; existential things, whatnot.

I haven’t started watching a new movie for today, yet, cause I’m doing this journal entry, just to keep track of where my head’s at right now. I am feeling a little exhausted, a little tired, but I can’t stop now. I gotta keep this train going.

I don’t think I’ve allowed myself to celebrate after finishing The Omnivault. The first thing I did was to focus on being able to write a short story (micro — like 500 words per week), and I’ve actually done that already. Just yesterday night, I was able to write down a 500-word short. I struggled to find a theme, for like an hour or so, but I just typed down some words on the keyboard, and it sort of fell into place the next moment. I’m not sure if I did a good job on the first try. I guess that’s what happens in any first try, though.

Now, I have more time to work on the second short story. What was hard was trying to tell some semblance of a story within a 500 word-length. I had to revise and remove a few details, but I think it’s hitting two birds with one stone, which is just what I intended for this second challenge. The goal is to learn how to write something interesting within such a limited canvas — that was the goal. I’m so much used to world-building my stories, or stretching out scenes through narration, but with a short story, you gotta just show the important stuff. The key details of a thing. That’s what makes this interesting. I just hope I follow through, the whole year-round.

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Written: Thursday. August 20, 2020.

I’ve had what you would call a bad day. It’s not the worst day ever. It’s just a bad day. It’s the kind of day that tested my patience. And the fact that this is a Thursday (Productivity Day), I’m really disappointed with the outcome of today.

So to give context, I was posting a new video for my channel; a two minute-long video. And it took about 3–4 hours before it could get done processing. I had to redo and redo uploading the god damn thing, cause I didn’t know why it wasn’t processing the fuck up so that I could publish it. I had to re-export that video from Premiere, cause the original copy might’ve had something wrong with it. And only God knows what that could’ve been.

It frustrated me, cause while that was happening, I decided to sleep on it, cause I was sleepy and this task required a sort of down-time situation to occur. Especially whenever I have to export a new video on Premiere, the whole fucking laptop can’t be messed with while the video is exporting. So I slept through a few hours of the afternoon.

And when my body was ready to start the day again, the video was still at 0% of being processed! A fucking two-minute long video that probably won’t even get me any money whether I post it or not! That’s what’s fucking frustrating about that whole situation for me. This fucking piece of shit internet service or whatever juju was happening, wasted a lot of my fucking time! I could’ve done a million different things. I could’ve done productive shit within earlier hours in the day. But no. All of that was moved for later hours.

I mean, I was still able to do a few productive things. Like I’ve been able to read four chapters of a book today, and was able to watch a Kaiju movie for the BORED AF VLOGS. Today was just really asking for me to explode, but I’m not gonna let that happen.

Which is why I’m writing this journal entry. This will distract me from all the bullshit of today. And it’s probably just for today. Tomorrow’s a new day. A clean slate.

But still, today could’ve been more productive if the universe just let it be so. I also feel like this is an early sign of getting burnt out. It makes sense: I’ve been uploading non-stop for ten days. This shit is bound to drive me crazy, but I’m ready for it. Bring it on.

What else? Current books I’m reading: The Shadow Rising by Robert Jordan, & Detective Boys of MasangkayAnd Closed-Door Mystery by Bernalyn Hapin Sastrillo.

Shows I’m watching: Daimos, JAKQ Dengekitai, Ben 10 Ultimate Alien. (But I’ve only really watched Daimos consistently, cause the Movie-Marathon is taking up a lot of my time & thinking space).

I haven’t been coming up with new videos that are actually the normal videos that I post on the channel. I wrote this Movie Pitch idea, but I probably won’t touch upon it until I finish this Movie-Marathon.

Until then, I’m Bored AF…

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