Old Omens: Journal Entry #008

Written: Saturday. August 14, 2021.

I was able to do something productive today, and that was opening up a box filled with Reader's Digest magazines that my dad has collected throughout the years. I've yet to read them all, but I basically just wanted more stuff out of boxes. If there's one thing I've learned about myself today, it's that I despise seeing boxing filled with items, and is put and left on a shelf in order to collect dust. We have a whole lot more boxes filled with stuff from the past, and I just want it to be gone.

I don't know if I'm a very nostalgic person. I might be categorized as one if you take into account the fact that I have a lot of material possessions in the bedroom, such as books, cameras, gadgets, files, etc. I don't necessarily agree that that's considered being nostalgic. I'm definitely materialistic, in that sense. But never nostalgic...okay maybe sometimes.

But going back to the topic, I'll probably organize the magazines in chronological order, so that it'll be easier for me once I started browsing through them. The reason why I want to read them now is basically because I have nothing else to do, other than to spend my time wisely. I might learn a few things as I read through them. I for sure need to read more stuff about random things, even if those things have no impact in my day-to-day life.

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YouTube's Creator Studio wasn't working last night, and it was also still buggy earlier in the morning. I don't know what's happening. And it's weird too, cause my views literally went back to being only a few couple views every hour.

*switched from lofi music to Man of Steel music*

There's this YouTuber I discovered a while back named grainydays. He basically does Film Photography vlogs. He's like a hipster, in a way. But I know I'm probably stereotyping, cause I'm not sure at this point. The guy basically doesn't go for DSLR cameras whenever he shoots photos. He goes for Film. He buys a lot of film rolls, and talks about old fashion cameras and all that stuff. I initially have no interest for that topic, but much like when I first discovered Casey Neistat, grainydays has given me a new found interest in film photography. Although, it's very unlikely that I'll ever invest in it. I'm definitely invested in his videos, but not to the point that I want to buy and try film photography. Maybe a little, but just a very minute level of interest.

But yeah, grainydays just has a quality in his deadpan style dialogues whenever he does a vlog. He could keep a straight face while busting out jokes in each sentence. It isn't always funny, but when the joke lands, you'll never even expect it sometimes. You'll just hear it and laugh immediately.

I didn't shoot another gaming video for today. I would've, if I didn't accidentally sleep for an hour or so awhile ago. I was just supposed to close my eyes for a bit in order to rest them, but apparently I went into a short slumber. It's gonna be difficult to sleep later at night once again. I haven't been having the best sleep schedule lately. I always get to stay up at around 2-4 am. It's fucking annoying.

I haven't done a new video for the main channel in a while. I haven't sat down to do one since the start of this journal series, actually. Maybe even earlier than that. It's one of those phases, I guess. I'm just fucking tired of putting so much effort into my videos, and not even getting a single dollar out of it as fast as a day or two. It gets money, sure. But very fucking slowly. Like, way too fucking slow.

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I started up a torrent for Edge of Tomorrow, I hope once I'm done writing this journal entry out, that the torrent is also finished. I haven't watched it in a while, and I totally forgot that today was Movie day. I haven't watched a single movie on the day when I'm supposed to be watching only that. Fuck.

I wonder if Edge of Tomorrow 2 is ever gonna happen. Like, what are the odds for them to create a sequel to that movie? I feel like the Tomorrow War was already a good sequel to that movie, even if it literally isn't. It could work as a sequel, cause the alien race looks similar enough. It might be like a prequel, even. Cause they could totally set it out to be that the war against the aliens doesn't stop after what happened at the end of The Tomorrow War. The aliens from the future could've possibly gotten their DNA spliced with the time-travel device the humans made. But instead of physically travelling back, they end up having their minds travel back in time to their younger bodies. Boom! That's definitely possible. I could see it. Did I just start a conspiracy? A Film Theory? I dunno.

But hey! The torrent's finally done downloading. I'm definitely gonna be able to watch Edge of Tomorrow after writing this down.

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I've been using fuck a lot on this journal series. It's fine. No one can tell me otherwise. This is uncensored (sort of). Anything goes.

I honestly don't know what to write anymore. This is just me stretching this journal entry into a thousand words.

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My nose is running right now. It's the dust in the air of this room cause by the disturbance I made from cleaning/organizing the Reader's Digest Magazines awhile ago. It sucks, but I can't do anything about it. I'll just have to hope that when I wake up tomorrow, the runny nose is gone.

Thirty words left to write, and still, I have nothing else to say anymore. This is the struggle of having to write a thousand-word journal entry every single day, while being in quarantine.


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