Old Omens: Journal Entry #009

Written: Monday. August 16, 2021.

Fuck it. Sundays are now days when I just completely forget about the journal. I could've written an entry yesterday, but it was close to midnight when I realized that I hadn't done one yet, so I've decided to allot Sundays as the Chill Day once again.

That doesn't necessarily mean that yesterday didn't have something worth writing about. I started feeling stomach cramps yesterday, and took a shit about 3-5 times, I dunno. And each time, some shit came out. Not a lot, but at least there were some. So that was the highlight of the day for me. Other than that, or before all of the shitting sessions happened, I had slept throughout the whole afternoon. Well, starting from 12:30 to 4 pm.

Today was basically the same, but more. I had to take a shit more today, which was frustrating. Like, what caused my insides to get this way? What did I eat? What did I drink? What did I do? I've been eating the right amount of food. There's no reason for this to be happening, other than maybe I'm being played with again by the universe. If I am being played, the universe has stooped to a very low level at this point.

Not much else to say about anything else, really. I mostly spent today and yesterday just taking a shit. Not much else.

Although, I have been watching The Clone Wars since yesterday. I installed—reinstalled—a modded Netflix app that bypassed the premium wall. That's why I've been able to watch Clone Wars. It works half of the time, which is annoying. I don't get why, but I guess maybe it's just a timing thing? Maybe since a lot of people would be using the same modded app, the "premium" account that is being used by the mod is overloading with several simultaneous usages...Maybe. At least that's what I think is happening.

I watched a video of one of Brandon Sanderson's lectures posted on YouTube awhile ago. It talks about Discovery Writers and Outliners, and how maybe you should try both styles to find out which one works best for you. I've watched this same lecture, but somehow it's a different video. So maybe I just stumbled upon the same first lecture from Brandon Sanderson, but from different classes.

I haven't written anything in a while. I've probably said that already in a previous entry, but I'm still gonna keep on saying it until things have changed. I just don't feel like writing recently. I'm writing now, but this is technically a different sort of writing. This is journal writing. I mean fiction writing. I haven't written anything fictional for a long while. This is more of writing for the sake of doing the routine. Writing for writing's sake.

Sanderson mentioned in the lecture I watched awhile ago that if you wanna write as a profession, you have to be able to write a 35,000 word story in a matter of a month, which is totally possible, considering I could write a thousand word bullshit journal entry in a day, six days a week. That's 26,000 or so—words per month. If I wrote 1,500 words a day, I probably could get to 35,000. It's possible. Difficult, but possible.

I certainly wouldn't do it right now. Maybe some other time. Maybe next month? Who knows. If I do decide to spend the next month just writing a full 35K story, I'll probably need to take a pause on the journal. Can you imagine having to write a full novel while maintaining a thousand word-count per day journal, in a month? No. That's too crazy for me...for now. I'll probably end up doing that at some point in the future if I get crazy enough. Who knows.

But yeah, haven't had a good idea for a story in a long while (when I mean long, I probably mean like since the start of the fourth quarter of last year).

I still have this image in my head where I'm sitting at a coffee shop typing away on a laptop (preferably a Macbook). That's always been a fantasy of mine. To me, that sort of thing will determine that I am indeed a certified writer by profession, even though it isn't, and it only ever makes you look the part, and not actually be that. But, you know, it's my dream scenario. It probably won't be happening any time soon, since it's the pandemic, and the coffee shops are closed or restricted...and I don't have a Macbook, or even just a laptop that can live for a couple of hours without having the charger cord attached to it all the time.

If I played my cards right a few months ago, I could've been writing the hell out of a new manuscript with my newly bought laptop. But no, I wasn't able to stop myself, and bought a cheap Tablet and a Nintendo Switch Lite.

*I'm listening to the soundtrack to The Social Network by the way*

* * *

I watched Beckett awhile ago. I've been waiting on that movie for a while, and it finally popped up on Yify. It's a good movie. Not a great movie, but certainly not a bad movie. It's not your typical blockbuster. It's actually got more quality to it, cause it doesn't follow the usual tropes of story-telling. I loved that Alicia Vikander's character was killed very early on in the movie. I dislike the actress. I just don't like her. Maybe because she just looks very...dry. Like, physically dehydrated, know what I mean? She also doesn't have a very unique appearance. She's just sort of nondescript, which is why I dislike seeing her in any movie she's been in. Maybe not Ex Machina, but I'll have to watch that movie again. It's been a while.

John-David Washington was obviously great in this movie. He really needs to be in more movies. He's sort of the polar-opposite to how Denzel Washington acts. Or at least, the roles that they portray in the movies they're in. Denzel commands the scene, whilst John-David sort of questions what the scene is about. He sort of always doesn't know what is happening in every scene (in a good way), and tries to get passed the situation; try to move his way through it like a passing wave. And I think that's very interesting.
